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Firearms Forms

Firearms Forms

Title Description
Young Person Paintball Consent (PDF, 200KB) Use this form to apply to participate in Paintball.
Adult Paintball Marker Licence Application (PDF, 250KB) Use this form to apply to possess and use paintball markers and paint pellets while at a registered Paintball Range.
Adult Firearm Licence Application Use this form to apply for an adult firearms licence.
Ammunition Collection Application (PDF, 165KB) Use this form to apply to collect ammunition.
Approved Club Endorsement to Purchase a Firearm (Handgun) (PDF, 150KB) Use this form to gain club approval to purchase a handgun.
B709 Application (PDF, 241KB) Use this form to apply for a B709 import certificate.
Category D Firearms Licence Application (PDF 290KB) Use this form to apply for a category D firearms licence.
Change of Address Application (PDF, 178KB) Use this form if you have recently had a change of address.
Collectors Firearm Licence Application (PDF, 252KB) Use this form to apply to collect firearms.
Composite Entity Firearm Licence Application (PDF, 254KB) Use this form to apply for a category A, B, C or H firearms licence
Disposal of Firearms (PDF, 150KB) Use this form to apply to dispose a firearm.
Firearm Dealer (Club Armourer's) Licence Application (PDF, 255KB) Club Armourer's are to use this form to apply to deal category A, B, C or H firearms.
Firearm Dealer Licence Application (PDF, 239KB) Use this form to apply to deal category A, B, C or H firearms.
Firearm Permit Application (PDF, 259KB) Use this from to apply for any firearm permit including Permit to Acquire.
Firearm Registration Application (PDF, 169KB) Use this form to apply to register a firearm.
Heirloom Firearms Registration Application (PDF, 233KB) Use this form to apply for an heirloom firearms licence.
Landowners/Occupiers permission for recreational hunting (PDF, 150KB) Applicants are required to have a Landowner/Occupier complete this form to apply for a recreational hunting licence.
Lost  Stolen Damaged Licence ApplicationUse this form when your firearms licence has been lost, damaged or stolen.
Minor's Firearm Licence Application (PDF, 266KB) Use this form to apply for a minor's firearm licence.
Prohibited Weapon/Article Permit Application (PDF, 232KB) Use this form to apply or a prohibited Weapon/Article permit.
Registered User of a Firearm (PDF, 175KB) Use this form to apply to become a registered user of a firearm.
Surrender of ACT Firearms Licence (PDF, 150KB) Use this form to apply to surrender an ACT firearms licence
Public Place Permit (PDF,  443KB)

Use this form to apply for a vermin control or animal welfare permit