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GPS technology

Tracking tools

There are many tools around for tracking a person’s location. If you think you are being followed or tracked, trust your instincts. Look for patterns in stalking behaviour.

If the stalker finds you in places you have taken your car, there could be a tracking device placed in your car. Check your car for any objects that might have a GPS tracking unit attached or installed, such as a mobile phone, computer, dog collar or a watch with a GPS capability.

If the stalker finds you in places you have taken your mobile phone, then you need to adjust your mobile phone’s GPS or location settings. Turn off location applications on your phone. If you need help adjusting the settings on your mobile, get in contact with your service provider and ask a sales person to turn off all your location applications and GPS capability features.

If the stalker uses other devices to find you, then you need to look elsewhere to find the GPS chip. GPS chips can be hidden in just about anything. They are then tracked using computer software or mobile phone applications. Check any gifts given to you or your child from your stalker. If any doubt, dispose of the gift.


A stalker may also find you via ‘Geotagging’, which uses media files such as video, photo or social networking updates are marked with a location.

Certain file formats such as JPEG allow for geographical data to be embedded within an image and then read by the picture viewers. This means the exact location of where a picture was taken is saved with the photograph.

For example, any pictures posted to Flickr can be mapped with this technology. Be sure to turn off the features on your mobile phone and digital cameras that ‘geotag’ your media files, such as pictures and social networking posts, with a date and location.