Government Directions
Community policing in the ACT is delivered by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in accordance with three principal direction setting mechanisms that drive our planning frameworks. Under the Policing Arrangement, funds to deliver policing services to the ACT are provided by the ACT Government to the AFP.
Policing Arrangement
The Policing Arrangement is a contractual arrangement between the Commonwealth and the ACT Government, and sets the enabling framework by which the AFP (ACT Policing) provides policing services to the ACT. It includes:
- appropriate policing
- service quality
- workforce
- value for money
- capacity to deliver.
Ministerial Direction
The Policing Arrangement allows the Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services to provide general directions to ACT Policing (in writing) through a Ministerial Direction. The Ministerial Direction gives guidance on specific areas of focus relating to policy, priorities and goals for the provision of police services, without issuing directions on operational matters.
Chief Police Officer's Statement of Intent
From 2022, ACT Policing will publish an annual Chief Police Officer’s Statement of Intent, which sets out strategies and plans ACT Policing will implement to address the ACT Government’s key priorities and the Ministerial Direction. Achievements against the Statement of Intent will be recorded in subsequent Annual Reports.
Purchase Agreement
The Policing Arrangement is supported by an annually negotiated Purchase Agreement between the ACT Minister For Police, Fire and Emergency Services, the AFP Commissioner and the Chief Police Officer for the ACT.
The agreement details the outcomes, outputs, performance measures, targets and facilities to be provided and the powers and obligations of the Minister For Police, Fire and Emergency Services and the Chief Police Officer for the ACT, and associated administrative arrangements. The main outcomes are:
- Reduce crime - prevent and reduce crime and violence; enhance response to, and investigate offences; and provide effective and efficient support to the judicial process
- Public safety - respond to calls for assistance; plans and manages major community events and public demonstrations; responds to emergencies and disasters; and improves and promotes road safety through education, innovation and targeted enforcement
- Community and partner engagement - increase community confidence in police; supports early intervention and diversion; and works to enhance and strengthen resilience within communities.
Purchase Agreement 2022 - 2026 Performance Report
ACT Policing Purchase Agreement Performance Reports outline the performance of ACT Policing against the Purchase Agreement for the Provision of Policing Services 2022-26 and the Ministerial Direction issued by the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services (this position is now known as the Minister For Police, Fire and Emergency Services) in September 2022.
View Performance Reports

Purchase Agreement Peformance Report Dec 2022
Purchase Agreement Peformance Report Dec 2022

Purchase Agreement Peformance Report Dec 2023
Purchase Agreement Peformance Report Dec 2023