Safe party behaviours
Hosting a party
Hosting a party at home or at a local venue can be a lot of fun. You and your guests want to have a great night and remember it for all the right reasons.
Here are some helpful tips when preparing to host a party:
- lock away valuable or fragile items
- food is important when serving alcohol, it helps to slow down the rate that alcohol is absorbed into the system. It’s a good idea to serve food at regular intervals during the night
- try to avoid advertising your party using the internet, SMS, email distribution lists, online notice boards, social networking sites or word of mouth. This will lessen the chances of gatecrashers turning up at the event
- make the start and finish times clear on your invitation
- ensure the invite states ‘Invite Only’ to avoid uninvited guests
- clearly state if your party is alcohol free, BYO or if alcohol will be supplied
- ensure there is a phone in case of emergency and that you have a well-stocked first aid kit
- be mindful of your obligations as the host, stay in control and sober so that you are able to deal with any problems or emergencies
- gatecrash-proof your party by having a responsible person stand at the door that can discourage gatecrashers from entering. It can also be a good idea to hire private security guards to stand at the door for larger parties
You can notify police of your party using the Party Registration Form so we can assist if things get out of control
Minors and parties
If you are hosting a party where there will be minors you should ensure that:
- they do not have any access to alcohol
- their parents know where they are and who they are with
- a safe way home is arranged
- the parents of anyone who turns up intoxicated are contacted immediately.