
SupportLink logo

SupportLink provides a referral and diversion gateway for police and other frontline services to participate in early intervention.
The role of SupportLink is to:

  • Establish and support formal referral partnerships with government and non-government agencies for police to refer to.
  • Provide a single referral and diversion gateway for operational police.
  • Monitor and support the referral process for clients, agencies and police officers.

The intention of SupportLink is to see a reduction in crime, suicide, violence, substance abuse, family breakdown, juvenile offending and to establish improved support for victims of crime.

A significant amount of police work involves dealing with unmet social issues. Police are increasingly looking to external agencies to meet these social needs. However, the path to accessing the support sector has traditionally been difficult to navigate for both police and clients.

The SupportLink framework enables police to refer via a single referral service imbedded within their systems and gives local, state and nationally based support agencies the ability to proactively respond to vulnerable clients, in a seamless and proactive manner.
SupportLink has successfully delivered this fully managed service in multiple states and territories including managing the referral activity for the Australian Federal Police (AFP) since 1997.

Since this time, the partnership has grown from strength to strength. ACT Policing use SupportLink to refer individuals and families seeking support and assistance for a wide range of issues to local service providers, as well as notifications and reports to local Government organisations, including (but not limited to):

  • Abandoned vehicles
  • Aged and disability support
  • Alcohol and drug misuse
  • Bereavement support
  • Business, home and motor vehicle security
  • Children and youth protection reports
  • Domestic and family violence support
  • Domestic animal reports
  • Drug and alcohol diversion education
  • Financial councelling
  • Gambling support
  • Homelessness
  • Individual, family and parenting support
  • Legal advice
  • LGBTI support services
  • Mediation and conflict resolution
  • Mental health support
  • Migrant services
  • Restorative justice
  • Suicide prevention 
  • Support following motor vehicle accidents
  • Support for victims of crime 
  • Youth services



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