AFP - ACT Policing Annual Report 2009-2010

AFP Letterhead

17 September 2010

Mr Simon Corbell MLA
Minister for Police and Emergency Services
ACT Legislative Assembly
London Circuit

Dear Minister

I am pleased to submit ACT Policing’s Annual Report for the financial year 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010.

This report has been prepared in accordance with the Policing Arrangement between the Commonwealth and Australian Capital Territory (ACT) governments for the delivery of policing services to the ACT by the Australian Federal Police.

The report has also been prepared in accordance with the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 and the Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997 where appropriate.

I hereby certify that the attached Annual Report is an honest and accurate account, that all material information on the operations of ACT Policing during the 2009-2010 period has been included and that the report, where possible, complies with the Chief Minister’s Annual Report Directions.

Fraud prevention has been managed in accordance with the Public Sector Management Standard 2, Part 2.4 along with Guidelines 1.9 and 2.8 of the Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines.

In line with section 13 of the Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act 2004, I understand that the report is to be laid before the Legislative Assembly within three months of the end of the financial year.

Yours sincerely

Signature - Roman Quaedvlieg
Roman Quaedvlieg

Commonwealth of Australia 2010

ISSN 1838-2622

ISBN 978–0–9805615–0–0

This work is copyright. Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission from the Australian Federal Police (AFP), ACT Policing.

Contact Officer for this report

General inquiries about this report should be directed to:

Coordinator Media and Marketing
ACT Policing
GPO Box 401
Canberra ACT 2601
Telephone: (02) 6256 7460
Facsimile: (02) 6256 7466
Email: [email protected]

General contact details

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Written requests for information can be sent to:

Coordinator Media and Marketing
ACT Policing
GPO Box 401
Canberra City ACT 2601

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For general information about the AFP, telephone National Headquarters on (02) 6223 3000.
The hearing impaired can contact the AFP through a telephone typewriter facility on (02) 6256 7700.
For general inquiries regarding the content of this annual report please contact (02) 6256 7460.
For Freedom of Information requests please contact (02) 61316131.

By Internet

Information about ACT Policing can be found at the ACT Policing website,, where an electronic version of this report can also be found.

Project Officer: Fiona Owens
A/Coordinator Media and Marketing, Marina Simoncini
Performance, Evaluation and Review: Marissa Veld
Artwork: ZOO Advertising


Letter of Transmittal
Chief Police Officer’s Foreword
Section A.1—The Organisation

Our Role
Our Mission and Values
Our Structure and Governance
Our Clients and Stakeholders

Section A.2—Overview

Strategic Assessment of Agency Performance
Planning Framework and Direction Setting Mechanisms
Organisational Environment
Identification and Response to Significant Organisational Change and, or, the Revision to Administrative Arrangements
Administration of Legislation or Other Regulatory Activities
Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures or Partnerships

Section A.3—Highlights

Noteworthy Operational Achievements
Major Challenges
Progress against Key Strategic Outputs and Service Delivery Priorities

Section A.4— Outlook

Future Priorities
Trends and Changes in the Operating Environment
Significant Risks and Ongoing Issues

Section A.5— Management Discussion and Analysis
Section A.6— Financial Report
Section A.7—Statement of Performance
Section A.8—Strategic Indicators
Section A.9—Analysis of Agency Performance

Crime and Safety Management
Traffic Law Enforcement and Road Safety
Prosecution and Judicial Support
Crime Prevention

Section A.10—Triple Bottom Line Report
Section B.1— Community Engagement

Major or Significant Community Consultations Undertaken During the Year
Tools Used to Engage with the Community

Section B.2—Internal and External Scrutiny

External Scrutiny
Internal Scrutiny

Section B.3—Legislative Assembly Committee Inquiries and Reports
Section B.4—Legislative Report
Section C.1—Risk Management and Internal Audit

Risk Management
Internal Audit

Section C.2—Fraud Prevention
Section C.3—Public Interest Disclosure

Confidant Network

Section C.4—Freedom of Information
Section C.5—Internal Accountability

Drug Testing
Corporate and Operational Plans and associated Performance Reporting, Monitoring and Review

Section C.6—HR Performance

Delivering for the Future
Strengthening Organisational Resilience
Sustaining Community Confidence
Working Collaboratively
Enhancing Skills and Capabilities

Section C.7—Staffing Profile
Section C.8—Learning and Development

Learning and Development Programs delivered to Enhance Staff Capabilities
Our Commitment to Whole of Government Learning and Development Initiatives

Section C.9—Workplace Health and Safety
Section C.10—Workplace Relations
Section C.11—Strategic Bushfire Management Plan
Section C.12—Strategic Asset Management

Assets Managed
Assets Maintenance and Upgrade

Section C.13—Capital Works

Completed Projects
Work Still in Progress

Section C.14—Government Contracting

Procurement Principles and Processes
External Sources of Labour and Services

Section C.15—Community Grants/Assistance/Sponsorship
Section C.16—Territory Records
Section C.17—Human Rights Act 2004

Education and Training
Internal Dissemination of Information
Liaison with the Human Rights Unit
Review (or Preparations) of Existing Legislation

Section C.18—Commissioner for the Environment
Section C.19—ACT Multicultural Strategy
Section C.20—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reporting
Section C.21—Ecologically Sustainable Development

Addressing Ecologically Sustainable Development
Energy Use and Greenhouse Emissions

Section C.22—ACT Women’s Plan 2010–2015
Section C.23—Model Litigant Guidelines
Appendix 1

An Arrangement between The Minister for Justice and Customs of the Commonwealth and the Australian Capital Territory for the Provision of Police Services to the Australian Capital Territory

Appendix 2

2009–2010 Purchase Agreement between the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the Commissioner, Australian Federal Police, and the Chief Police Officer for the ACT for the Provision of Policing Services to the Australian Capital Territory

Appendix 3

Ministerial Direction

Appendix 4

Statement of Performance

Financial Statements - PDF Document [554KB]

Appendix 5

Offences Reported or Becoming Known in the Australian Capital Territory 2009–2010

Appendix 6

Compliance Index

Appendix 7

Non-Compliance Index

Appendix 8

Glossary of Abbreviations

A.1—Top 10 Referral Issues‚ Reporting Period 1 July 2009 – 30 June 2010
A.2—Persons taken into Custody 2009-2010
A.3—Drug Offences by Type
A.4—Drug Seizures 2009–2010
A.5—Triple Bottom Line Report
C.1—Senior Management Committees
C.2—Complaint Management Categories
C.3—Complaints by Category during 2009–2010
C.4—FTE and Headcount
C.6—Average Length of Service by Gender
C.7—Age Profile by Gender
C.8—ACT Policing Staffing FTE as at 30 June 2010
C.9—Equity and Workplace Diversity
C.10—SRS Annual Training
C.11—School of Community Policing Courses
C.12—ACT Policing Courses attended by ACT Policing Members
C.13—Courses available for all AFP attended by ACT Policing Members
C.14—Number of Workplace Incident Reports—Mechanism of Injury by Financial Year
C.15—Lost-Time Injury Rates—Comparison of Annual Rates by Financial Year (As per Australian Standard 1885.1–1990)
C.16—Assets Managed during this Reporting Period
C.17—Consultancy Costs 2009–2010
C.18—Contractor Costs 2009-2010
C.19—Multicultural Strategy
C.20—Vehicles by Fuel Type
C.21—Energy Use and Associated CO2 Emissions

A.1—ACT Policing Patrol Zones
A.2—Random Breath Tests and Positive Results (1 July 2009—30 June 2010)
A.3—Offences against the Person by Type from 2005–2006 to 2009–2010
A.4—Offences against Property by Type—2005–2006 to 2009–2010
A.5—Offences against the Person Cleared—2005–2006 to 2009–2010
A.6—Offences against Property Cleared—2005–2006 to 2009–2010
A.7—Perception of Crime by Offence Type—2009–2010
A.8—Feelings of Safety by Location and Time of Day—2009–2010
A.9—Satisfaction with Police—2009–2010
A.10—Community Beliefs about Police—2009–2010
A.11—Fatal Collisions per 100, 000 of the Population—2003–2004 to 2008–2009
A.12—Motor Vehicle Collisions with Injury—2006–2007 to 2009–2010
A.13—Number of Breath Tests by Year—2005–2006 to 2009–2010
C.1—Organisational Structure Chart
C.2—Employees Length of Service 2009–2010
C.3—Employees Age Profiles 2009–2010

Chief Police Officer’s Foreword

In the short time I have been the Chief Police Officer for the ACT, I have been impressed by the professionalism and commitment shown by all members across ACT Policing. It is no surprise to me therefore, that we have achieved a great deal in the past reporting period.

As an organisation we have faced a number of challenges, received additional powers through new laws and amendments, and identified fresh ways of improving our service to the community through the adoption of best practice and supportive legislation.

Targeted operations are one of our most effective policing tools and there were a number of excellent examples during the reporting period, including Operation Alanova—to tackle alcohol-related anti-social behaviour, Operation Unite—a national, collective police program with identical goals, Operation Anzio—a dedicated team for the back-capture of DNA, and now ongoing, and Operation Patronous—a team formed to target and disrupt property crime within Canberra’s south.

There is no doubt that early intervention programs such as these, which identify the source issue and put resources against it, are effective. For instance, with respect to Operation Alanova, the incidence of assault fell compared with 2008–2009. New legislation allowed us to exercise move-on powers or take people into protective custody, with 102 Criminal Infringement Notices issued during the period. And through Operation Patronous, almost 50 people were arrested and many more charges preferred in relation to property and drug offences.

Offences against the person cleared, which relates to offences for which there was an outcome, achieved the highest result for more than ten years during this reporting period.

On the investigation front, a number of investigations were underway during the reporting period with many matters now before the court. Of significance is a child exploitation case which following a referral from the United States of America, resulted in the largest seizure in terms of materials seized from one person’s computer by the Australian Federal Police. ACT Policing seized approximately 8.5 terabytes of computer data, or approximately 250, 000 images, suspected of containing child pornography.

The introduction of the Unsolved Homicide Investigation Team in March 2010 is also a significant step forward for ACT Policing, being the first time we have employed dedicated detectives to address ‘cold cases’. The use of new technology that was previously unavailable, such as advances in DNA, can now be used to attempt to solve these previously unresolved homicides.

Resourcing our crime prevention area must also remain an integral part of the way we do business. Relationship-building with youth, with our key stakeholders, and with business helps to solve problems before they come to police attention, and also builds an intelligence base to aid our investigations. During the reporting period, Youth Liaison Officers, Business Liaison Officers, Senior Liaison Officers and Multicultural Liaison Officers were introduced to do exactly this, and the benefits are already evident.

It’s important, too, that police are not seen as ‘keeping secrets’ from the public. Our dedicated ACT Policing website, the first for the ACT community and ACT Policing, was launched in April of this year and opens our monthly crime statistics to public scrutiny. The new website is designed to help keep the Canberra community better informed of policing activities in the ACT and provides a forum to talk to our community about our issues.

I would like to publicly thank my predecessor, Deputy Commissioner Mike Phelan, for laying the foundations for us to move forward with energy and greater legislative empowerment. He was, and remains, a keen advocate of giving our members working ‘at the coalface’ tools to deal swiftly and appropriately with those who drink too much alcohol, provoke violence and cause crime on our streets.

As we head into another year, we will commence negotiation on the five year Policing Arrangement between the Commonwealth and ACT Government, an arrangement that provides policing services to Canberra through the Australian Federal Police. This arrangement has, over many years, greatly benefited all stakeholders and our statistics support that contention.

It also needs to be acknowledged, through our regular review of the relationship with the ACT Government, that policing methodology and practice has changed as Canberra’s community has grown and diversified. For the purposes of delivering a simpler and more easily understood presentation to the community, I would encourage a review of the indicators by which our policing targets are set. Public expectations have changed, so we must change with them.

We are a small jurisdiction and therefore we must move towards developing our workforce as a multi-skilled one, which can apply an all-hazards approach when required.

We face the same operational challenges as our State and Territory counterparts, and yet must be as adept as our larger counterparts in dealing with issues, ranging from complex murder cases to street-type offences, to property crime.

To achieve this ACT Policing must continue to develop its professionalism and service delivery philosophy. My aspiration is for broad public perception of a police service which is responsive, capable, and highly effective in delivering on community safety. This is achievable through various modes of visibility. In most instances a low-profile but effective approach to resolving an issue is the best way to deliver police services and maintain the privacy of individuals. In other cases however; such as large scale public disorder, an assertive and visible police response to a breach of the peace, is a more appropriate way to ensure the community’s confidence in police and preserve safety.

A safe community is also one which can boast a measure of road safety, a fact that was starkly illustrated to me in my first week of office when we experienced a tragic quadruple fatality on Canberra’s roads.

Road safety has focussed our attention in the past reporting year. For a hospitable community such as ours, where there are so many linked communities and relationships between workplaces, the cost to our community of trauma on our roads extends far beyond the measurement of hospital care, rehabilitation and dollar values.

We are innovating in our approach to dealing with errant road behaviour and unsafe driving practices. Our lengthy trial of the RAPID number plate recognition system produced data which could not be ignored and an overwhelming case in support of a dedicated team. Integrating our enforcement efforts with the road safety programs of the ACT Government is yet another positive step forward in getting these key messages seen, heard and absorbed.

Finally, as police we must remind ourselves that we exist to serve the community. Under the obligations of the social contract that we are committed to, citizens abrogate certain rights to the State in return for which they have an expectation of protection of life, liberty and property. That is the role of police and we therefore exist only by consent of the community, which is why the community is our primary client.

Roman Quaedvlieg
Chief Police Officer for the ACT

Image: Male Uniform Police Officer


Our Role

ACT Policing is the community policing arm of the Australian Federal Police (AFP). We are responsible for providing quality policing services to the people of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). We do this in partnership with the community.

More information on our role can be found at Section A.1—The Organisation.

Our Mission

Our mission is to keep the peace and preserve public safety within the ACT. We work to achieve this by providing quality police services in partnership with the community.

Our Intent

We strive to deliver a professional, innovative and effective policing service in an ever changing environment for all the people of Canberra.

Our Governance

The AFP is a statutory authority established by Federal Parliament under the Australian Federal Police Act 1979. It is part of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s portfolio, reporting to the Minister for Home Affairs.

ACT Policing is the community policing arm of the AFP. We deliver community policing services to the ACT under a Policing Arrangement between the Commonwealth and ACT Governments.

The Policing Arrangement provides for the establishment of an annual Purchase Agreement between the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the Chief Police Officer for the ACT and the Commissioner of the AFP. This Agreement specifies the type and level of services required by the ACT Government at an agreed price.

The Policing Arrangement also enables the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services to provide general directions on policy, priorities and goals, to the Chief Police Officer in what is called the Ministerial Direction.

Our Executive comprises a Chief Police Officer, Deputy Chief Police Officer—Response, Deputy Chief Police Officer—Crime and the Director Corporate Services.

More information on our governance can be found at Section A.1—The Organisation.

Our Strategic Approach

Our strategic approach is to continue to create a safer and more secure ACT through:

Our Values

We pride ourselves in being a values driven organisation. Our core values of integrity, commitment, excellence, accountability, fairness and trust represent our principles and standards—the values we uphold as part of our personal and professional duties.

More information on our values can be found at Section A.1—The Organisation.

Our People

Our people—men and women, officers and enabling staff—are our greatest asset. We are proud that our 956 members are committed to providing effective policing services to the ACT, often going above and beyond core duties to ensure the safety of the community.

More information about our people can be found at Section C.7—Staffing Profile.

Our Budget

Our operating expenditure budget for this reporting period was $132, 030, 000.

Under the Policing Arrangement between the Commonwealth and ACT Government, funds to deliver community policing services to the ACT are provided by the ACT Government to the AFP.

More information on our budget and expenditures can be found in Section A.6—Financial Report.

Our Highlights

Our major highlights for the reporting period were:

Image: Police in Boat

Our Challenges

Our major challenges faced during the reporting period were largely in relation to:

Our Performance

Our performance is measured by one major outcome and a series of outputs and performance measures as articulated in the Purchase Agreement.

The major outcome of the Purchase Agreement for police services requires that ‘ACT Policing work in partnership with the community to create a safer and more secure Australian Capital Territory through the provision of quality police services’.

This is achieved through delivery of four key outputs:

Each output is measured by a number of key performance indicators (KPIs). Of the 34 KPIs, our organisation achieved against 22 during the reporting period, with the remainder only marginally short of target.

Of significance, in regard to offences against the person cleared—which relates to offences for which there was an outcome, we exceeded the target of 67% by recording 73%, the highest proportion of offences cleared against the person for more than ten years. This target is an increase from 55% or more in 2008−2009.

More information about our performance can be found at Section A.9—Analysis of Agency Performance.

Our Story

Our story is about protecting the community—throughout the day, and night.

What happens on patrol, on the road and on the beat, can be many things; interesting, disturbing, unusual, stressful, traumatic, rewarding, physical and at times entertaining.

We, as members of ACT Policing, endeavour to keep you safe, at all times.

Our Annual Report is in many ways, our story. For that reason, the theme of this year’s report is to bring you along on our journey as you read this report, and provide you with an insight into policing and the challenges and rewards we face in our service to the ACT community, throughout the day and night.

Image: Two male uniform Police officers standing

Section A

Performance and Financial Management Reporting

Section A.1—The Organisation

Our Role

ACT Policing is the community policing arm of the AFP and is responsible for the delivery of police services to the ACT. These services are provided in accordance with An Arrangement between the Minister for Justice and Customs of the Commonwealth and the Australian Capital Territory for the Provision of Police Services to the Australian Capital Territory (the Policing Arrangement), which was signed 14 June 2006 for a period of five years (refer to Appendix 1).

The Policing Arrangement provides for the establishment of an annual Purchase Agreement between the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the Chief Police Officer for the ACT and the Commissioner of the AFP for the provision of policing services to the ACT (refer to Appendix 2). The Purchase Agreement specifies the type and level of services, required by the ACT Government from ACT Policing, on an annual basis and the agreed price of those services.

The Policing Arrangement also enables the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services to provide general directions on policy, priorities and goals, to the Chief Police Officer in the form of a Ministerial Direction
(refer to Appendix 3).

In July 2009, the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services signed a direction outlining the following special areas of focus:

We are directly accountable to the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services for the achievement and delivery of the outcome as defined in the Purchase Agreement ‘in partnership with the community, create a safer and more secure Australian Capital Territory through the provision of quality police services’. This is achieved through four key outputs:

Each output is assessed at a whole of service level against seven key performance indicators:

1. Level of crime
2. Perceptions of crime
3. Police responsiveness
4. Public confidence in police
5. Road safety
6. Supporting the judicial process
7. Crime prevention.

Under the terms of the Purchase Agreement, the Chief Police Officer is required to report on outcomes to the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services within one calendar month at the end of each quarter.

Our Mission and Values

Our mission is to keep the peace and preserve public safety within the ACT. We work to achieve this mission by providing quality police services in partnership with the community.

As part of the AFP, we pride ourselves in being a values driven organisation. Our core values of integrity, commitment, excellence, accountability, fairness and trust represent our principles and standards, the values we uphold as part of our personal and professional duties.


On an individual level, our integrity is displayed through soundness of moral principle, honesty and sincerity.

We demonstrate integrity through:


Our commitment is characterised by dedication, application, perseverance and a belief in our ability to achieve and add value.

Our members display their commitment when we:


We believe there is always room for improvement, and that the never-ending search for improvement leads to excellence. We aim for excellence in everything we do.

To promote excellence in our organisation we:


Our accountability is achieved through having ownership of our work and/or results, and being answerable for our outcomes.

In our organisation this means we:


We are committed to being fair, meaning that we are impartial and equitable.

In our organisation this means we:


We believe in trust, having faith and confidence, and being able to rely and depend on others.

In our organisation, this means we:

Our Structure and Governance

The AFP is a statutory authority established by Federal Parliament under the AFP Act 1979. It is part of the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s portfolio, reporting to the Minister for Home Affairs.

ACT Policing is the community policing arm of the AFP˛(in accordance with the Policing Arrangement—see˛Appendix 1).

Our Executive comprises a Chief Police Officer, Deputy Chief Police Officer—Response, Deputy Chief Police Officer—Crime and the Director Corporate Services.

The Chief Police Officer is responsible to the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services for the achievement of outcomes and KPIs as determined by the Purchase Agreement (see Appendix 2). The Chief Police Officer is also responsible for general management, workforce planning and management of resources used to provide quality police services to the ACT community.

As an Assistant Commissioner of the AFP, the Chief Police Officer also reports to the Commissioner of the AFP.

The Deputy Chief Police Officer—Response is responsible for the management of North and South District General Duties; Traffic Operations; Specialist Response and Security (SRS) teams; Counter Terrorism and Emergency Management and the Property, Drugs˛and Firearms Registry.

The Deputy Chief Police Officer—Crime is responsible for the management of specialised policing services including the Criminal Investigations, ACT Policing Operations, ACT Policing Intelligence, Prosecution and Judicial Support and Crime Prevention.

The Director Corporate Services is responsible for the portfolios that deliver enabling services to support frontline policing services to the ACT community. These include Policy, Performance and Planning; Finance and Logistics; Human Resources; and Media and Marketing.

An organisational structure chart can be found at Figure C.1.

Deputy Chief Police Officer-Crime David McLean, Chief Police Officer for the ACT Roman Quaedvlieg, Director Corporate Services

Deputy Chief Police Officer-Crime David McLean, Chief Police Officer for the ACT Roman Quaedvlieg, Director Corporate Services Judith Kendrick, Deputy Chief Police Officer-Response Bruce Hill

Figure A.1—ACT Policing Patrol Zones

Figure A.1—ACT Policing Patrol Zones

North and South District

The five police stations—Belconnen, City (Civic), Gungahlin, Woden and Tuggeranong—in North and South District work together to respond to general and urgent requests for police assistance across Canberra.

North District patrols service the geographical areas of Canberra north of Lake Burley Griffin including Civic, North Canberra, Belconnen and Gungahlin. South District patrols service the geographical area south of Lake Burley Griffin including Kingston, Manuka, Fyshwick, Woden, Weston and Tuggeranong. South District also operates a two member Rural Patrol team from the Tuggeranong Police Station which services the ACT’s rural population with the support of other ACT Policing teams as required.

A map of Canberra and patrol zones can be found at Figure A.1.

Both districts share responsibility for responding to incidents, undertaking patrols and detecting and investigating crime.

The five stations also provide a 24 hour a day, seven days a week general enquiry and face-to-face reporting service for the community.

Criminal Investigations

Criminal Investigations (CI) is the primary portfolio responsible for the investigation of serious and major crime in the ACT. This portfolio was previously named the Territory Investigation Group.

CI members are involved in the investigation of:

0700. Morning shift begins. Rescue operation.

Police are called out to attend an incident and find a man trapped in a Bobcat within a recycling cage.

As he lies in the cage, the distressed man tells police he arrived at the location and started flattening cardboard boxes in the cage. Because of the considerable rain at the time, the cardboard was soggy and the Bobcat rolled onto its side, trapping him.

Within hours, the attending officers are able to free the man from the machine. Besides being in shock and grateful for police attendance, the man does not suffer any permanent injuries.

Specialist Response and Security

Specialist Response and Security (SRS) is a multi-disciplined, specialist policing portfolio that provides the capability to prepare for, manage and respond to major incidents.

Services provided by SRS include:

The Traffic Operations team, which was previously a separate portfolio, is now part of SRS and is responsible for enforcing traffic laws and promoting safer driving on ACT roads. Traffic Operations work closely with the ACT Office of Road Safety to develop and implement strategies relating to education, deterrence and enforcement of traffic matters.

Services provided by Traffic Operations include:

Counter Terrorism and Emergency Management

The Counter Terrorism and Emergency Management team (CT& EM) is made up of three key areas:

Each area works towards increasing the preparedness and response capabilities of the ACT to events and major incidents including terrorism related occurrences, natural disasters, health pandemics and the coordination of recovery operations.

Members working within the counter terrorism area represent ACT Policing on the National Counter Terrorism Committee (NCTC) as well as other relevant forums and working groups. Chief Police Officer Roman Quaedvlieg is a member of the NCTC and chair of its chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear security sub-committee.

The emergency management members review and revise ACT emergency plans. These plans outline the inter-agency regional response to an emergency situation.

The visits and events team is responsible for the development of operational strategies and deployment of ACT Policing resources to events, demonstrations and visits to the ACT by foreign dignitaries.

ACT Policing Operations

ACT Policing Operations provides centralised command, control, communications and coordination services for our organisation.

Services provided by ACT Policing Operations include:

During the reporting period ACT Policing Operations handled 167, 000 calls for police assistance, dispatched 99, 000 incidents for police attendance and internally resolved 11, 800 incidents.

Judicial Operations

Judicial Operations, formerly Prosecution and Judicial Support, provide regulatory and legal support to ACT Policing, including:

Property, Drugs and Firearms Registry

The Property, Drugs and Firearms Registry is responsible for delivering:

The ACT Firearms Registry is also responsible for ensuring compliance with the ACT firearms legislation as well as the ACT prohibited weapons and articles legislation.

Crime Prevention

Crime Prevention, in partnership with the community and other agencies, explores and targets the causes of crime. This helps to educate the community about property security and personal safety, build social capital and promote community confidence.

The Crime Prevention team supports, conducts or coordinates a broad range of community engagement programs, including:

The Crime Prevention team is also involved in the research, project management and event management of initiatives which stimulate public focus on specific crime types or security issues.

ACT Policing Intelligence

ACT Policing Intelligence provides a tactical intelligence capability to support police activities and to inform our Executive on criminal behaviour within the ACT.

Services provided by ACT Policing Intelligence include:

Policy, Performance and Planning

Policy Performance and Planning (PP& P) provides advice to our Executive, ACT Government agencies and the minister on issues relating to law enforcement.

Services provided by PP& P include:

Media and Marketing

The Media and Marketing team support operational outcomes through building cooperative relationships between the media and police, distributing public information and promoting the great work of our organisation through campaigns and programs in the local community.

Services provided by Media and Marketing include:

Image: Man with video camera

Human Resources

Human Resources (HR) is responsible for the management and delivery of human resource, workforce planning, Occupational Health and Safety (OH& S) and welfare support to ACT Policing.

Services provided by HR include:

Finance and Logistics

Finance and Logistics facilitates our management of finances, assets, fleet, facilities management, uniform services, procurement and contract support.

Services provided by Finance and Logistics include:

0800. Discovery. Animal cruelty.

Officers are horrified after making a gruesome discovery early in the day at premises in the north of Canberra.

Police find a deceased Rottweiler (dog) on the kitchen bench which appeared to be subjected to serious injuries. Two other dogs sustaining injuries are found in the backyard.

On seeing the police at his house, the male, responsible for the abuse, flees the scene, only to be caught by General Duties members later in the morning.

As a result, the man is arrested and charged with aggravated cruelty to an animal and two further counts of cruelty to animals.

The two dogs that survived are removed from the owner by police.

Our Clients and Stakeholders

Our primary client is the community which we serve and protect.

In doing this, we work in partnership with the community to deliver quality policing services to the ACT.

Our primary stakeholder is the ACT Government. In line with the Policing Arrangement and annual Purchase Agreement (see Appendices 1 and 2), our role is to keep the peace and preserve public safety within the ACT.

We are responsible for reporting on our outcomes and KPIs to the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services.

Building partnerships with the community lies at the core of effective community policing. As part of this, working with community stakeholders is an essential part of our role in facilitating access and interaction with the community. We strive to maintain these relationships for our benefit and that of the community.

To fulfil our role to the best of our ability, we also work with a number of agencies; government, non-government and not-for-profit organisations.

Our clients and stakeholders include:

Section A.2—Overview

Strategic Assessment of Agency Performance

In line with the 2009–2010 Purchase Agreement, our performance is measured against four key outputs:

  1. Crime and Safety Management—providing a safer and more secure ACT so that members of the community can go about their daily lives without undue fear of crime.
  2. Traffic Law Enforcement and Road Safety—enforcing traffic laws and promoting safer behaviour on ACT roads with the objective of reducing the number of crash fatalities and injuries to members of the community.
  3. Prosecution and Judicial Support—maximising the number of successful prosecutions in court by providing support to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the courts.
  4. Crime Prevention—reducing and preventing crime through strategies that incorporate government and community cooperation to address risk factors associated with criminal behaviour and recidivism and raise awareness of the community’s role in their own safety and security.

Each output is assessed at a whole of service level against seven specific areas of focus:

  1. Level of crime
  2. Perceptions of crime
  3. Police responsiveness
  4. Public confidence in police
  5. Road safety
  6. Supporting the judicial process
  7. Crime prevention.

Against each of these specific areas of focus are 34 KPIs.

While we have met the bulk of our performance measures, and have achieved some notable accomplishments, there are some measures against which we have not fully met performance targets. ACT Policing uses performance results against KPIs as one of the means of ensuring our policing efforts are directed in the right areas. The KPIs for which our performance has not reached optimal levels indicate to us that we need to look at ways of increasing focus on those particular areas without adversely impacting on our performances in the areas in which we are achieving.

A summary of performance is as follows. More information can be found at Section A.9—Analysis of Agency Performance.

Level of Crime

ACT Policing exceeded the KPI targets for both the number of offences against the person and the number of offences against the person cleared.

Offences against the person include homicide and related offences, sexual offences and other threatening, negligent or dangerous acts towards a person. The KPI for 2009–2010 was 850 or less, and we achieved a result of 784.8. This was a substantial improvement over the 2008–2009 result of 870.

Offences against the person cleared relates to offences for which there was an outcome. The KPI target for 2009–2010 required a clear up rate of 67% or more offences for all offences against the person. In this reporting period, we exceeded the target with achieving 73%, the highest proportion of offences cleared against the person for more than ten years.

Perceptions of Crime

We achieved well against most measures aimed at determining the public’s perception that they may become victims of crime within the next 12 months. Six of these KPIs are measured by the National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing.

Areas where residents of Canberra felt more concerned than respondents nationally were in the categories of becoming a victim of housebreaking (national average was 51.1%, ACT 62.4%) and becoming a victim of motor theft in the next 12 months (national average was 40.7%, ACT 44.5%). ACT Policing has already undertaken focussed action on both of these categories, including providing home security information to victims of crime. The new ACT Policing website,, launched in this reporting period, also features considerable information for members of the community on crime prevention, community engagement along with crime statistics.

Police Responsiveness

We achieved against all KPIs measuring police responsiveness, substantially exceeding targets for the most critical categories, with the exception of a very small dip of 0.5% against response times for priority three incidents (within three hours).

The categories for the four level response model are:

Public Confidence in Police

ACT Policing exceeded targets of most KPIs measuring public confidence in our activities. In most areas, ACT respondents indicated a greater level of confidence in police than was recorded nationally, as measured by the National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing.

The only area where ACT Policing did not achieve the target was in number of established complaints against police. The target for this reporting period was 45 or below, and the end of year result was 87. ACT Policing takes very seriously any concerns by members of the public and rigorously examines any complaints in accordance with the AFP Professional Standards regime.

Road Safety

ACT Policing works closely with other agencies, including TAMS and Office of Road Safety to deliver safer roads in Canberra. Despite extensive combined efforts, there were 17 road crashes which resulted in 20 deaths during 2009–2010, a tragic loss of life. Importantly, the ACT was the only jurisdiction to remain fatality free during the Christmas-New Year period in 2009–2010. Despite this, ACT Policing did not achieve the set targets in relation to four of the six KPIs relating to road safety in 2009–2010.

Road safety will remain a very high priority for ACT Policing in 2010–2011.

Image: Officer talking to two members of teh public

Supporting the Judicial Process

ACT Policing achieved the required outcomes against three of the four measures supporting the judicial process, in particular, achieving an 85.9% “case proven in court” result. While we did not achieve the target of 75% or more of briefs delivered to the DPP within the designated time frame, we have substantially improved on last year’s performance.

ACT Policing achieved a year end result of 62.8% of briefs delivered to the DPP within the designated time frames. The implementation of, among other things, a weekly processing system, more stringent processes around forensic prioritisation and the role of Operations Support Sergeants (OSS), who adjudicate on briefs of evidence at police stations, saw a very positive increase to 72% of briefs delivered within the designated time frames. Although this falls just short of the 75% target, it does indicate that our efforts in this area are positively influencing outcomes.

Crime Prevention

There are four KPIs which measure matters relating to crime prevention. Within the KPI for perceptions of quality of life, there are also an additional four sub-groups. Of the nine KPIs, we achieved the required result against eight. Residents of Canberra remain concerned about graffiti/vandalism. ACT Policing is responding through our YLOs to engage with young people to become involved in early intervention at schools and youth centres.

More information can be found at Section A.9—Analysis of Agency Performance.

Planning Framework and Direction Setting Mechanisms

There are three principal direction setting mechanisms for ACT Policing.

The first is the Policing Arrangement (see Appendix 1) which provides the enabling framework for the provision by which the AFP provides policing services to the ACT. The objectives of the Policing Arrangement are:

The second is the annual Purchase Agreement (see Appendix 2) which is an arrangement between the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police and the Chief Police Officer for the ACT. The annual Purchase Agreement identifies those goods and services purchased by the ACT through budget appropriations. It also specifies the policing outcomes, outputs, performance measures, targets and facilities to be provided by the ACT and the powers and obligations of the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Chief Police Officer, and associated administrative arrangements.

The Purchase Agreement is the key mechanism by which we plan our activities. We align our workforce in accordance with the expected outputs under the Purchase Agreement by allocating resources to deliver an organisational structure and specialist capabilities to service each output.

The third direction setting document is the annual Ministerial Direction (see Appendix 3) by the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services. Under Clause 6 of the Policing Arrangement between the Commonwealth and ACT Governments, the Minister may issue general directions to us in writing as to policy, priorities and goals relating to the provision of police services without issuing directions on operational matters.

The Ministerial Direction provides guidance on the specific areas of emphasis for operational activity. For 2009–2010, the Ministerial Direction indicates special focus should be placed on:

Our governance arrangements enable effective operational and organisational planning. A range of internal committees provide support to the Chief Police Officer in the management of ACT Policing. These committees include the Executive Committee, the Executive Steering Committee, Workforce Management Committee and the Operations Committee. More information can be found at Section C.5—Internal Accountability.

A strategic workforce plan, which is approved by the Executive Committee, exists to ensure that sufficiently skilled staff is appropriately distributed across the agency in accordance with key priorities.

Organisational Environment

The ACT represents the smallest policing jurisdiction in Australia with the lowest number of police and police per capita in Australia. The population is mainly located in low to medium density suburbs, interspersed with considerable open spaces (some of which are subject to in-filling developments for new suburbs) and surrounded by significant tracts of bushland and grazing properties.

As the seat of Commonwealth Government, the ACT features a high number of Commonwealth assets and interests (including national icons) and a high number of visiting dignitaries. Similarly, on a per capita basis, Canberra hosts a significant number of foreign embassies and delegations. Those premises, their occupants (and frequent visitors) are entitled to special levels of protection and immunity under international conventions. The ACT is also located entirely within the state of New South Wales and this geographical proximity means that there are significant cross-border impacts on the services that we provide.

The ACT is also unique in terms of the way it accesses its policing services through the Policing Arrangement and the Purchase Agreement (see Appendices 1 and 2). We are required to deliver a policing capability across the suite of community policing responsibilities. These capabilities include:

As a key agency within the criminal justice system, we work closely with a wide range of other ACT agencies to protect the community. These key agencies include the DJaCS, the courts and the DPP.

We also collaborate with DJaCS on matters applying to legislative reform and on matters of common interest such as liquor licensing enforcement, victim liaison and emergency management (including critical infrastructure protection).

A key output under the Purchase Agreement is to maximise the number of successful prosecutions put before court. We liaise with the courts and the DPP to maximise the number of successful prosecutions.

We also consult with other significant agencies including:

We also share information and expertise with the wider AFP in the areas of forensic services, information technology, technical operations, professional standards, commercial support, policy and learning and development.

As a jurisdictional entity, we engage with other jurisdictions and Commonwealth agencies and are represented on national and international forums including:

0900. Fatal collision.

It is a horror morning on ACT roads when two reports of fatal collisions are called through at two separate incidents—both in the south of Canberra.

Police are called to the scene at the first fatal collision where a motorcyclist has missed a turn and ploughed into a vehicle. Sadly, the motorcyclist dies at the scene while police are in attendance.

Within 40 minutes, reports of another fatal collision are received by Operations. Additional police are called to attend the second scene and much to their shock arrive to find a man, already deceased, trapped in his car. He had driven head on into another vehicle. The driver of the second vehicle is conveyed to The Canberra Hospital with minor injuries. Passengers are treated for shock.

Police spend several hours at each scene taking statements, assisting those who witnessed the horrific collisions and directing traffic while ACT Policing’s Collision, Investigation and Reconstruction team begin investigating the two fatal collisions.

Identification and Response to Significant Organisational Change and, or, the Revision to Administrative Arrangements

There have been a number of organisational and administrative changes during the reporting period.

Creation of the Counter Terrorism and Emergency Management portfolio

In July 2009, CT& EM was formed to provide a new function for ACT Policing. The team is divided into three groups, ‘Training and Emergency Management’, ‘Visits and Planning’ and ‘Counter-Terrorism’. Each area works towards increasing the preparedness and response capabilities of the ACT to events and major incidents including but not limited to terrorism related occurrences, natural disasters, health pandemics and the coordination of recovery operations.

Judicial Operations—re-alignment of business unit

In September 2009 Prosecution and Judicial Support was functionally re-organised to realign structures with our operational activities and to provide better supervision and support to staff. The re-organisation also included renaming Prosecution and Judicial Support to Judicial Operations.

Automated Number Plate Recognition trial

During the reporting period ACT Policing trialled the Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) through RAPID (Recognition and Analysis of Plates Identified) technology as a crime prevention initiative to promote road safety and reduce property crime offences by disrupting criminal activity.

The trial resulted in the detection of more than 200 suspended or disqualified drivers. ACT Policing was also able to recover stolen motor vehicles, execute warrants, issue summonses and make arrests—all of which contribute to overall community safety in the ACT.

Criminal Infringement Notices

In December 2009, ACT policing implemented the use of Criminal Infringement Notices (CINs) for a number of minor street offences. The use of CINs is designed to increase the deterrent value of street offences through an immediate consequence to the offender.

Police Operations Centre redevelopment

The redevelopment of the Police Operations Centre (POC) was conceived in January 2010, following a review of the existing infrastructure which identified the need for improvement to reflect current methodologies.

Introduction of the Unsolved Homicide Investigation Team

In March 2010, ACT Policing commenced the Unsolved Homicide Investigation Team with the objective of applying contemporary investigative methodologies and emerging technologies to review unsolved (cold case) homicides in the ACT.

ACT Policing website

ACT Policing launched its first community policing website,, in April 2010 as part of the AFP’s website redevelopment and our commitment to providing quality policing services to the ACT community. A key component of the website is the launch of crime statistics in the ACT, reported monthly by patrol zone.

Trial of Court Attendance Notices

In May 2010 a trial commenced of Court Attendance Notices (CANs). The aim of CANs is to expedite minor matters through the judicial system and reduce the burden of service of subpoenas on ACT Policing.

Administration of Legislation or Other Regulatory Activities

The AFP is a Commonwealth Statutory Authority established under the Australian Federal Police Act 1979, proclaimed on 19 October 1979.

The powers and duties of AFP sworn members are outlined in Section 9 of the Act. Police powers entail:

AFP members’ powers are derived from both ACT and Commonwealth legislation including:

Image: A row of Police Officers standing in a row

Subsidiaries, Joint Ventures or Partnerships

To deliver effective policing services to the community, a whole-of-government approach is employed. As a result, ACT Policing is involved in a number of joint ventures and partnerships.

Details of these ventures and partnerships are detailed below:

Agency Name Nature of Involvement
Police and Community Youth Club ACT Policing’s Crime Prevention staffs the PCYC with sworn and unsworn members. The PCYC partners with Belconnen Youth Centre U-turn, Communities at Work Tuggeranong, Weston Creek Youth Centre, Gungahlin Youth Centre and the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) to facilitate a wide range of programs for youth at risk.
SupportLink We have a commercial relationship with SupportLink. Our members refer victims to SupportLink to ensure counseling and support services are offered to victims of crime and those in crisis.
ACT Office of Road Safety (TAMS) We work with the ACT Office of Road Safety (TAMS) to coordinate community road safety messages and integrated campaigns.

Government resources, such as speed camera vans and Road Transport Authority (RTA) Vehicle Inspectors, are also included in coordinated traffic operations where appropriate.

NSW Police and
other police services
We liaise with NSW Police during national campaigns, operations and on an ad hoc basis. We also conduct joint operations with NSW Police including criminal investigations and traffic operations eg Operation Snowsafe.

We also participate in Operation RAID (Remove All Impaired Drivers) which includes Victoria Police, South Australia Police and Queensland Police and Operation Unite, an alcohol related violence campaign delivered in each jurisdiction.

Pharmaceutical Guild Association (PGA) Project STOP is a joint policing and PGA strategy that assists in identifying inappropriate patterns of sales/use in pseudoephedrine which may be diverted for the purpose of manufacturing illicit drugs.
Australian Crime Commission The ACC is a Commonwealth statutory body working nationally with other Commonwealth, State and Territory agencies to counter serious and organised crime.

The ACC provides a range of specialist functions, and is able to exercise coercive powers. The agency has both intelligence and investigative functions and capabilities.

The ACC Board consists of Commissioners from all State and Territory police forces (including the Chief Police Officer), Secretary of the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department, Chief Executive Officer Customs, the Director-General of Security and the Chairperson of Australian Securities and Investments Commission. The ACC’s Chief Executive Officer is a non-voting member and the Board is chaired by the Commissioner of the AFP.

CrimTrac CrimTrac is an agency established under an Inter-Governmental Agreement signed by all Australian Police Ministers, including the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services, to develop and host the technology required to give police across Australia ready access to information needed to solve crimes. The MCPEM-P, formally known as the Australasian Police Ministers’ Council, defines the agency’s strategic directions and key policies, sets initiatives and appoints CrimTrac Board of Management members.

ACT Policing’s Director Corporate Services is a member of CrimTrac’s Strategic Issues Group, providing guidance to the Board and Chief Executive of CrimTrac on critical projects. The Chief Police Officer is a member of the CrimTrac Board.

National Counter Terrorism Committee We hold a position on the NCTC and work collaboratively with other ACT Government and Australian Government agencies to build and improve counter terrorism capabilities across the key strategic areas of prevention, preparedness response and recovery.

Regular training occurs across a number of disciplines involving short duration ‘drill style’ exercises culminating in major deployment exercises such as investigation and consequence management exercise involving agencies from across government. These exercises are coordinated by us, DJaCS and the ACT Government.

Crime Stoppers Australia Crime Stoppers—a partnership between the AFP and other corporate sponsors—operates nationally and has become an integral part of policing. Crime Stoppers gathers information supplied by the community, which is vitally important to crime fighting and prevention. Crime Stoppers and ACT Policing work together to keep our community safe.
Emergency Services Agency ESA is responsible for the overall strategic direction and management of the four services, Fire Brigade, Ambulance, Rural Fire Service and the SES.

Section A.3—Highlights

Noteworthy Operational Achievements

Operation Alanova

The National Alcohol Strategy 2006−2011 was introduced to address the increasing level of alcohol-related harm in the general community. In September 2009, ACT Policing prioritised a strategy for high impact policing of entertainment districts, with special areas of focus which involved working with other ACT agencies to combat alcohol-related violence in public places, and targeting traffic offences and drink driving. The strategy was to be achieved by providing a highly visible police presence to curb anti-social violent and criminal behaviour associated with excessive alcohol service and consumption.

Civic has the highest proportion and concentration of licensed premises in the ACT and regularly accommodates up to 3, 000 persons in the 18 to 24 age group. The Strategic Priority-Policing of Entertainment Districts was conducted during November 2009 to February 2010, the traditionally busier months over summer. The City entertainment district formed the central focus of operations, particularly Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights. Project Alanova was implemented in November 2009 to support the strategic priority and to:

Unsolicited, positive feedback was received from members of the ACT business community, and the general public, concerning the improvement in public behaviour within the city entertainment district. Specifically, the increased visibility of police and the lowering of anti-social behaviour and improvement in public safety received positive comment. Statistics from this period showed that there was a decrease in incident reports relating to assault compared with the 2008–2009 period.

ACT Policing members noted that the increased police presence contributed to earlier intervention and reduction in the escalation of incidents. There was an increase in persons being issued with move on directions or taken into protective custody, and 102 CINs were issued during that period.

An increasing number of people are being lodged in protective custody due to alcohol-related incidents and ACT Policing recognises the necessity of a long term strategy to deal with the misuse of alcohol and the impact it has on crime and public order.

Operation Unite

The ANZPAA Board meeting in September 2009 agreed to a collective action by jurisdictions on alcohol misuse. This resulted in the inaugural ‘Operation Unite’ on 11 and 12 December—the first National Weekend of Action. This operation was conducted in capital cities and regional centres throughout Australia and New Zealand.

A national approach focusing on the basic issues of increasing awareness of alcohol-related problems, responsible drinking, responsible service of alcohol and the commitment to act collectively was employed.

During the National Weekend of Action, thousands of extra police officers flooded capital cities and regional centres for a comprehensive and coordinated action to demonstrate the united resolve to change Australia and New Zealand’s culture of binge drinking in public places.

The specific focus of the operation was visible police presence, licensing enforcement units, use of government compliance agencies and media coverage.

The overall success Operation Unite was such that a further two National Weekends of Action will be conducted in the latter part of 2010. ACT Policing’s involvement resulted in 45 arrests during the weekend-long operation. Of the arrests made, 33 were people taken into police custody for being intoxicated and disorderly, this included two women. Twelve arrests were made for substantive offences including urinating in public, breach of the peace, minor assault offences including assault police and property damage.

Operation Patronus

In June/July 2009, ACT Policing identified a significant increase in burglary and property related crime in Canberra’s south. As a result, Operation Patronus was formed; a proactive team combining members from Tuggeranong and Woden general duties, with the specific mission of targeting and disrupting property crime within these patrol zones.

With the support of ACT Policing Intelligence and district intelligence officers, Operation Patronus identified and targeted specific individuals, namely young people who were persistently avoiding prosecution while constantly re-offending.

Operation Patronus also targeted people within the community who were recruiting and supplying young people with illicit substances and promoting the acquisition of stolen property in exchange for drugs.

Almost 50 people were arrested and many more charges preferred in relation to property and drug offences.

Unsolved Homicide Investigation Team

In March 2010, ACT Policing commenced the Unsolved Homicide Investigation Team with the objective of applying contemporary investigative methodologies and emerging technologies to review unsolved (cold case) homicides in the ACT.

This is significant for the ACT, being the first time that ACT Policing has employed a dedicated team to address ‘cold cases’. The use of new technology that was previously unavailable, such as advances in DNA analysis, can now be used to attempt to solve these previously unresolved homicides.

International child exploitation investigation

In September 2009, following a referral from the United States of America National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), ACT Policing executed a search warrant at a private Canberra residence where a large amount of child pornography was seized. A male was arrested (the matter is currently before the Court).

During the investigation evidence was uncovered relating to the sexual abuse of a child in Canada and, following information provided to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) by ACT Policing, a suspect was arrested.

In December 2009, following a referral from United States Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), ACT Policing executed a search warrant on a private Canberra residence and seized approximately 8.5 terabytes of computer data, or approximately 250, 000 images, suspected of containing child pornography. This seizure is the largest made to date by the AFP in terms of materials seized from one person’s computer. Investigations are continuing and a brief of evidence is being prepared for the Commonwealth DPP.

Image: Police Officer with dog.

Specialist Response and Security—Dog Team

During the reporting period the four members of SRS Dog Team attended approximately 1015 cases in support of ACT Policing.

Additionally, the team took delivery of a Garmin GPS enable dog tracking system, a system that allows the Dog Team to locate their dogs while in the field. The dog’s location is displayed on the hand held unit in relation to the displayed map, distance and direction from the handler. The information recorded on the GPS can also be downloaded and the information used in relation to evidence of areas searched, track directions etc. The units will also be a valuable training tool and allow the handler to locate the dog particularly in very dense bushland.

Specialist Response and Security—Bomb Response Team

ACT Policing’s SRS Bomb Response Team (BRT) has proactively engaged both national and international clients over the last 12 months, adopting new training and operational methodologies to enhance the team’s bomb response capability to ACT Policing.

During the reporting period, the BRT has responded to more than 125 explosive related incidents in the ACT including Acetylene attacks on ATMs; explosive filled pipe bombs; suspicious packages; and chemical, biological and radiological incidents. SRS BRT has also supported foreign dignitary visits to the ACT through security assessments and advance bomb sweeps of many ACT venues.

The reporting period has also seen the update of equipment capability ensuring the latest in technology is available. The ACT now has one of the best equipped police bomb response teams in the southern hemisphere with capability to support other regions both nationally and internationally as required.

30 Years of Dedicated Criminal Investigations

On 27 November 2009, ACT Policing’s CI celebrated its 30th anniversary. CI is responsible for all dedicated criminal investigative detective work in ACT Policing and presently comprise the largest dedicated investigative portfolio in the AFP.

24 Hour operation of Gungahlin Station

During the reporting period Gungahlin district completed one full year of 24/7 policing response. With this enhanced response capability, district specific matters have been attended to in a proactive and timely manner. A marked decrease in anti-social behaviour is attributed to increased beat and patrolling through the Gungahlin business precinct.

Targeted traffic campaigns and proactive patrolling in support of the SPS has raised the profile of police in Gungahlin and surrounding suburbs. The increase in population and infrastructure has seen an increase in the density of traffic on arterial roads into and out of the area, and focussed traffic enforcement is conducted at peak times.

The development and growth of areas such as Forde, Crace, Bonner and Franklin has provided an opportunity for ACT Policing to actively engage with those communities as they develop. Gungahlin patrol members regularly engage with school, community youth centres and local indigenous youth through social and sporting functions.

1000. Disturbance.

After receiving a call from a frazzled woman reporting harassment, police attend a residence in the south of Canberra.

A man, known to the woman, had parked his car in her apartment complex’s car park and began beeping his horn, yelling threats at her from his car window.

The woman had met the male four years ago, and began looking after him when he was unwell. The relationship had turned sour after he propositioned her several times in return for cash. He began harassing her as a result.

After negotiations, police make the man leave.

Responding to Family Violence Conference 2010

In line with the violence against women and children national action plan, ACT Policing, the ACT Domestic Violence Prevention Council, the ANU College of Law, and the ACT Family Pathways Network hosted a two day conference in Canberra (6 to 7 May 2010) to provide a national update and local approach to family violence measures.

The Conference offered a timely opportunity to engage with the national agenda in a way which focuses on approaches that effectively support and enable victims of violence.

There was a particular focus on examples of best practice in the ACT and region as well as opportunities to learn about new and ongoing initiatives, to build relationships in the sector, and to share key knowledge.

Operation Equip

Operation Equip was a multi-agency approach led by ACT Policing, which targeted recidivist property crime offenders in inner Canberra. A number of search warrants were executed in May 2010 by CI, assisted by other ACT Policing areas and government agencies. A community engagement stage of the operation involved door knocks being conducted to raise awareness of crime prevention issues. As a result eight people were apprehended, 1, 253 vehicle checks undertaken, nine infringement notices issued, quantities of cannabis and amphetamine were seized and a wide range of community concerns were addressed first hand by attending police.

Major Challenges

Alcohol-related Violence/ Reform of the Liquor Act 1975

Alcohol-related violence is one issue that is experienced in every jurisdiction.

In the past three years, statistics show that assault charges have risen 30%. We believe that the assailants in more than 60% of the 700 recorded assaults (in the past 12 months) were affected by drugs or alcohol.

During the reporting period, ACT Policing actively endorsed and supported the ACT government’s reform of the Liquor Act 1975 to address a strong licensing regime of effective legislation of the ACT liquor industry.

The ACT government announced in May 2010 that funding would be allocated to provide 10 additional police officers to enforce liquor reforms. The addition of the 10 officers will enable ACT Policing to build on work that is already being undertaken with the focus on making a positive impact on this upward trend.

A Ministerial Direction by Minister for Police and Emergency Services placed special emphasis on working with other ACT agencies to combat alcohol-related violence, and in response ACT Policing has commenced preliminary consideration of the impact of the reforms from an operational and resource viewpoint, and will engage with other government agencies to develop a collaborative approach to enforcing the new laws. We are very supportive of the proposed reforms that include:

Image: Two officers holding a man between them.

Road safety

Road safety, particularly the ACT’s road toll and serious collisions, remains to be a key focus for ACT Policing.

We remained committed in our support of improved road safety with the ongoing program of random and targeted Random Breath Test (RBT) operations throughout the ACT region. Figure A.2 provides statistics on the number of RBT tests and positive results recorded during this reporting period.

ACT Policing participated in a major targeted road safety initiative, Operation RAID, between 20 November and 12 December 2009 which targeted alcohol impaired drivers and focussed on increasing driver awareness and reducing road collisions and associated trauma.

NSW Police coordinated Operation Raid, a multi-jurisdictional joint road safety operation run by most States and Territories, with the exception of Queensland and South Australia. The operation was well promoted and information was made available to the public and media on the ANZPAA website, with regular weekly updates of national statistics. This information will remain on the website.

ACT Policing will be involved in the operation again this year when it is conducted in November 2010.

We will continue to work with other police to target impaired drivers and seek further collaboration with the ACT Government, namely TAMS, to establish an integrated road safety framework to address the road toll and serious collisions.

Figure A.2—Random Breath Tests and Positive Results (1 July 2009—30 June 2010)

Figure A.2—Random Breath Tests and Positive Results (1 July 2009—30 June 2010)

Progress against Key Strategic Outputs and Service Delivery Priorities

As outlined in the Purchase Agreement 2009–2010 (see Appendix 2), we have continued to make progress against key strategic outputs and service delivery priorities.

‘In partnership with the community, create a safer and more secure Australian Capital Territory through the provision of quality police services’

Image: Close-up of a bullet shell casing position marked for evidence.

Crime and Safety Management

‘ACT Policing will provide incident response and policing support for the community, and crime detection and investigation’

Major investigations

A number of investigations were underway during the reporting period.

Operation Taransay

Ongoing investigation into the shooting death of a male at Hughes in May 2010. As at 30 June 2010, one person had been arrested and charged with the murder and conspiracy to cause grievous bodily harm.

Operation Keys

Ongoing investigation into the suspicious death of a male who was found deceased in his Belconnen residence in May 2010.

Operation Intus

Following an investigation into the shooting death of two males in Chisholm in March 2009, a male person was arrested and charged with two counts of murder. This matter is currently before the court.

Operation Forma

In December 2008, an investigation commenced into the production and distribution of counterfeit Australian currency notes within the ACT. During the operation one third of the counterfeit notes were seized, to the value of $15, 000, from ACT banks, security firms and retail outlets. The remaining two thirds were recovered from a North Canberra residence. The matter is currently being prepared for prosecution with a brief to be submitted to the Commonwealth DPP.

Operation Galvanic

Investigations were undertaken during Operation Galvanic into a number of robberies, in which firearms were used, at the Calwell Club, Braddon Club and Belconnen Soccer Club in 2009. The outcome of these investigations was the arrest of five people who have been charged with aggravated robbery. Two of those arrested have also been charged with attempted murder. These matters are currently before the court.

Operation Neapolis

Operation Neapolis continued during the reporting period with all operational areas of ACT Policing targeting identified recidivist offenders, with the aim to measure the impact of targeting against crime statistics. Several targeting strategies have been employed. As found in similar international policing operations, this has led to an immediate decline in the number of burglary and stolen vehicle offences, which have reduced the number of reported incidents.

Operation Anzio

As a result of the amendment to the Crimes (Forensic Procedures) Act 2000, ACT Policing Intelligence has continued to work on a DNA back capture program, which commenced in 2008.

The project is an intelligence based approach to obtaining forensic samples, including DNA and fingerprints, from any person convicted of an offence in the last five years which carries a penalty of more than 12 months imprisonment. The samples are then entered onto the National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS).

During the reporting period, 256 convicted offenders have been sampled and the list of ‘persons of interest’ identified as suitable for inclusion in the project stands at around 555.

The project was scheduled to finish in June 2010; however planning is in progress to determine how future forensic samples will be obtained on an ongoing basis.


All members of ACT Policing routinely provide personal safety advice to victims of crime and make appropriate referrals to SupportLink for follow up on specific needs. During the reporting period, we made 6, 868 referrals to SupportLink, demonstrating the strong organisational support for this program.

Table A.1—Top 10 Referral Issues‚ Reporting Period 1 July 2009 – 30 June 2010

  Issue Type No. Referral Issues
1 Home Security Information
2 General Support
3 Victim Support Counselling
4 Support for Parents/Carers of
Young People 12–25
5 Business Security
6 Mental Health
7 Abandoned Vehicles
8 Mediation and Conflict Resolution
9 Parenting Children 0–12
10 Couple Separation

Trial of ‘spit hoods’ and soft restraints

An increasing and disturbing trend has emerged where difficult or violent offenders arrested, or being brought to the ACT Watch House (City Station), spit on officers. Aside from being a serious criminal offence against a Commonwealth officer, the act of spitting displays a lack of respect for the officer and is viewed very seriously.

There are also serious health concerns. A result of spitting may eventuate into a serious communicable disease.

A trial has been implemented to test the effectiveness of ‘spit hoods’ and soft restraints in the Watch House, similar to those methods already in use by other police jurisdictions. The use of soft restraints can also be effective in preventing incidents of self-harm by offenders. The trial in the ACT is vital to ensure that the restraint and protection methods used by ACT Policing members reflect best practice in addition to taking human rights into account.

High Visibility Crime Targeting

A high visibility crime targeting operation was conducted at Westfield Belconnen in December 2009. This operation increased business and customer safety and confidence in the period leading up to Christmas. Subsequent analysis revealed lower than expected retail theft incidents at the shopping centre for the Christmas and New Year period.

Operation Safe Plate

Operation Safe Plate was conducted at Westfield Woden in August 2009. This operation directly targeted numberplate theft by replacing standard screws with theft-resistant ones. Numberplate theft is linked to further criminal activity such as petrol drive off, burglary and traffic offences.

Home and Personal Safety Guide

Senior Liaison Officers (SLOs) developed a new Home and Personal Safety Guide which brings together a number of crime prevention tips and suggestions aimed at better protecting the ACT community. The artwork in the booklet was supplied by young people in an art program. This booklet will enable safety and crime prevention messages to be distributed to a wider audience.

Chief Police Officer Roman Quaedvlieg with ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services Simon Corbell – new Belconnen Police Station turning of the sod.

Chief Police Officer Roman Quaedvlieg with ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services Simon Corbell – new Belconnen Police Station turning of the sod.

Police Operations Centre Redevelopment

The redevelopment of the POC was conceived in January 2010, following a review of the existing infrastructure which identified the need for some improvement to reflect current methodologies. A proposal was developed to establish a contemporary facility that would necessitate significant changes to the technology and audio visual systems, seating and surrounding infrastructure. The redevelopment of the workstation configuration will offer an increase of 130% over the current capacity.

The redevelopment will incorporate state-of-the-art information and communication technology to support the command and control function of the POC, including additional inputs such as CCTV and MeshNet video streams to further enhance service delivery.

The proposed works are scheduled for completion in the latter part of 2010.

New Belconnen Police Station

In May 2010, ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services Simon Corbell and Chief Police Officer Roman Quaedvlieg marked the official commencement of work on the new Belconnen Police Station. Located on the vacant block next to Winchester Police Centre, the new police station is scheduled to open in August 2011 and has been designed to replace the 35-year-old station on Lathlain Street.

The new station’s design is aimed to achieve a high green-star rating with initiatives such as, rain water harvesting, solar hot water systems and a chilled beam air-conditioning system.

More that 100 police and staff will be based in the new station which will also feature a public access foyer and counter, holding cells, incidents rooms, welfare counselling and victims of crime room. The plans for the new building also reflect community needs and have considered some of the issues encountered over the past years at the current Belconnen station, specifically taking into account community response.

Image: Close up of mounted speed camera

Traffic Law Enforcement and Road Safety

‘ACT Policing will enforce traffic laws and promote safer behaviour on ACT roads’

Uniform patrol members conduct 24/7 traffic enforcement and road safety activities in the form of planned or response activities. Response activities are those that have been referred to police by a member of the public or those that come to police attention during routine patrolling. Members of North and South districts have contributed to a number of joint ventures with Traffic Operations during this reporting period, regarding high visibility activities and reduction of drink driving offences.

In-car computing technology

In 2008 ACT Policing trialled in-car computing systems. The success of the trial has resulted in a progressive roll-out of in-car computing technology, with 80 vehicles now equipped.

The system puts significant resources and technology at the fingertips of every officer in every patrol car, allowing the officers to be on the road longer, increase police visibility and use their time more effectively and efficiently.

The terminal provides access to the AFP online database, the RTA Vehicle Registration and Driver’s Licence database, plus conventional electronic resources, such as the internet which enables access to useful tools such as Google Maps.

All ACT Policing operational vehicles are now also equipped with the Automated Vehicle Locators, which plot the location of each vehicle, by GPS, and then displays them on a screen within ACT Policing Operations at the Winchester Police Centre in Belconnen.

Automated Number Plate Recognition trial

In 2006 the Government identified a strategic approach to the integration of ANPR technology across Australia. A national approach was considered to be of significant benefit for the Australian community as it would allow police and law enforcement agencies to identify and track potential vehicles of interest within and across State and Territory borders.

During the reporting period ACT Policing trialled the ANPR through RAPID technology as a crime prevention initiative to promote road safety and reduce property crime offences by disrupting criminal activity.

During 2009–2010, ACT Policing officers identified 3, 956 vehicles and people of interest, with 2, 644 infringements resulting. Of the drivers apprehended, more than 200 were suspended or disqualified drivers. In addition, ACT Policing were able to recover stolen vehicles, execute warrants, issue summonses and make arrests, all of which contributed to overall community safety.

Research (as recorded in ACT Policing’s PROMIS system) shows that a significant percentage of fatalities—approximately 30%—in the ACT involve either an unregistered vehicle or a driver who is not validly licensed. These offences indicate a propensity for a motorist to commit more serious and dangerous driving offences.

In addition to cross-border targeting, RAPID is a significant advancement in the deterrence of crime in the ACT. It provides ACT Policing with an easily deployable and immediate method of identifying a range of criminality associated with driving unregistered and uninsured vehicles, unlicensed drivers and offenders at large including the monitoring of movements of registered child offenders under the Australian National Child Offenders Register (ANCOR).

A dedicated RAPID team will be employed as of 1 July 2010.

1100. Dispute resolution.

Police are called to attend a residential address at a building site where a house is under construction.

The complainant, the builder, contacted police to have the would-be-home-owner removed from the site. The builder said that the owner had no right to be on the site as the house was still under his control and requested that police remove him.

The home owner, who is not happy with the workmanship, argues that he has a right to be there to inspect the work—after all, he is buying the house.

Police are able to calm both parties and the builder agrees to escort the home owner around the site. It is also agreed that the home owner will provide a list of concerns to the builder at a later date.

Just another day at the office for police!

Prosecution and Judicial Support

‘ACT Policing will provide support to the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Courts’

Family Violence Case Management

In March 2010, ACT Policing began a trial using a Nominal Informant to provide a greater degree of oversight of Family Violence Case Management Hearings.

The trial specifically targeted:

The trial ran for three months and was deemed successful by the ACT DPP, the ACT Chief Magistrate and ACT Policing. Results included:

Criminal Infringement Notices

In December 2009, ACT Policing implemented the use of CINs for a number of minor street offences. The use of CINs is designed to increase the deterrent value of street offences as there is an immediate consequence to the offender.

Since its launch late December 2009, the following CINS have been issued in the reporting period:

Trial of Court Attendance Notices

CANs were implemented following consultation between ACT Policing and DJaCS. The aim of CANs is to expedite minor matters through the judicial system and reduce the burden of service of subpoenas on ACT Policing.

The trial commenced in May 2010 and is expected to run for six months. A review will be conducted in November 2010 to determine the viability of CANs as an ongoing option available to ACT Policing for placing matters before the Court. During the trial period, ‘prescribed concentration of alcohol matters only are being targeted.

Crime Prevention

‘ACT Policing will seek to reduce and prevent crime through strategies that incorporate government and community cooperation’

Suburban Policing Strategy

ACT Policing patrol members receive training to meet the five categories of the SPS, which enable them to develop and maintain effective partnerships within the ACT community. The establishment of the SPS was a special area of focus in the 2009–2010 Ministerial Direction (see Appendix 2). The five categories are:

  1. Commercial
  2. Educational
  3. Residential
  4. Health and aged
  5. Culturally and linguistically diverse.

Members are trained to identify opportunities where they can develop cooperative community relationships, including attendance at community and business forums and developing collaborative workshops to address causes of crime and threats affecting various community groups.

Among other initiatives and law enforcement measures, we rely on the SPS to reassure the community and close the gap between the actual levels of crime and the perceptions of crime (more information can be found at Section A9—Analysis of Agency Performance).

In this reporting period, ACT Policing undertook 24, 975 SPS related activities of which 76.7% were visibility jobs (proactive vehicle patrols), 14.1% accessibility jobs (beat/foot/bicycle patrols) and 9.2% engagement jobs (such as talking to a school principal/shop owner about a specific issue).

ACT Policing website

ACT Policing launched its first community policing website,, in April 2010 as part of the AFP’s website redevelopment and our commitment to provide quality policing services to the ACT.

The new website is designed to help keep the Canberra community better informed of policing activities in the ACT. It provides specific information relating to ACT Policing and the Canberra community. The website is easy to navigate and provides a number of useful features that have already been proved popular with visitors to the website.

Importantly, the website is also available through the AFP website, During the three month period since its launch (up until 30 June 2010), our website has received 155, 787 page views, more than half of which referred through the AFP website. The most popular pages being the media centre, firearms registry and ‘work with us’.

ACT Policing website

The website provides the public with information on our activities and programs, issue of monthly crime statistics (as reported by patrol zone), news updates and importantly, information relating to road and community safety. It’s one of our primary tools for proactively communicating messages important to the community. Developments to further progress the website are underway.

Operation School Safe

The School Safe program is conducted over each ACT School holiday period and it is coordinated through the Crime Prevention SPS team. The program has been in formal operation since the July holidays 2009, and the members from each ACT Police Station are briefed prior to the holidays on their SPS patrol responsibilities to regularly visit schools in their area to reduce the instances of vandalism, burglaries and anti-social behaviour.

Following the July 2009 schools holidays, Crime Prevention took the opportunity to work in partnership with the community by distributing flyers to all ACT schools, public and private, requesting that the flyer be included in the school newsletter in the weeks leading up to the holidays. It was also requested that in partnership with ACT Policing, as a community initiative and under supervision, students deliver the flyers to homes in the immediate vicinity of the schools to further improve security. The flyer contained information about the dates of the forthcoming holidays, requesting the reporting of any suspicious behaviour to police and providing police and Crime Stopper contact numbers. The Christmas holiday period in 2009–2010 saw a reduction of 40% from the previous holidays in school premises related crime and school premises related offences have continued to remain low.

The program has been a success, has received positive community support and will remain an initiative of Crime Prevention through the SPS team, with strong support from ACT Policing. The program was evaluated at the conclusion of each of the school holiday and any necessary changes identified and implemented. Most schools have a contact officer that regularly attends the school and each station has an SPS Coordination Officer that acts as conduit between the schools and the patrols.


ThinkUKnow is the AFP’s national cyber-safety education program in partnership with Microsoft and supported by ninemsn. ThinkUKnow was launched in the ACT in June at Telopea Park High School, Narrabundah.

Since its launch, 27 schools and organisations have registered for AFP presentations covering topics such as online grooming, cyber-bullying and sexting. The program is being delivered through schools and community organisations, and to parents and carers, to raise awareness of the risks of the internet and technology enabled crime.

Family Violence Intervention Program

The FVIP is an integrated and coordinated criminal justice and community program established in 1998. It is designed to respond to family violence incidents that come to police attention and proceed to prosecution. The program integrates the activities of the police, prosecution, courts and corrections in the criminal justice system, and coordinates externally with other key agencies such as domestic violence advocacy services.

On 16 April 2009, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the AFP (ACT Policing) and the Domestic Violence Crisis Service (DVCS) was formalised. This document is due to be reviewed on 16 March 2011.

Family Violence Incident Review

The Family Violence Incident Review (FVIR) with DVCS commenced in January 2009. The FVIR consists of weekly meetings between ACT Policing’s Intervention Team and the DVCS Client Services Coordinator where all family violence incidents attended by ACT Policing for the previous seven days are reviewed. Both agencies record a separate task list of follow up on response issues to be completed/attended to or internally reviewed.

Restorative Justice Unit

In the ACT, Restorative Justice Unit (RJU) is available to young people who have been cautioned, charged or convicted of a criminal offence and their victims. Police also have the discretion to refer adult offenders to restorative justice in certain circumstances, while also placing the same cases before court.

The objectives of restorative justice in the ACT, as described in the Crimes (Restorative Justice) Act 2004, are to:

A referral to the RJU usually results in a conference facilitated by a trained convenor, between the parties most affected by an offence, generally between the victims, the offenders and their supporters. Conferences may also be in the form of indirect information exchange between the victim and offender, for example by letter or tape-recording.

During the reporting period, we referred 76 matters to the RJU.

1200. Indecent exposure.

Police are called to a private girl’s school after a teacher reported seeing five males taking their clothes off on the school oval.

The males are preparing to ‘streak’ across the oval once the school girls, some as young as nine, are released for lunch.

The police get there too soon for that to happen and find the males running naked into the neighbouring areas. One, while running, falls and grazes a few areas of his body, so decides to try and hide behind a recycling bin.

To say the least, they are a little ‘red faced’ when they are caught—and so are the officers!

Apparently the practical joke was part of a ‘scavenger hunt’, and streaking wasn’t the worst of it.

“Front Up” program

Research conducted by ANZPAA and MCPEM-P shows that there is significant level of over-representation of Indigenous persons in relation to crime as victims and offenders. It is estimated that around one-third of arrests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the ACT are for breaches of bail or failing to appear in court.

ACT Policing, in conjunction with the various agencies, devised a process (the Front Up program) that allows Indigenous people to voluntarily surrender themselves to the courts.

Since the initial trial commenced in August 2009, there have been numerous instances where the Aboriginal Justice Centre (AJC) has arranged to have offenders voluntarily hand themselves into the courts for being in breach of bail, or subject to an outstanding warrant. The program has been successful and is viewed as a major step forward in fostering positive relationships between police, the AJC and the Indigenous community in the ACT.

We are currently running a pilot program with the AJC to assist with the development of an effective framework that will allow Indigenous people to voluntarily surrender themselves to the courts. An MoU has also been drafted that incorporates all relevant agencies and it is in final draft stages.

Early Intervention and DRUG Diversion Program

ACT Policing’s Early Intervention and Diversion program is designed to provide early incentives for drug offenders to deal with their drug problems. The program is of particular benefit to young offenders who have had no prior involvement with the courts.

We deliver this program in partnership with the ACT Department of Health, police and non-government agencies who adhere to the principles of the National Drug Strategy. The program offers young drug offenders, who qualify, the opportunity of being referred to a variety of education and treatment options—diverted from the criminal justice system.

Offenders who meet the eligibility criteria and provide consent are referred for an assessment and education/ treatment service provided by ACT Department of Health. Upon compliance with the diversion requirements, the matter is finalised and no further action is taken. Non-compliant offenders are referred back to us for appropriate action.

Diversion is not available in cases where a violent crime has been committed and the offender must admit to the offence and consent to the diversion. We must then consider public interest, the interests of the individual and their immediate family before proceeding with this option.

Indigenous Community Liaison

During the reporting period the Indigenous Community Liaison Officer (ICLO) continued to perform a range of tasks to establish and maintain positive relationships within the Indigenous community and to foster mutual understanding.

The ICLO facilitates a number of programs for Indigenous youth, which are designed to develop interpersonal and team building skills for those identified as ‘at risk’. In addition, the ICLO is involved in the AJC’s ‘Interview Friends Program’, which ensures that access to an interview friend is provided to all Indigenous persons who require this service.

Victim Liaison Officers

The Governing Principles regarding the treatment of victims of crime in the ACT are set out in the Victims of Crime Act 1994. This legislation is currently under review.

Victim Liaison Officers (VLOs) support ACT Policing members in meeting their obligations under the Act, and offer support, counselling referral and assistance to victims of crime in their dealings with the criminal justice system. VLOs respond to telephone calls from victims of all crimes (except major incidents) and provide information about a range of issues, including assistance in navigating their way through the system, preparing victim impact statements, and access to support for court appearances. A VLO is attached to each station and makes daily contact with victims of a range of offences including assault, burglary, stalking, robbery, acts of indecency and indecent exposure to offer information, assistance and access to support services.

In addition, the VLOs provide support to victims of domestic violence and assist in coordinating services for these victims under the FVIP.

Community engagement

Officers from ACT Policing’s Crime Prevention portfolio regularly participate in community engagement activities (more information can be found at Section B.1—Community Engagement).

During the reporting period, additional functions within Crime Prevention were developed to increase community engagement with a specific focus on youth (Youth Liaison Officers), businesses (Business Liaison Officers) and cultural and linguistically diverse communities (Multicultural Liaison Officers).

We regularly receive and respond to requests from the community for station tours, educational talks, guest speakers, attendance at community events and schools. Some of the community events that ACT Policing has attended include the ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show and Multicultural Festival.

We continue to be heavily involved in the community
as a means of preventing crime and enhancing community cooperation.

Section A.4— Outlook

Future Priorities

The priorities for ACT Policing are contained in the Ministerial Direction (see Appendix 3), issued by the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services[1], and in the ACT Policing Strategic Plan 2008–2011.

For 2010−2011, our priorities will be to:

The ACT Policing Strategic Plan 2008−2011 focuses on the creation of a safer and more secure ACT through the provision of quality police services. We will develop strategies that will demonstrate that we are a responsive, community focussed police service with a sound appreciation of the issues that are of daily importance to our community and its residents. We will do this by:

In 2009−2010 we focussed on strengthening the delivery of proactive policing strategies to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute crime and address the perceptions of crime and safety in the community. This focus is a key objective of our strategic plan and it represents the nexus between technology, innovation and routine practice.

Trends and Changes in the Operating Environment

The environment in which we operate is a continually changing and challenging one. The ACT Policing 2007−2012 Environmental Scan remains as a source of current broad trends in criminality, the external issues likely to have the greatest impact on crime in the future and the impact these issues may have on crime itself and our organisation. While this scan is undergoing mid-term review, it includes:


ACT Policing has been moving ahead in terms of technology with significant advances taking place.

During the reporting period, 80 marked police vehicles were fitted with in-car computing capability with the remaining 40 vehicles scheduled to be equipped during 2010−2011.

In April 2010, we launched ACT Policing’s first website——a new and innovative medium available for community engagement and reporting of crime statistics and prevention methods.

We are also in the process of developing a social media strategy as a tool to further integrate with the community, particularly young people.

Serious and Organised Crime

In partnership with the other State and Territory police services, ACT Policing has been contributing to the development of a National Organised Crime Response Plan (NOCRP) at the request of the Standing Committee of Attorneys-General (SCAG). Once finalised and implemented, the NOCRP will represent a comprehensive approach to combating organised crime that will see us align our priorities and engage more closely with partner jurisdictions to target organised crime enterprises and entities at a regional and national level.

Emergency Management

The continued threat of a catastrophic natural disaster, and the requirement that ACT Policing exercise and maintain its preparedness and interoperability with partner emergency services and other government agencies remains a significant issue.

To ensure our preparedness, we have been involved in a comprehensive review of the ACT Emergency Plan and commissioned the redesign and redevelopment of our POC (work that is scheduled for completion late in 2010).


ACT Policing will continue to monitor Canberra’s population growth to ensure that we maintain the capacity to properly create a safer and more secure ACT. This includes the continued expansion and development of residential areas within the ACT and the trend towards medium to high density housing developments.

Significant Risks and Ongoing Issues

Road safety

Road safety continues to be a high priority for ACT Policing. Deployment of technology through the RAPID automatic number plate recognition system will assist in the detection of unlicensed drivers and unregistered vehicles. Additionally, the deployment of RAPID capable vehicles in multi-tasking environments will assist in general crime reduction.

Mental health

ACT Policing has taken a renewed focus on mental health issues and are currently in the development stage of a holistic mental health initiative. This initiative is being developed in tandem with other stakeholder agencies including ACT Mental Health; ACT Department of Health; ACT Ambulance Service; relevant ACT non-government organisations; and NSW Police.

At this stage, we plan to introduce the initiative in the latter part of 2010−2011. There will be an emphasis on social inclusion, in addition to the work we currently undertake with the local Indigenous population and culturally and linguistically diverse communities.

Image: Officer at his desk

Recidivist offenders

Recidivist offenders, particularly those committing offences while on bail or subject to other judicial conditions, remain a challenge.

As an example, an offender aged early 30s had 298 criminal history records, ten instances of having breached bail conditions, and four First Instance Warrants of Arrest issued and executed

Another offender aged early 20s had 151 criminal history records, 11 instances of having breached bail conditions, and two First Instance Warrants of Arrest issued.

Legal and Legislative

There are a number of legislative reviews, and changes to legislation, which will require concerted effort to operationalise. These include reforms to liquor licensing laws, drug driving legislation and review of criminal investigative powers.

With each legislative change there are also additional training requirements to ensure familiarity with the revised legislation by all ACT police officers.

Operational preparedness, including development of policies and guidelines to support legislation, will require a whole-of-agency approach, some areas of operation and reform being more complex than others. Adaptability will ensure we continue to effectively respond to and enforce these reviews and new legislation reforms.

Analysis and Interpretation of DNA

Forensic science continues to be a vital tool in enforcement and prosecution of offenders. Scientific analysis and interpretation of DNA evidence in particular, continues to present challenges to the justice system as a whole, including law enforcement.


Technology continues to evolve, with the prevalence of technology-enabled crime also continuing to rise. We are addressing this issue through a number of means including crime prevention and criminal investigations. Technology however is moving at rapid pace, with new crime ‘types’ being created using new technology approaches regularly.

Section A.5— Management Discussion and Analysis

Our financial position remained strong throughout the reporting period. The operating result for the year was a surplus of $0.1million or a variance against total revenue of 0.04%. The minor underspend was primarily a result lower than forecast property operating and depreciation expenditure during the year.

This result confirms the continuing prudent financial management of ACT Policing in the successful delivery of outcomes. The financial statements for this reporting period were signed by the Auditor-General, without qualification.

Total revenue received by the AFP for the provision of policing services in the ACT was $138.6million. This represented an increase of $7million or 5.3% over the last financial year. The major factors in this increase were funding for an additional 24 operational police and funding for the effects of the 2007–2011 AFP Collective Agreement.

Total expenditure amounted to $138.5million, which is up $6.3million or 4.7%. Again, the increase relates to the additional staffing and salary costs associated with the 2007–2011 AFP Collective Agreement.

The cost of enabling services was rebased in
2006–2007 in accordance with the 2006–2007 Purchase Agreement. The rebased cost of enabling services is reflected in the financial statements. The rebased cost has been adjusted for increases in staffing, Consumer Price Index and wage costs since 2006–2007.

Section A.6— Financial Report

Annual financial statements for the reporting period, accompanied by the Auditor-General’s independent audit report can be found at Appendix 4.

Section A.7—Statement of Performance

For the year ended 30 June 2010


In partnership with the community, create a safer and more secure Australian Capital Territory through the provision of quality police services.

In line with the 2009–2010 Purchase Agreement, our performance is measured against four key outputs:

  1. Crime and Safety Management—providing a safer and more secure ACT so that members of the community can go about their daily lives without undue fear of crime.
  2. Traffic Law Enforcement and Road Safety—enforcing traffic laws and promoting safer behaviour on ACT roads with the objective of reducing the number of crash fatalities and injuries to members of the community.
  3. Prosecution and Judicial Support—maximising the number of successful prosecutions in court by providing support to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the courts.
  4. Crime Prevention—reducing and preventing crime through strategies that incorporate government and community cooperation to address risk factors associated with criminal behaviour and recidivism and raise awareness of the community’s role in their own safety and security.


Crime and Safety Management

ACT Policing will provide a safer and more secure ACT so that members of the community can go about their daily lives without undue fear of crime.

This will be achieved by:

Final cost: $96, 528, 910

Traffic Law Enforcement and Road Safety

ACT Policing will enforce traffic laws and promote safer behaviour on ACT roads with the objectives of reducing the number of crash fatalities and injuries to members of the community.

Final cost: $10, 583, 295

Prosecution and Judicial Support

ACT Policing will maximise the number of successful prosecutions in Court by providing support to the DPP and the Courts.

Final cost: $22, 540, 902

Crime Prevention

ACT Policing will seek to prevent crime by targeting the causes of crime, educating members of the community about property and personal safety, and by pursuing inter-agency partnerships that assist in achieving this objective.

Final cost: $8, 882, 772

The annual Statement of Performance for the reporting period, accompanied by the Auditor-General’s independent audit report can be found at Appendix 4.

Financial year to date report against the Purchase Agreement between the ACT Minister for Police and the Chief Police Officer for the ACT, 2009–2010

Reporting period: 01 July 2009 to 30 June 2010

Annual Target
year to date result
% variation
from target
Level of Crime
1. Number of offences against the person reported or becoming known per 100, 000 population.
850 or less
2. Number of offences against property reported or becoming known per 100, 000 population.
8500 or less
3. Percentage of offences against the person cleared.
67% or more
4. Percentage of offences against property cleared.
14% or more
Perceptions of Crime
5. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of physical assault in a public place —excluding sexual assault in the next 12 months.
National Average or less (38.1%)
6. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of sexual assault in the next 12 months.
National Average or less (14.3%)
7. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of housebreaking in the next 12 months.
National Average or less (51.1%)
8. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of motor vehicle theft in the next 12 months.
National Average or less (40.7%)
9. Percentage of persons who feel safe at home alone
during the day.
National Average or more (93.6%)
10. Percentage of persons who feel safe at home alone
during the night.
National Average or more (84.2%)
Police Responsiveness
11. Response times for Priority One Incidents:
• Within 8 minutes;
• Within 12 minutes.

60% or more

90% or more






12. Response times for Priority Two Incidents:
• Within 20 minutes;
• Within 30 minutes.
60% or more

95% or more





13. Response times for Priority Three Incidents:
• Within 2 hours;
• Within 3 hours.

60% or more

95% or more






14. Response times for Priority Four Incidents:
• Within 24 hours.

95% or more



15. Percentage of 000 calls answered on first or second presentation:
• On first presentation;
• On second presentation.

90% or more
98% or more



Public Confidence in Police
16. Percentage of persons satisfied with most recent contact
with police services.
National Average or more (80.8%)
17. Percentage of persons who agree that police perform
their job professionally.
National Average or more (80.2%)
18. Percentage of persons who agree that police treat people fairly and equally.
National Average or more (68.0%)
19. Number of established complaint issues against police.1
45 or below
20. Number of established complaint issues relating to persons
in custody.1
15 or below
Road Safety
21. Number of road crashes resulting in death per
100, 000 population.
4.2 or less
22. Number of road crashes resulting in injury per
100, 000 population.
180 or less
23. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving
10km per hour or more over the speed limit.
National Average or less (24.5%)
24. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving while
not wearing a seatbelt.
National Average or less (2.6%)
25. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving while suspecting they are over the prescribed alcohol limit.
National Average or less (1.9%)
26. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving when
using a mobile phone.
National Average or less (14.2%)
Supporting the Judicial Process
27. Percentage of briefs delivered to the DPP within the designated timeframe.2
75% or more
28. Percentage of cases finalised by offence proved in court.3
80% or more
29. Percentage of cases finalised by a not-guilty verdict or otherwise withdrawn.3
18% or less
30. Percentage of cases otherwise resolved.3
5% or less
Crime Prevention
31. Percentage of persons who perceive the following quality of life issues to be a problem in their neighbourhood2
• speeding cars, dangerous or noisy driving
National Average or less (73.8%)
• graffiti/vandalism
National Average or less (54.2%)
• louts/gangs
National Average or less (34.9%)
• drunken/disorderly behaviour
National Average or less (44.6%)
32. Number of juveniles referred to diversionary programs
55 or more
33. Number of persons referred to community support agencies.
5100 or more
34. Number of referrals to drug diversion programs
(drug demand reduction effort).
65 or more

1 Include established issues from complaints made in accordance with the Australian Federal Police Act, Part V, 1979, and also any complaint made before 30 December 2006 where issues were substantiated in the current reporting period.

2 The designated timeframe commences when the court allocates a date for a Case Management Hearing and/or a hearing date, not when P& JS receive the brief from DPP.

3 These measures are based on the concept of a ‘case’ where a person may be brought before the court on multiple charges. The charges are, for the purpose of these measures, grouped under the apprehension identification number which is automatically generated by the PROMIS Case Management System. Measure 28—Successful prosecutions—are those where any of the charges under one apprehension identification number has been proven before the court. Measure 29—Cases finalised by a not-guilty verdict or otherwise withdrawn—are those where none of the charges under one apprehension identification number have been proven before the court. Measure 30—Cases otherwise resolved—are those which resulted in a court appearance where the magistrate or judge made a determination which is not related to a finding of guilty or not-guilty. This currently refers to mental health orders used by the court.

Financial year to date report against the Purchase Agreement between the ACT Minister for Police and the Chief Police Officer for the ACT, 2009–2010

Reporting period: 01 July 2009 to 30 June 2010


1. Source: PROMIS Case Management System as at 02 July 2010. Total person offences reported during period = 2, 712.
2. Source: PROMIS Case Management System as at 02 July 2010. Total property offences reported during period = 31, 438.
3. Source: PROMIS Case Management System as at 02 July 2010. Total person offences cleared during period = 1, 979.
4. Source: PROMIS Case Management System as at 02 July 2010. Total property offences cleared during period = 3, 201.
5. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 38.1%.
6. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 14.3%.
7. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 51.1%.
8. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 40.7%.
9. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 93.6%.
10. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 84.2%.
11. Source: Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system as at 02 July 2010.
12. Source: Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system as at 02 July 2010.
13. Source: Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system as at 02 July 2010.
14. Source: Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system as at 02 July 2010.
15. Source: Telstra as at 05 July 2010.
16. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 80.8%.
17. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 80.2%.
18. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 68%.
19. Source: Professional Standards, AFP as at 05 July 2010. Includes only complaint issues relating to ACT Policing members of the AFP
20. Source: Professional Standards, AFP as at 05 July 2010.
21. Source: PROMIS Incident, and/or manual count as at 02 July 20109. Crashes resulting in death during the period = 17.
22. Source: PROMIS Incident, and/or manual count as at 02 July 2010. Crashes resulting in injury during the period = 653.
23. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 24.5%.
24. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 2.6%.
25. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 1.9%.
26. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 14.2%.
27. Source: Prosecution and Judicial Support as at 07 July 2010.
28. Source: Criminal Records as at 07 July 2010.
29. Source: Criminal Records as at 07 July 2010.
30. Source: Criminal Records as at 07 July 2010.
31. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010:

32. Source: Crime Prevention as at 02 July 2010.
33. Source: SupportLink as at 01 July 2010.
34. Source: Drug and Alcohol Policy Coordination as at 02 July 2010.

Rate per 100 000 population based on ACT Population as at 30 June 2008 from Australian Bureau of Statistics publication 3218.0 Regional Population Growth, Australia, published 31 March 2009. ACT Population as at 30 June 2008 = 345 551

Section A.8—Strategic Indicators

In accordance with the definition in the Financial Management Act 1996, ACT Policing does not meet the criteria of a department nor that for a public authority, or ‘prescribed’ Territory authority.

The services provided by ACT Policing are on a ‘fee for service’ arrangement and our funding is delivered as part of the budget apportioned to DJaCS.

The strategic indicators for the AFP and DJaCS are described in its individual annual reports.

Section A.9—Analysis of Agency Performance

In line with the Purchase Agreement (see Appendix 2) we deliver, in partnership with the community, a safer and more secure ACT through the provisions of quality policing services. This is achieved through four key outputs:

Our performance is predominantly measured by these four key outputs.

1300. Passing on a death message.

ACT Police are contacted by New South Wales Police requesting a patrol undertake the heart wrenching job of passing on a death message to a residence in Canberra. A woman’s brother has died while at work.

On arrival at the woman’s house, police knock on the door and speak to a woman in her early 40s. Police calmly pass on the information regarding her brother’s death.

The woman, who had not spoken with her brother for seven years after an argument, knows little about where he works or lives, and understandably, becomes distressed. She was not aware that her brother had even had a child during this time.

Crime and Safety Management

We provide a safer and more secure ACT so that members of the community can go about their daily lives without undue fear of crime. This is achieved by:

The key measures associated with this output are levels of crime, perceptions of crime, police responsiveness and public confidence in police.

Level of Crime

The first four measures in the Purchase Agreement relate to the Level of Crime. During the reporting period, we met the target for measures one and three. A summary of results against the 2009–2010 Purchase Agreement can be found at Section A.7—Statement of Performance.

A full summary of all offences reported or becoming known to police, offences cleared and apprehensions in the ACT in this reporting period can be found in Appendix 5.

1. Number of offences against the person reported or becoming known per 100, 000 of the population

Offences against the person include homicide and related offences, assault, sexual offences and other threatening, negligent or dangerous acts towards a person. In this reporting period, offences against the person accounted for 6% of all offences reported to us.

Our target for this measure was 850 or less offences per 100, 000 of the population. We achieved the target, with 784.8 offences being reported per 100, 000 of the population, or a total of 2, 712 offences against the person. This represents a decrease of 11% (or 336 offences) when compared to 2008–2009.

All reported offences against the person have decreased in 2009–2010 when compared to 2008–2009. A decrease has also been noted in all assault categories, and assault offences in the home and public places down 9% and 10% respectively. Homicide and related offences have decreased from ten in 2008–2009 to eight in this reporting period.

Early in 2009–2010, ACT Policing examined its performance against offences against the person.

Research indicated a growth in assault offences was the cause, particularly in public places, among which factors were identified consistent with the abuse of alcohol around licensed premises precincts. A number of strategies have since been developed and implemented to focus on a more proactive approach to combat alcohol-related violence.

Figure A.3 shows offences against the person over the past five years.

2. Number of offences against property reported or becoming known per 100, 000 of the population

Offences against property include robbery, burglary, fraud, handling of stolen goods, motor vehicle theft, theft other than of a motor vehicle, property damage and environmental offences. During this reporting period, offences against property accounted for 74% of all offences reported or becoming known to us.

Our target for this measure was 8, 500 or less offences against property reported or becoming known to us per 100, 000 of the population. We recorded a result of 9097.9 offences per 100, 000 of the population, which exceeds the target. This represents a 7% increase (or 2, 151 offences) compared to 2008–2009.

Figure A.3—Offences against the Person by Type from 2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Figure A.3—Offences against the Person by Type from 2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Source: PROMIS as at 2 July 2010

* Other offences against the person include homicide and related offences, kidnapping, dangerous or negligent acts,
harassment and threatening behaviour.

Property offences that have increased during 2009–2010 (in comparison to 2008–2009) were:

During 2009–2010, ACT Policing implemented a strategy aimed at increasing proactive engagement and intervention with people identified as vulnerable (recidivist offenders). Resources were re-directed from traditional investigative response areas to the Crime Prevention portfolio. While this is a long-term strategy over five years, in the short-term it has resulted in an increase in offences against property due to reduced investigative response. To counter this, further adjustments to resourcing were made to improve the balance between the goals of long-term crime prevention and the immediate needs to reduce property crime offences via investigations. Since this adjustment was made, performance for offences against property has markedly improved. The performance for the second half of 2009–2010 in isolation shows that we are meeting the required level of performance.

ACT Policing has renewed its focus on forensic technology including the use of DNA and fingerprints to identify and apprehend offenders. Improved procedures have also been implemented in-conjunction with the DPP to improve opposition to bail applications, including the imposition of more stringent bail conditions for recidivist property crime offenders. It is expected that this strategy together with the ongoing proactive targeting of recidivist offenders by conducting bail compliance and traffic checks, will contribute to a continued reduction in property crime offences.

Figure A.4 shows offences against property over the past five years.

Figure A.4—Offences against Property by Type—2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Figure A.4—Offences against Property by Type—2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Source: PROMIS as at 2 July 2010

* Other offences against property include robbery, blackmail and extortion, fraud and misappropriation, and handling of
stolen goods offences.

3. Percentage of offences against the person cleared

Offences cleared relates to offences for which there was an outcome in the reporting period. These outcomes include identification of an offender (through arrest or some other form of proceeding such as a summons or caution), withdrawal of the complaint or the determination that the offence was unsubstantiated. The target for this measure required a clear up rate of 67% or more offences for all offences against the person. This target is an increase from 55% or more in 2008–2009. Over this reporting period we exceeded the target with a clear-up rate of 73%, the highest proportion of offences cleared against the person for over 10 years.

As shown in Figure A.5, we have consistently recorded a clear-up rate of over 60% since 2001–2002. The nature of offences against the person generally means it is easier for us to clear them than it is to clear offences against property as the victim often knows and/or has the ability to identify or describe the offender; which then leads to their identification.

Figure A.5—Offences against the Person Cleared—2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Figure A.5—Offences against the Person Cleared—2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Source: PROMIS as at 2 July 2010

4. Percentage of offences against property cleared

The clear up of offences against property occurs where an outcome for an investigation was recorded as having been completed during the reporting period. The possible outcomes are the same as those for offences against the person as discussed within measure three. The target for this measure requires us to clear 14% or more offences that have been reported or become known to us. It is important to note that for this financial year, the target for the number of property offences cleared has increased by 40%.This was due to the high average number of property offences cleared during the last three years. ACT Policing did not meet this target, with only 10.2% of all property offences cleared in 2009–2010.

As shown in Figure A.6, we have consistently recorded a clear-up rate of over 10% for offences against property in the past five years. The nature of these offences typically means that it is more difficult for us to clear these offences than it is to clear offences against the person. This is because the victim rarely sees the offender commit the offence and offenders often do not know their victims.

ACT Policing’s performance for this measure was impacted by the implementation of the long-term Crime Prevention strategy, whereby resources were re-directed from traditional investigative response areas to the Crime Prevention portfolio. To counter the short-term impacts of this strategy involving the reduced clear-up of property offences, further adjustments to resourcing were made to improve the balance between the goals of long-term crime prevention and the immediate needs to reduce and clear property crime offences via investigations. Since this adjustment was made, the clearance of property offences has markedly improved to the extent that the performance for the last quarter shows that ACT Policing is meeting the required level of performance.

Figure A.6—Offences against Property Cleared—2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Figure A.6—Offences against Property Cleared—2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Source: PROMIS as at 2 July 2010

ACT Policing is undertaking a review of its data integrity to ensure that outcomes of investigations are accurately reported and offences cleared where appropriate.

Perceptions of Crime

The National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing is a nationwide telephone survey which measures community perceptions of a range of policing related issues including satisfaction with policing services, feelings of safety, concern about potential victimisation and beliefs about police behaviour. The Survey is undertaken by an external research agency, in 2009–2010 being Roy Morgan.

In this reporting period, 2, 419 residents of the ACT participated in the survey and 32, 372 people participated nationally.

The survey monitors community concern in regard to becoming a victim of certain crime types. While this series of questions can elicit a variety of interpretations ranging from an assessment of likelihood of victimisation through to an assessment of how the victim would feel if they were to become a victim, they are the best available indicator of ‘fear’ of crime. Figure A.7 shows the percentage of people in the ACT somewhat concerned or very concerned about becoming a victim of certain crime types in the next 12 months compared to the national average.

It is important to note that while we aim to reduce the level of ‘fear’ of crime in the community, there are some positive aspects to the community having some level of concern/awareness of crime in their neighbourhood. A level of awareness about crime can reinforce crime prevention behaviours and limit the person’s potential for victimisation.

It is important to note that these results must be balanced against the actuality of crime. For instance, fraud offences recorded a sizable decrease (down 32%), yet concern about fraud and credit card theft among ACT residents was greater than the national average.

One method to reduce the fear and perception of crime is for official police data to be supplied to the community with the knowledge of the relatively low risks of becoming a victim of crime. As of 14 May 2010, the ACT Policing website contains updated monthly crime statistics allowing the ACT community (and the media) the opportunity to access accurate information on crime in their neighbourhood (by patrol zone) as the need arises at regular points throughout the year. The increased levels of awareness about crime in the ACT community may still take some time however to impact the heightened perceptions of becoming a victim of crime.

Figure A.7—Perception of Crime by Offence Type—2009–2010

Figure A.7—Perception of Crime by Offence Type—2009–2010

Source: National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing, July 2010

The perception of crime measures in the Purchase Agreement (measures five to 10) assess the community’s concern about becoming a victim of crime in the next 12 months with regards to physical assault (excluding sexual assault), sexual assault, burglary and motor vehicle theft. This section also includes measures that assess the percentage of persons in the ACT whole feel safe at home alone during the day and after dark. For these measures, the Purchase Agreement requires that we achieve a result that is equivalent to the national average or less (for measures five to eight) and equivalent to the national average or more for measures nine and 10.

5. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of physical assault in a public place—excluding sexual assault in the next 12 months

In the ACT, 34.7% of people were concerned about becoming the victim of physical assault compared to a national average of 38.1%. We achieved this measure for this reporting period. After a particularly high number reported in 2008–2009, this reporting period saw a decrease in the number of reported number of assaults.

6. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of sexual assault in the next 12 months

In 2009–2010, 13.1% of people in the ACT were concerned about being a victim of sexual assault compared to 14.3% nationally. We achieved this measure in this reporting period. ACT Policing continues to see a decline in the number of reported sexual offences, with a decrease in 15% (or 52 offences) when compared to 2008–2009. We continue to encourage victims of sexual assault and sex related offences to report those incidents regardless of when they occurred.

7. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of housebreaking in the next 12 months

The national average and target for this measure in 2009–2010 was 51.1% (down from 53.8% compared to 2008–2009). The ACT result for the year is higher at 62.4% (up from 60% compared to 2008–2009) and as a result, we did not meet this target.

As previously stated, the number of residential burglaries in the ACT reported to police in 2009–2010 has increased by 18% when compared to the previous year.

As mentioned earlier, the multi-tiered property crime reduction strategy has been implemented and recent adjustments have been made to improve the balance between the goals of long-term crime prevention and the immediate needs to reduce property crime (and the accompanying community concerns about being the victim of housebreaking) via investigations.

In October 2009, ACT Policing VLOs commenced contacting victims of specific offences, including burglaries, to minimise further re-victimisation by following up on the provision of home security packs. Positive feedback has been received and we now distribute home security packs to all victims of burglary where possible.

As part of this crime prevention strategy, the BLOs undertake a number of projects aimed at community education and early intervention to harden properties against housebreaking. These projects are also aimed at building confidence between the community and police and may also result in increased reporting of crime. These programs will bear long-term benefits but may not show tangible results in the short-term.

1400. Burglary and a happy reunion.

Only weeks before ANZAC Day, a war veteran had his war medals stolen from his home during a burglary. He only realised they were missing when he went to pull them out to polish them for the upcoming parade.

One medal he had received for 30 years of service in the Military.

For a week, the 80 year old worried his decorations were lost forever, until police swoop on a flat in the City and retrieve the nine stolen medals.

Outside City Station, the man, along with his wife, meet with the responsible officers who are incredibly proud to reunite the Veteran with his beloved medals.

He is able to march proudly at the ANZAC Day dawn service as a result.

Image: Police returning stolen medals

ACT Policing’s Media and Marketing team has developed a series of advertisements which air on the 104.7 and 106.3 FM radio stations to encourage the community to be vigilant in the security of their homes and businesses.

8. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of motor vehicle theft in the next 12 months

The national average and target for this reporting period was 40.7%. The ACT result for the period was higher with 44.5% of persons in the ACT concerned about becoming the victim of motor vehicle theft.

While measures seven and eight have not been achieved, previous research by ACT Policing shows that a majority of respondents who express concern about burglary or motor vehicle theft do not necessarily believe that it will happen to them in the next 12 months.

There was no significant change in number of stolen motor vehicles reported to us in 2008–2009 (2, 075 offences) and 2009–2010 (2, 074 offences). However the number of stolen motor vehicles reported to police during 2009–2010 has steadily declined. Further, the number of motor vehicles reported stolen in 2009–2010 from residential locations has decreased by 18% when compared to the previous year.

During 2009–2010 there was considerable media interest in various incidents across the ACT concerning vehicle pursuits involving stolen motor vehicles. This may have heighten community concerns about becoming the victim of vehicle theft and may be exacerbated more than in other jurisdictions because of heavy reliance on private motor vehicle use in the ACT, due to limited public transport infrastructure.

It is also important to note that measures seven and eight are indicators of public perceptions of crime and safety. These perceptions are influenced by a range of factors, the majority of which are not related to actual levels of crime, social disorder or our performance. These influences can include print and electronic media, the internet, personal experience and the experience of friends and family.

The new ACT Policing website now provides an excellent communication platform between police and the community and contains updated crime prevention and community engagement information and crime statistics. This includes specific portals for the SPS, as well as the business and youth sectors in an effort to provide personal and property safety advice. Further information is also provided to assist with contacting police.

9. Percentage of persons who feel safe at home alone during the day.

Our target for the percentage of people who state that they feel safe at home alone during the day was ‘national average or more’. The national average for the financial year was 93.6%. The ACT exceeded the target for this reporting period with 94.4% of persons in the ACT stating that they feel safe at home during the day.

10. Percentage of persons who feel safe at home alone after dark

Our target for the percentage of people who stated that they feel safe at home alone after dark was the ‘national average or more’. The national average for the financial year was 84.2%, while the ACT result for the period was 86.2%.

As illustrated in Figure A.8, residents of the ACT feel safer than people nationally with regards to all locations and at all times of day referred to in the National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing.

ACT Policing continues to focus on increasing visibility, accessibility and community engagement with police via the SPS. During the reporting period, ACT Policing undertook 24, 975 SPS related activities of which 76.7% were visibility jobs (proactive vehicle patrols), 14.1% accessibility jobs (beat/foot/bicycle patrols) and 9.2% engagement jobs (such as talking to a school principal/shop owner about a specific issue). In February 2010, the internal guidelines regarding SPS engagements were reviewed and amended to enable patrols to more easily engage with the public without impacting on administrative requirements.

In October 2009, ACT Policing launched the Police Consultative Committees (PCC) with the implementation of two pilot Suburban Consultative Committees in South and North Canberra. These forums enabled community representatives to have direct input into setting police priorities and in identifying solutions to community issues.

Figure A.8—Feelings of Safety by Location and Time of Day—2009–2010

Figure A.8—Feelings of Safety by Location and Time of Day—2009–2010

Source: National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing, July 2010

Unfortunately, uptake of the PCC in its current form by local community members has not been successful. However, as the original aims of the PCC have not lost their importance or relevance, alternative strategies are being considered. One alternative is the using the recently launched ACT Policing website as a platform to develop ‘virtual communities’. The creation of such a forum is a contemporary solution to increasing community involvement while retaining the original focus of the committee, which was to:

Police Responsiveness

We encourage all members of the public to report criminal incidents to us. All contact that the public has with us is recorded and while not all reports will result in attendance by our members, those reports form part of the intelligence process that identifies issues and directs the targeting of patrols.

The coordination of efficient and effective responses to calls for assistance from members of the community is the responsibility of ACT Policing Operations.

The allocation of our resources continues to be managed in accordance with the four-level priority response model. The model ensures that our resources are deployed to the most serious incidents at any given time. The categories for the four level response model are:

Measures 11 to 14 gauge our responsiveness by recording the time to respond to incidents of each priority type, while measure 15 details the urgency with which 000 calls are answered. For the first time, we have met the targets for all tiers of all measures for this output.

11. Response times for Priority One Incidents

The targeted response times for Priority One Incidents as set by measure 11 is 60% or more within eight minutes and 90% or more within twelve minutes. Both target responses times for Priority One incidents were achieved in this reporting period (85.1% within eight minutes and 95.8% within twelve minutes).

12. Response times for Priority Two Incidents

Our target for Priority Two incidents was 60% within twenty minutes and 95% or more within thirty minutes. The achieved response time for Priority Two incidents was 92.6% within twenty minutes and 97.1% within thirty minutes.

13. Response times for Priority Three Incidents

Our target for Priority Three incidents was 60% or more within two hours and 95% of more within three hours. We achieved target response times for Priority Three incidents with 89.9% within two hours. ACT Policing has marginally failed the second target, with 94.5% within three hours.

As discussed previously, during 2009–2010 ACT saw a 20% increase in the number of burglaries, which has had a significant impact on the number of priority three incidents ACT Policing has needed to attend to. It is recognised however; that the community and government expect police to respond rapidly in circumstances where there is an imminent threat to life, safety or property. While responsiveness itself has little impact on the apprehension of offenders it can result in lives being saved, for example suicide/ crisis intervention, which can profoundly influence community satisfaction.

To ensure continued improvement in response times, ACT Policing is analysing priority three response times in larger patrol zones such as Woden. This review is likely to involve an impending move of a small number of suburbs in the inner south and east from the responsibility of Woden Police Station to City Police Station.

14. Response times for Priority Four Incidents

Our target for Priority Four incidents was 95% or more within twenty-four hours. The target was achieved with a result of 99.1%.

15. Percentage of 000 calls answered on first or second presentation

The reporting period target for 000 calls that were answered on first presentation was 90% or more. The target for 000 calls answered on second presentation was 98% or more. We achieved a result of 95.3% for calls answered on first presentation and 99.7% for calls answered on second presentation.

Public Confidence in Police

If members of the public are satisfied with their most recent contact with our members, they are more likely to report other incidents (contributing to the gathering of intelligence) and assist us when requested.

Issues we have identified as being of concern to the public are discussed, prioritised and monitored through the ACT Policing Operations Committee. In response to these issues, our members are tasked by the committee to patrol areas of concern such as bus interchanges, business districts, suburban shopping centres and high density residential complexes.

More information about the Operations Committee can be found in Section C.5—Internal Accountability.

16. Percentage of persons satisfied with most recent contact with police services

Our target for this measure is ‘national average or more’. The national average during the reporting period was 80.8%. We achieved this target with 81.5% of respondents satisfied with their contact with our members in the last 12 months.

Our results for this reporting period are illustrated in Figure A.9 as compared to the national average.

Since the implementation of the SPS in November 2006, we have seen an improvement in all measures related to public confidence with our members. Early in this reporting period, we performed above the national average in relation to satisfaction with most recent contact for the first time. The SPS is a form of ‘reassurance policing’ which aims to address the gap between actual crime rates and the public’s perception that crime is rising. As a reassurance policing model, the SPS has a capacity to address the gap between rates of crime, risk of becoming a victim and declining factors of public confidence.

Figure A.9—Satisfaction with Police—2009–2010

Figure A.9—Satisfaction with Police—2009–2010

Source: National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing, July 2010

* Proportion of people who have had contact with police in the last 12 months that were satisfied with that contact

17. Percentage of persons who agree that police perform their job professionally

Our target for this measure was ‘national average or more’. The national average in this reporting period was 80.2% and our final result is 81.9%, exceeding the target.

18. Percentage of persons who agree that police treat people fairly and equally

Our target for this measure was ‘national average or more’. The target was met as 72.8% of persons in the ACT agreed that we treat people fairly and equally (compared to 68.0% nationally).

Figure A.10 compares results in the ACT to the national average for these questions. For all four questions, a greater proportion of ACT residents agreed with statements about police in comparison to the national average. These questions relate to perceived professionalism, fairness and honesty of our members and the confidence respondents have in them.

19. Number of established complaint issues against police

During this reporting period this target was ‘45 or below’. The target was not achieved with 87 established complaints relating to our members in this reporting period. This represents an increase of 34% from 2008–2009.

It should be noted that measures 19 and 20 only include complaints relating to our members that were found to be substantiated in this reporting period. This differs from the complaints information located in Section C.5—Internal Accountability of this report. Complaints information in Section C.5 details the total number of complaints that were made during this reporting period, not just those that were established during this reporting period.

1500. General Duties. Mystery box.

Police are called to a secluded location after a man finds a suspicious item at Yarralumla, partially buried in bushland.

Measuring 2.1m long by 90cm wide and 50cm deep, the empty wooden box had been carefully constructed with a fixed panel and a moveable panel, set into a hole in the ground, and covered with a thin layer of pine needles.

A crime scene is established at the location and AFP Forensic Services are called to take samples and examine the immediate area around the item. Several stains are found on the box and several miscellaneous items of clothing are found in the area.

Police need to determine what the box contained and why it was concealed at that location.

Figure A.10—Community Beliefs about Police—2009–2010

Figure A.10—Community Beliefs about Police—2009–2010

Source: National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing, July 2010

20. Number of established complaint issues relating to persons in custody

A target of ’15 or below’ was set for the number of established complaints relating to persons in police custody for this reporting period. The number of established complaint issues in this reporting period relating to persons in custody was 10.

All people who are taken into our custody are processed through the ACT Watch House located at City Police Station. Table A.2 shows the total number of people taken into our custody in this reporting period (including those in protective custody) and the total number of people taken into protective custody for intoxication.

Table A.2 Persons taken into Custody 2009-2010


Persons arrested

Protective custody
for intoxication

Total in custody


Source: PROMIS as at 2 July 2010

Image: Two officers talking to residents at the front door of a suburban home.

Traffic Law Enforcement and Road Safety

We enforce traffic laws and promote safer behaviour on ACT roads to reduce the number of crash fatalities and injuries to members of the community.

Traffic Operations is primarily responsible for performing the primary traffic enforcement function in our organisation. Our key traffic law enforcement and road safety strategies are education, awareness, deterrence and enforcement.

We continue to work closely with a number of agencies to promote, educate, design and enforce the road rules applicable to the ACT. These agencies include TAMS and the ACT Office of Road Safety.

ACT Policing continues to focus efforts on the offences of drink driving, speeding, driving while using a hand-held mobile phone, not wearing a seatbelt, unregistered and uninsured vehicles, and unlicensed drivers.

Recent research undertaken by ACT Policing has found that almost one-third of all persons who were unlicensed drivers, and/or driving unregistered vehicles have a previous criminal history across a diverse range of offences. The majority were recidivist traffic offenders; however, a significant proportion also had an offending history involving persons and property offences. Similarly, analysis of traffic accidents within the ACT showed that a significant proportion of accidents attended by police involved drivers apprehended for driving without entitlement offences and therefore highlighting the road safety implications of persons not committing these offences.

RAPID uses a digital video camera to instantaneously identify whether a vehicle registration is identical to a listed plate contained in a ‘vehicle of interest’ list, has also been used to respond to this Ministerial Direction. The ‘vehicle of interest’ list includes an up-to-date listing of unregistered vehicles, stolen vehicles, vehicles owned by suspended or unlicensed drivers, and vehicles associated with persons wanted on warrant.

During 2009–2010, ACT Policing officers identified 3, 956 vehicles and people of interest, with 2, 644 infringements resulting. Of the drivers apprehended, more than 200 were suspended or disqualified drivers. In addition, ACT Policing were able to recover stolen vehicles, execute warrants, issue summonses and make arrests, all of which contributed to overall community safety.

1600. Evening shift begins. Mental health assistance.

Police are called on by Mental Health to transport a patient to The Canberra Hospital. The patient is in breach of her treatment order and has to attend the Psychiatric Services Unit (PSU). She has already started to harm herself, causing lacerations on both arms.

After several searches, police find the young lady and encourage her to adhere to the treatment order, diffusing the situation. Officers then transport the patient to the PSU without incident and wait with her at the hospital while she is given her medication.

The in-car computing facility is used in conjunction with the RAPID system to enable members to spend more time on the road rather than in a police station, thereby maximising police visibility and interaction with the community.

ACT Policing also proactively campaigns road safety messages via advertisements on the 104.7 and 106.3 FM radio stations. Further pro-active media engagements include a regular ‘Traffic Talkback’ session on local radio.

21. Number of road crashes resulting in death per 100, 000 population

The reporting period target for this measure was 4.2 or less road crashes resulting in death per 100, 000 of the population. In this reporting period ACT Policing did not meet the target, recording 4.9 fatal road crashes per 100, 000 of the population, a result that was 17.1% higher than the target.

There were 17 road crashes resulting in 20 deaths during this reporting period, which was an increase from 12 deaths from 11 road crashes in 2008–2009. As a small jurisdiction, with relatively few motor vehicle deaths, small changes in the number of fatalities can dramatically influence this performance indicator. Figure A.11 indicates the rate of ACT fatal collisions per 100, 000 of the population compared to the Australian rate per 100, 000 of the population.

Figure A.11—Fatal Collisions per 100, 000 of the Population—2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Figure A.11—Fatal Collisions per 100, 000 of the Population—2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Source: PROMIS as at 2 July 2010, as at 16 August 2010 and Regional Population Growth, Australia and New Zealand, 2008–2009 (ABS Cat. no. 3218.0)

Figure A.12—Motor Vehicle Collisions with Injury—2006–2007 to 2009–2010

Figure A.12—Motor Vehicle Collisions with Injury—2006–2007 to 2009–2010
Source: PROMIS as at 2 July 2010

Traffic Operations and Crime Prevention operate the ‘Real Decisions, Real Consequences’ display at public events, which is a real-life accident damaged car which comprised a drink driver and three passengers, of which one died in the high-speed collision and others received permanent injuries. This is used as part of an awareness and education campaign to improve road safety. An integrated, targeted road safety framework is being developed by Traffic Operations and ACT Policing Media and Marketing.

The ACT was the only jurisdiction in Australia which remained fatality free from the Christmas to New Year period in 2009–2010.

22. Number of road crashes resulting in injury per 100, 000 of the population

Our target for this measure was 180 or less road crashes, resulting in injury, per 100, 000 of the population. The 2009–2010 result was 189.0 road crashes per 100, 000 persons. It should be noted that the annual target for this measure was reduced by 14% from 210 road crashes involving injury per 100, 000 of the population in 2008–2009. This was due to improved performance for this measure in 2008–2009.

ACT Policing has introduced a number of initiatives to address this issue. A high visibility campaign targeting speeding during morning peak hours is ongoing. RAPID has been used to target unlicensed drivers and unregistered vehicles—these ‘drive without entitlement’ offenders are heavily over represented in statistics comprising motor vehicle collisions resulting in serious injury (approximately 13% of collisions involving injury involve these offenders). Targeting these offenders removes them from the roads before they can be involved in collisions causing injury.

23. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving 10km per hour or more over the speed limit

Our target for this measure was the ‘national average or less’, being 24.5. Our result was higher than the target in this reporting period, with 28.8% of persons self reported to driving 10km per hour or more over the speed limit.

We regularly conduct targeted operations aimed at reducing the number of speeding drivers on ACT roads. Our Media and Marketing team is regularly engaged to warn the public of the dangers of speeding.

ACT Policing continues to attempt to change the community’s perceptions on the dangers of speeding. During 2009–2010, ACT Policing commenced a high visibility, coordinated speed enforcement campaign to deter motorists from speeding. This campaign took advantage of uncertainty of targeting locations and times but focuses on seven main arterial roads which are principally targeted during morning and/or afternoon peak periods.

1700. Check for welfare.

Police attend a residential home in the south of Canberra after an elderly woman calls police concerned about her neighbour’s welfare.

The neighbour, also an elderly woman, has not been seen her for approximately one week and her newspapers are starting to pile up on the front lawn. After calling the neighbour’s daughter, who was not aware of her mother’s whereabouts, the neighbour began to panic.

When police arrive at the neighbour’s house, they observe through the window that the television is on and a handbag is on the dining table. All the doors are locked.

Police entre the premises to find the woman on the hallway floor, still alive.

Police perform first aid while awaiting the ambulance. The woman is taken to The Canberra Hospital where she later dies. She had fallen after taking a shower and had been there for some days.

Measures have been implemented to improve road safety within the Territory including greater use of RAPID and joint jurisdictional operations e.g. Operation RAID, driver awareness and high visibility targeted and random breath testing.

24. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving while not wearing a seatbelt

Our target for this measure was the ‘national average or less’. We achieved this target, as the national average was 2.6% and our result was 2.5%.

We continually target traffic related offences such as seat belt offences in conjunction with other initiatives designed to change driving habits through education in addition to enforcement. We are actively working with the media to remind the community that not wearing a seat belt is a key road safety issue which contributes to our road toll.

25. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving while suspecting they are over the prescribed alcohol limit

Our target for this measure was the ‘national average or less’. The national average was 1.9% while our result met the target in this reporting period, with 1.6% of persons in the ACT self reported to driving while suspecting they were over the prescribed alcohol limit. This is a decrease from 2008–2009, with 2.8% of ACT drivers self reporting to driving while suspecting they are over the limit.

Figure A.13—Number of Breath Tests by Year—2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Figure A.13—Number of Breath Tests by Year—2005–2006 to 2009–2010

Source: ACT Policing Annual Reports 2008–2009 and ACT Policing Traffic Operations

Figure A.13 shows that there has been a decrease in the proportion of persons producing a positive breath test for alcohol while driving, with 1.5% of drivers testing positive for driving over the prescribed alcohol limit compared to 2.0% in 2008–2009.

ACT Policing linked Operation Unite (the alcohol-driven violence reduction operation) with the related offence of drink driving, and devoted significant resources to apprehending drink drivers as part of this campaign during the summer period.

26. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving when using a mobile phone

In this reporting period this measure was the ‘national average or less’. The national average was 14.2% while we achieved the target in this reporting period, with 14.5% of persons who self reported to driving when using a mobile phone.

Prosecution and Judicial Support

We aim to maximise the number of successful prosecution in court by providing support to the Office of the DPP and the courts.

27. Percentage of briefs delivered to the DPP within the designated timeframe

Our target for this measure was for delivery of 75% or more of briefs to the DPP within the designated timeframe. In this reporting period, we have fallen short of the target, with 72% of briefs being delivered within the given timeframe. This however is an improvement from the 2008–2009 result (62.8%).

The recent implementation of a weekly processing system (involving ACT Policing members being advised by Judicial Operations of briefs that are either due or overdue) is expected to increase the percentage of briefs delivered within the designated timeframe over the term of the 2009–2010 period.

During 2009–2010, ACT Policing also commenced reviewing its Service Level Agreement with AFP Forensics, which has impacted on the timeliness in which briefs of evidence are prepared.

The map below shows the distribution of drink driving offences detected in 2009–2010 by location of incident.

Distribution of drink driving offences detected in 2009–2010 by location of incident

Another review, involving the role of OSS, who adjudicates on briefs of evidence at police stations, is underway to canvass potential for further improvement.

28. Percentage of cases finalised by offence proved in court

Our target for this measure was to finalise 80% or more cases by offence proved in court. We achieved this target, with 85.9% of cases finalised by offence proved in court.

29. Percentage of cases finalised by a not-guilty verdict or otherwise withdrawn

Our target for this measure was to finalise 18% or less cases by a not-guilty verdict or otherwise withdrawn. We achieved this target with 11.8% of cases finalised by a not-guilty verdict or otherwise withdrawn.

30. Percentage of cases otherwise resolved

Our target for this measure was to ensure the percentage of cases resolved other than by offence proved in court or a not-guilty verdict, or otherwise withdrawn, is 5% or less. This measure relates to incidents where defendants are found unfit to plea due to mental health. We achieved our target, recording 2.2% of cases otherwise resolved.

Crime Prevention

We seek to reduce and prevent crime through strategies that incorporate government and community cooperation to address risk factors associated with criminal behaviour and recidivism, and raise awareness of the community’s role in their own safety and security.

Image: Police officers talking to a small child with baloon.

Research shows that neighbourhood problems, incivility or perceived problems are commonly linked with perceived levels of crime and general safety. For example, perception of neighbourhood incivility is an indication of a lack of public order in the neighbourhood, that social controls are diminishing and police are unable to deal effectively with neighbourhood problems.

One of the aims of the SPS is to reduce the fear of crime in the community. The combined approach of the SPS in employing increased visibility, foot patrols and engagement with the community has the potential to reduce crime, anti-social behaviour and concern about crime, and to increase public confidence in the police.

Since the implementation of the SPS in November 2006, ACT Policing has seen an improvement in all measures related to public confidence with police. The SPS is a form of ‘reassurance policing’ which aims to address the gap between actual crime rates and the public’s perception that crime was rising. As a reassurance policing model, the SPS has the ability to address the gap between rates of crime, risk of becoming a victim and declining factors of public confidence (otherwise known as ‘quality of life’ or ‘signal crimes’). Quality of life crimes are those that impact on day to day life and represent social disorder. Measure 31 aims to assess how the ACT community perceive quality of life crimes.

31. Percentage of persons who perceive the following quality of life issues to be a problem in their neighbourhood

Our target for this measure was the ‘national average or less’ of persons who perceive speeding cars, dangerous or noisy driving to be a problem in their neighbourhood. The national average was 73.8% and our result was just under this target for this reporting period, 72.9% of persons perceived speeding cars, dangerous or noisy driving as being a problem in their neighbourhood.

Our target for this measure was the ‘national average or less’ of persons who perceive graffiti/vandalism to be a problem in their neighbourhood. The national average was 54.2% while our result was just below the target for this reporting period, with 57.4% of persons who perceived graffiti/vandalism as being a problem in their neighbourhood.

During 2009–2010, ACT Policing patrols via Operation School Safe conducted regular vehicle and foot patrols of ACT schools and surrounds which are frequently the location for graffiti. This operation concluded on resumption of the school year in February 2010.

A proven reduction method for graffiti is to remove the graffiti as soon as possible; the same day if possible. The rationale for this is based on the ego aspect of the artist in that the longer graffiti stays in place, the more successful the graffiti (and offender) is seen to be. Others will then over spray the initial graffiti, thus marking the graffiti as old and claiming ownership (in artistic terms) of the area.

To resolve concerns around graffiti, YLOs engage with the youth sector and is heavily involved in direct early intervention at schools and youth centres to assess and determine appropriate referral pathways and programs. The team has been extensively involved in school based education and issue responsive sessions, in support of schools dealing with emerging student crime and vulnerability issues and problems.

Significant changes and support to the Canberra PCYC has allowed the development and availability of specific programs and activities which assess youth, and conduct programs for supporting youth and families. This includes linking them to appropriate support agencies, and providing targeted personal and vocational development programs and opportunities.

Our target for this measure was the ‘national average or less’ of persons who perceive louts/gangs to be a problem in their neighbourhood. The national average was 34.9% while our result was under this target for this reporting period, 29.7% of persons who perceived louts/gangs as being a problem in their neighbourhood.

Our target for this measure was the national average or less of persons who perceive drunken/disorderly behaviour to be a problem in their neighbourhood. The national average was 44.6% while our result was under this target for this reporting period, 35.3% of persons who perceived drunken/disorderly behaviour as being a problem in their neighbourhood.

32. Number of juveniles referred to diversionary programs

In this reporting period the target for this measure is 55 or more of juveniles referred to diversionary programs. ACT Policing exceeded the target by 38.2% with 76 referrals.

33. Number of persons referred to community support agencies.

Our target for this measure was 5, 100 or more persons referred to community support agencies. We achieved the target with 6, 868 referrals to SupportLink, which is an increase of 5% since 2008–2009. Our members used the SupportLink service to provide a crime prevention approach to issues identified during their duties. The primary issues addressed are:

34. Number of referrals to drug diversion programs (drug demand reduction effort)

Our target for this measure was 65 or more referrals to drug diversion programs. We achieved the target with 88 people diverted to the Early Intervention and Drug Diversion Program during the reporting period—an increase of 9% from the previous year.

Our drug diversion strategies adhere to the National Drug Strategy. They also meet the illicit drug diversion framework proposed by the ACT Reference Group to meet the Council of Australian Government requirements for early intervention of diversion of drug offenders.

The aims of our Early Intervention and Diversion Program are to:

Table A.3—Drug Offences by Type

Offence type
% change
Possess and use drugs
Deal and supply drugs
Manufacture and grow drugs
Other drug offences

Source: PROMIS as at 2 July 2010

The Drug Diversion Program involves our members referring offenders to the Diversion Service, Alcohol and Drug Program at ACT Health. ACT Health’s Police Early Diversion Clinician is responsible for assessing offenders and recommending appropriate diversions to education and treatment services. The assessment stage is managed within the health system, with no involvement from our organisation.

Provided that offenders comply with the conditions of the Drug Diversion program, drug possession offences relating to the diversion will not appear on National Police Checks conducted on the offender despite being officially recorded in our systems.

Our Early Intervention and Diversion Program provide opportunities for illicit drug offenders to be diverted from the criminal justice system to education and treatment pathways in the health system.

Table A.4—Drug Seizures 2009–2010

Drug type
11 407.59g
737 381.84g
Other substance
7 036.38g

Source: ACT Policing Drug Registry, 30 August 2010


1. The figures include seizures awaiting analysis to confirm both weights and the presence of the illegal substance.
2. Recorded weights and drug types may differ from those previously recorded. Net weight confirmed has been used where available, otherwise net weight estimated has been used. The weight value indicated may also include packaging.
3. ACT Policing Drug Registry figures differ from those prepared for the Australian Federal Police as a whole. The ACT Drug Registry counts each individual drug package seized, where as the national figures combine like drugs together. For example, if two packages of heroin are seized at the one incident, the ACT Drug Registry would count two drugs seized, while the national AFP figures would count only one.
4. Other substance has previously been recorded as Non-drug, Not for analysis or Other drug type

Section A.10—Triple Bottom Line Report

In line with the ACT Government’s commitment to shape the development of a sustainable ACT, Table A.5 outlines our economic, environmental and social indicators.

Table A.5 —Triple Bottom Line Report

2009–2010 Result
2008–2009 Result
% Change
ECONOMIC Employee Expenses

  • Number of staff employed
  • Total Employee Expenditure






Operating Statement

  • Total expenditure
  • Total own source revenue
  • Total net cost of services






Economic Viability

  • Total assets
  • Total liabilities






  • Total number of fleet vehicles
  • Total transport fuel used
  • Total direct greenhouse emissions (tonnes of Co2e) of the fleet


Not available
1, 328


Not available
1, 428


Not available
Energy Use—KwH

  • Total office energy use
  • Office energy use per person
  • Office energy use per m2

6, 354


5, 335

Not available
Not available



Water Consumption

  • Total water use – kilolitres
  • Office water use per person
  • Office water use per m2

13, 818


13, 014

Not available
Not available


Resource Efficiency and Waste

  • Total co-mingled office waste per FTE
  • Total paper recycled
  • Total paper used (by reams) per FTE
  • Percentage of paper recycled
Not available
Not reported in 2008–2009


The Diversity of Our Workforce

  • Women (Female FTEs as a percentage of the total)
  • People with a disability
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
  • Staff with English as a second language







Staff Health and Wellbeing

  • OH& S Incident Reports
  • Accepted claims for compensation
    (as at 30 June 2010)
  • Staff receiving influenza vaccinations
  • Workstation assessments requested




Not reported
Not reported



1800. Stolen motor vehicle. Pursuit.

Police patrol attempt to perform a traffic stop after sighting a stolen car travelling at excessive speeds in the north of Canberra.

Police pursue the vehicle only to terminate the pursuit minutes later. A second police vehicle re-starts the chase, pursuing the stolen car for 20 minutes until the stolen car grinds to a holt, colliding with two stationary vehicles on the side of the road.

Three young men jump out of the car and try to escape police on foot.

The vehicle had been stolen from a car park overnight. The three young men are immediately apprehended and charged with taking a motor vehicle without authority, dangerous driving and failing to stop. The driver is also unlicensed.


1900. Night shift starts. Intoxication.

Within the first 10 minutes of night shift, police conduct a foot patrol on London Circuit and find a female in her late teens standing in the middle of the road.

Police approach the female and ask her to move off the road. She does not speak and remains standing in the middle of the road, causing concern for her safety and that of others.

The female becomes belligerent and aggressive, and repeatedly refuses to move. From their observations, police believe she is already heavily intoxicated.

Police take her into custody and convey her to the ACT Watch House. While in the caged vehicle, the female passes out while vomiting. On arrival at the Watch House, she is unconscious and removed from the vehicle. She is taken into protective custody for her own safety.

The female is significantly affected by alcohol. She is released the following morning but does not recall any of the previous night’s events.


Section B


Section B.1— Community Engagement

We actively engage and consult with a number of organisations and members of the community to promote a proactive approach in achieving a safe and secure ACT.

Major or Significant Community Consultations Undertaken During the Year

Suburban Policing Strategy

The SPS is a neighbourhood policing strategy which incorporates the allocation of defined areas to ACT Policing teams. Each patrol zone has been divided into sectors, of which there are 34 across the ACT.

In this reporting period, we undertook 24, 975 SPS related community consultation activities of which 76.7% were visibility jobs (proactive vehicle patrols), 14.1% accessibility jobs (beat/foot/bicycle patrols) and 9.2% engagement jobs (such as talking to a school principal/shop owners about specific issues).

Two significant community consultations undertaken during this reporting period were:

Police volunteers provided a barbeque while ACT Fire Brigade set up their Bronto Sky-lift Telescopic Ladder Platform, supplying a few lucky local residents with a 360-degree, 42-meter-high view of the area. The operation was aimed at increasing the publics’ feeling of safety and increasing their confidence in ACT Policing by decreasing their fear of becoming a victim of crime. The SPS engagement was a direct result of residents’ concern about a loss of community spirit within these areas and at times feeling isolated.

South District community consultation

Members of the South district management team attended monthly community council meetings in Tuggeranong, Woden and Weston. These forums were found to be a valuable opportunity, not only for ACT Policing to engage with the community, but also for the community to consult first hand with officers on law enforcement issues or concerns.

Additional monthly meetings with Woden Westfield Management and Tuggeranong Hyperdome Management continued to maintain relationships and develop cooperative arrangements surrounding law enforcement issues impacting these precincts.

The Superintendent of South District also attends the monthly Mental Health Committee with staff from the Canberra Hospital Emergency Department and the Psychiatric Unit. This Committee addresses any operational or policy issues at a multi-agency level to enhance relationships and develop more efficient inter agency practices in relation to meeting the needs of clients within our community who suffer mental health issues.

North District community consultation

Members of the North district management team attended monthly community council meetings in Gungahlin, Belconnen and City. These forums provide community members with the opportunity to consult officers on a variety of law enforcement issues that are of interest or concern to them. The meetings are also attended by members of the multicultural community

There are several low-income government housing precincts that are home to new immigrants, students and persons receiving government assistance benefits in the North district. We initiated discussions with these residents to better understand and address their concerns about street offences and drug-use that is occurring in and around their homes. The event presented an opportunity to interact with members from Canberra’s culturally and linguistically diverse community, and for the residents, the ability to have direct access to information from the officers.

The activity was viewed as successful and enabled City patrol members to interact with members from the Burmese, Sudanese, Vietnamese, and Indigenous and Nigerian communities.

ACT Alcohol Diversion Program for Young People

ACT Policing’s Alcohol Diversion Program for Young People (ADPYP) is an ACT response to a federal government initiative under the National Binge Drinking Strategy and will be involve participation by all Australian jurisdictions.

The Early Intervention Pilot Program was developed during this reporting period and includes the appointment of three Alcohol Diversion Officers who will manage the process and track the results for the duration of the project. The launch of the program is scheduled for July 2010 and will be jointly conducted by ACT Policing and the Department of Health and Aging until its expected conclusion in 2013.

The objectives of this program are to provide intervention and education to young people early in their ‘drinking careers’, and to collect data on young persons and alcohol, with a view to reducing harm, binge drinking and associated social and health problems in the community.

Domestic Violence Workshop

We participated in the Domestic Violence and Legal Aid Workshop during the reporting period along with 20 people from the Arabic community.

ACT Policing is currently working with the Office of the Multicultural Association to develop a strategy to approaching domestic violence within the multicultural communities. Further workshops may be held as part of this strategy. A committee is being formed initially to represent five nationalities and these individuals will take on the role of peer supporters representing their own communities to work within the framework of their culture. The Mon and Karen, Sudanese, Chinese, Pacific Islanders and Indian and Sri Lankans have been selected for the first launch and this will be followed by the Arabic and Italian communities.

Tools Used to Engage with the Community

We use a number of tools, and diverse strategies, to engage with the community.

AFP Open Day

The AFP celebrated 30 years in October 2009 by holding a hugely successful Open Day at the International Training Complex at Majura, ACT. It was the first time that the community was able to enter this complex with an estimated 15, 000 Canberrans and interstate visitors taking advantage of the opportunity.

The AFP 30th Anniversary Open Day was a huge success with the Canberra community
The AFP 30th Anniversary Open Day was a huge success with the Canberra community

ACT Policing was a key feature at the Open Day. Demonstrations by our members included Urgent Duty Driving and tactical response. A large ACT Policing marquee filled with displays, exhibits and enthusiastic officers showcased the great work of our members through face-to-face interaction with the community.

Unusual items seized by our members on patrol and a number of our vehicles were also on display including the Gemini 7.3m Interceptor Tactical Ridged Hull Inflatable Boat, motorbikes, caged vehicles (paddy wagons) and the Random Breath Testing truck which proved popular.

Constable Kenny Koala was also present entertaining kids, signing autographs and having his photo taken with his little fans, making sure personal safety tips were provided at every opportunity.

Other activities and demonstrations included presentations, tours of the pre-deployment village, canine demonstrations, fast-roping, mock crime scenes, clandestine drug laboratories, fitness testing, badge making, forensic finger printing and the museum exhibit on ‘When the roof became stars’.

The Open Day provided the Canberra community with a rare opportunity to look ‘inside’ ACT Policing and the varied work of our members. For many people, the highlight of the event was the opportunity of being able to talk to our officers and staff about ACT Policing and some of the issues we are faced with everyday. This was a great reward for us and successful in working towards building positive relationships with the community.

Suburban Policing Strategy

During the reporting period a new addition to the SPS Team saw the welcome of a SLO. The SLO has a focus on the ageing population of the ACT and engages this community sector to heighten personal safety.

Examples of the increased community engagement during the reporting period are:

Inaugural 2010 Paintball Challenge

Inaugural 2010 Paintball Challenge

ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show

As in previous years, ACT Policing set up a large display at the 2010 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show, held in February. The stand provides us with an opportunity to showcase our work as well as delivering safety messages to the Canberra community in a one-on-one approach. The focus of the 2010 display was education regarding drug and alcohol consequences with our members providing graphic examples of the harms of drugs and alcohol abuse.

Vehicles severely damaged as a result of major collisions were also on display to raise awareness of the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse and the horror consequences of driving under the influence (and speeding).

Members from various areas of ACT Policing and the AFP were able to engage with the community and provide advice on a large range of policing issues as well as promote crime prevention strategies and initiatives in relation to home, vehicle and personal safety, as well as explain some of the police equipment on display.

For the first time, police recruits undertaking their 24 week course at the AFP College were present as part of their practical training. This provided them with an opportunity to directly engage with the public, and the community, the chance to meet their soon-to-be Constables of Police.

ACT Multicultural Festival

ACT Policing was once again a visible component of the ACT Multicultural Festival in March 2010 by directly engaging with the public through information stalls and foot patrols. This provided our members with the opportunity to specifically engage with the multicultural community and promote the work we do in this area, with the aim to instil confidence in police.

In addition to the stall, we had ‘roving’ members circulating the festival and speaking with multicultural stall holders over the weekend. Other members manned the ACT Policing stall in conjunction with ACT ESA.

For the first time, our stall comprised a new photo picture board depicting a comical representation of a police car that children (and adults) could place their heads inside for photographs. The photo picture board was developed by the youth art program the Tuggeranong Messengers’ Arts Program.

Approximately 140, 000 people attended the 2010 Multicultural Festival.

Police and Community Youth Club

During the reporting period, the Canberra PCYC launched new programs in support of its activities. We continued to support PCYC through attendance at these activities including the Blue Light Discos.

The primary focus of the PCYC is to assist young people who may face concerns and distress about substance abuse, family violence, or other extreme social and physical difficulties and who may be at risk of lapsing into, or continuing, criminal activity.

We are proud supporters of the PCYC. RecLink Inc is a specific program co-funded by ACT Policing.

Constable Kenny Koala

For more than 34 years, Constable Kenny Koala has been spreading the message about personal, property and traffic safety within our community, and is recognised as an institution within our organisation and the ACT community.

During the reporting period, the Constable Kenny Koala program visited a number of schools, presenting safety messages to 740 separate classes and in total 13, 009 primary aged school students. The addition of the second Constable Kenny Koala operator during the reporting period enabled the program to expand safety messages into new groups for the program including multicultural, Indigenous and seniors groups.

In line with the ACT curriculum, the Constable Kenny Koala program has three message streams: road safety, protective behaviours and community care. The most popular programs requested by the community continue to be road safety and protective behaviours. Road safety is preferred by preschool and lower primary classes, while protective behaviours are popular in the upper primary classes.

During the reporting period the Constable Kenny Koala program has attended a total of 56 public events. These events included the AFP 30th Anniversary Open Day, 2010 ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show, the Multicultural Festival, school fetes, charity launches and Blue Light Discos.

Image: Constable Kenny Koala

Throughout the reporting period Constable Kenny Koala appeared alongside members of the SPS on 55 occasions.

Due to the success and popularity of Constable Kenny Koala, our mascot continues to receive cards, letters, emails and certificates of appreciation thanking him for attending the schools and presenting positive messages to students.

African Chef

During the reporting period our members participated in several sessions of ‘African Chef’—a program run by the Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services (MARSS).

The program targets young African males aged between 18 and 30 years, mostly of Sudanese origin. It involves getting young African men into the kitchen to learn how to prepare, cook and serve food and feel comfortable in doing so. In traditional African culture, this role is carried out only by women.

In addition to the participants learning valuable skills, our participation (which predominantly involved male officers) in the program was a great opportunity to deliver positive messages and interact with members of the Sudanese community.

Youth Liaison Officers

Our YLOs were established during the reporting period to work towards reducing youth crime in the ACT, while seeking to maintain a balance between youth support and law enforcement.

During the reporting period we used evidence-based, targeted engagement activities and programmes aimed at young people between 10 and 18 years of age, identified as being at risk of committing criminal offences or vulnerable by their behaviour or circumstance.

YLOs provide us with an opportunity to directly engage with young people. The team’s focus is to:

2000. Breach of bail. Domestic violence.

An hour into the night shift, police undertake bail checks to ensure those on bail are adhering to imposed conditions.

On arrival at their second location, police observe a female running from the house. She has seen the police car and panicked; concerned she will be taken into custody.

The female had been visiting her partner’s house. However, a domestic violence order is in place and the two are not to be in each other’s company at any time.

Only weeks prior to this, police attended the female’s residence after reports of screaming and loud banging. The male had beaten the female so violently that police had to perform first aid while also holding down the male, keeping the female conscious until ambulance arrived. She had a two inch gap in her head, revealing her skull, and had lost a large amount of blood and hair. She also suffered extensive bruising on her body and broken ribs.

Ambulance officers later reported that if it had not been for the police and their response, the female would have died before ambulance officers arrived.

Engagement with the Multicultural Community

Our MLOs were established during the reporting period to ensure that migrants and refugees understand the role of police seeking to build positive relationships between these migrants, police and the Canberra community.

During the reporting period, MLOs put in place several strategies and programs to help build rapport with people of multicultural and diverse backgrounds. Sessions, particularly for newly arrived refugees, were arranged and included discussions about the role of police, how to identify police, when and how to contact the police and where to find them.

The recent Islamic Awareness Program, which was attended by the MLOs, has provided valuable insight into how interactions with people of different faiths can be mutually beneficial.

In May 2010, we also launched the Practical Reference to Religious and Spiritual Diversity for Operational Police with members of Canberra’s multicultural community. The Guide provides us with a greater understanding of religious and spiritual diversity, and covers nine major religious faiths: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander spirituality, Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Maori Spirituality and Sikhism.

Business Liaison Officers

Our BLOs were established during the reporting period to establish positive relationships with the business community and provide advice on crime prevention and reduction strategies.

Through the BLOs we have seen a reduction in the incidence of businesses affected by a variety of crime types such as property theft, damage and fraud offences as well as assisting in identifying hotspots of anti-social activity.

In response to an increased demand for business crime reduction and prevention information, we updated and distributed the ‘BizSafe’ publication, which is now also online and accessible to all businesses.

ACT Policing’s Eyes on the Street program was also trialled during the reporting period. Eyes on the Street is a business focused community engagement program which involves educating and empowering businesses and their employees to take an active role in forwarding information regarding criminal and suspicious activity to police. A variety of businesses and government agencies are involved and feedback to date has been extremely positive.

Indigenous Community Liaison Team

The ICLT aims to enhance communication between ACT Policing and ACT’s Indigenous community. During the reporting period, the ICLT facilitated a number of programs for Indigenous people including:

Our YLOs also attended Bimberi on a week to week basis to assist ReClink members in an effort to build positive relations between police and Bimberi residents (and to assist with the rehabilitation process).

ACT Policing website

ACT Policing launched its very first community policing website in April 2010 as part of the AFP’s website redevelopment and our commitment in providing quality policing services to the ACT.

Our new website is designed to help keep the Canberra community better informed of policing activities in the ACT. It provides specific information relating to ACT Policing and the Canberra community. The website is easy to navigate and provides a number of key features including:

Importantly, the website is also available through the AFP website, During the three month period since its launch (up until 30 June 2010), our website has received 155, 787 page views, more than half of which referred through the AFP website. The most popular pages being the media centre, firearms registry and ‘work with us’.

The website provides the public with information on our activities and programs, news updates and importantly, information relating to road and community safety. It’s one of our primary tools for proactively communicating messages important to the community. Developments to further progress the website are underway.

The publication of the crime statistics is the result of a MoU between the ACT Government and ACT Policing.

Section B.2—Internal and External Scrutiny

ACT Policing’s developments in internal and external scrutiny and our response are outlined below.

External Scrutiny

Victim of Crime Referral Research Project

The AIC commenced a research project in the last reporting period into the referral experience of victims of crime in the ACT.

The final report was published in April 2010 and concluded that ‘... the current victim referral process by police in the ACT has evolved to be an operationally collaborative and well received service’.

Since research commenced for this project, we have implemented fundamental changes to ACT Policing’s Intervention Team. This has included expanding the crime types VLOs initiate contact with victims as well as shifting from a passive/reactionary approach to a targeted and proactive role within ACT Policing.

Ombudsman Review—Use of Force

Between 12 March and 8 May 2010, the Commonwealth and Law Enforcement Ombudsman (the Ombudsman) conducted an ad hoc review of the AFP’s Administration of Part V of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 (the Act), pursuant to section 40XB of the Act.

This review covered the period of 1 August 2009 to 28 February 2010, and contained all complaints relating to use of force reported between January 2007 and November 2009. The Commonwealth Ombudsman made four recommendations relating to use of force issues identified in his review.

We, along with the AFP, are in the process of considering these recommendations.

Internal Scrutiny

Relocation of Exhibits Audit

In 2010, the existing Belconnen Property Office (Drugs and Firearms Registry) will relocate to the Mitchell Property Office—a newly established Exhibition Management Centre space for ACT Policing.

During the reporting period an AFP internal audit was conducted to assess and provide ongoing advice as to whether ACT Policing has appropriate project processes and supporting procedures in place to ensure that the relocation of the Drugs and Firearms Registry was undertaken in an efficient manner that provides appropriate security for all items being relocated.

The planned project processes and procedures that will be used for the transfer of property to the new building have been re viewed and no issues were identified with the adequacy of these processes in ensuring that property is relocated safely and securely, while maintaining the continuity of evidence.

A number of areas for improvement have been identified to improve the management of the project to ensure progress is monitored and stakeholders are kept informed. These areas are receiving ongoing attention.

Use of In Car Computing Audit

An AFP internal audit was conducted on the use of in car computing within ACT Policing during the reporting period. The aim of the audit was to assess whether the AFP has used appropriate project management processes for the project to install in-car computers into our vehicles.

This audit is ongoing and results will be available in the next reporting period.

Section B.3—Legislative Assembly Committee Inquiries and Reports

There has been no Legislative Assembly Committee Inquiry or Report directly relating to policing issues during this reporting period.

Section B.4—Legislative Report

ACT Policing has had significant policy input into various ACT Government legislative reform projects, even though as a Commonwealth Government agency, we do not actually administer any ACT legislation.

During the reporting period, we were requested to provide input on a range of key legislative reforms, including:


Section C



Section C.1—Risk Management and Internal Audit

Risk Management

ACT Policing’s Risk Management Plan provides the risk management framework for our organisation and incorporates ACT Policing’s security and business continuity plans. Our risk management processes adhere to the Australian/New Zealand Standard (AS/NZ 4360-2004) on risk management. We also conform to all AFP policies and processes that apply to risk management.

Risk management is an essential component of our organisation’s governance framework and is essential to the AFP in meeting its strategic objectives. Risk implications are identified through a rigorous risk assessment process incorporated into all AFP planning and management processes and are integrated into business processes by:

Our organisation maintains a risk register of identifiable risks. The register itemises the risks impacting on our capabilities, strategic focus areas as well as our OH& S obligations. The register is a key planning tool in our functional business planning processes.

The risk register is reviewed and assessed every six months to ensure that current risk treatments are effective and to identify new or emerging risks. The results are reported to the AFP Senior Leadership Group.

Internal Audit

AFP internal audit arrangements provide the AFP Commissioner with an independent and objective assurance on the AFP’s risk, control and compliance framework, and its external accountability responsibilities.

Our organisation is represented on the AFP Audit Committee by the Chief Police Officer. Audit Committee meetings are held quarterly or more frequently if required. We were previously represented by the Deputy Chief Police Officer—Response who attended five Audit Committee meetings during the reporting period.

Representatives of the Commonwealth Auditor-General’s Financial Statement Audit and Performance Audit arms have a standing invitation to observe and to contribute as they see fit at all meetings of the Audit Committee.

The Audit Committee operates under a Charter approved by the Commissioner, and is empowered to approve the strategic audit plan and the annual internal audit program of the AFP. Furthermore, the Audit Committee reviews all completed internal audit reports in the first instance. Further information on AFP internal audit arrangements can be found in the AFP Annual Report.

2100. Reckless driving?

Police are patrolling near the city, heading south on Commonwealth Avenue, when they notice a car coming towards them, driving on the wrong side of the road.

Police immediately signal for the driver to pull over, but the driver panics and veers slightly off the road before coming to a stop. Officers run out of the car to find an elderly man, in his 80s, shaking.

He had been driving into the city to pick up his granddaughter and had become confused. As a result, he ended up on the wrong side of the road (bridge) and didn’t know what was happening. The lights and sirens of the police car scared him further.

Police offer to escort the elderly man to where he needs to be.

Section C.2—Fraud Prevention

The AFP Fraud Control and Anti-Corruption Plan 2009–2011 addresses the fraud and corruption risks of the AFP. As part of this plan, the AFP continually conducts reviews of all identified risks and risk assessments to identify new and emerging risks.

As 1the community policing arm of the AFP, we operate under this plan. The plan provides the framework for the management of fraud and corruption in our organisation and is consistent with the requirements of the Financial Management Accountability Act 1997 and the Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines.

The effectiveness of fraud and corruption control in the AFP and ACT Policing is continually monitored through environmental scanning and complaint/compliance analysis, with emphasis on the identification of emerging organisational fraud and/or corruption trends.

The AFP Fraud Control and Anti-Corruption Plan compliance reviews are conducted on an ongoing basis with the results reported to the Audit Committee every six months. Externally, AFP fraud statistics are reported to the Commonwealth Attorney General’s Department annually.

Fraud and corruption awareness training is delivered to all new employees and recruits as part of our new employee orientation and recruit training programs. Fraud and corruption control and awareness is further promulgated throughout our organisation through education and leadership programs, performance management strategies and Professional Standards training.

There were no allegations of fraud recorded against our members during the reporting period.

Section C.3—Public Interest Disclosure

As a Commonwealth agency, our management of public interest disclosure is in accordance with the information disclosure provisions of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 and other Commonwealth legislation.

Allegations of improper or corrupt conduct by our members may, depending on the severity of the alleged conduct, be investigated by the AFP’s Professional Standards portfolio, the Commonwealth Ombudsman or the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity (ACLEI).

We also maintain a program designed to provide support, information and options for our members who report the activity or conduct of others that is contrary to the professional standards of the AFP. The Confidant Network is a key component of the AFP’s integrity framework. At June 2009 ACT Policing alone had 16 active Confidants.

As the provider of policing services to the ACT Government and community, we also investigate incidents of alleged unlawful disclosure of information.

More information can be found at Section C.5—Internal Accountability and in the AFP’s Annual Report.

Confidant Network

The Confidant Network is a group of AFP appointees who provide information, options and support to other appointees when dealing with inappropriate or unethical behaviour in the work environment.

There are more than 200 Confidants located throughout Australia and overseas who assist members in a confidential environment. Confidants are employed in most areas within the AFP, including 16 active Confidants within ACT Policing.

The Coordinator Confidant Network is directly accountable to the Manager Human Resource Strategies within the AFP. The Coordinator Confidant Network oversees the Confidant Network Coordination Team, which in turn supports the Confidants.

The Coordinator Confidant Network is also a member of the AFP Organisational Health Committee which provides AFP Executive, comprising the Chief Police Officer, with qualitative and quantitative data to develop an integrated workplace health model.

The Confidant Network has been integral in the development of the Respectful Workplace Strategy in partnership with other areas of human resources. The Respectful Workplace Strategy information session has been delivered to a number of workplaces in the AFP; at leadership development programs; and AFP induction and recruit training, with the aim to deliver the strategy to all AFP appointees.

During the reporting period, the Confidant Network received 131 referrals. Of these, 14 were attributed to ACT Policing.

In addition to the above, the Confidant Network had 24 recorded approaches for information. These approaches related to requests for Confidants, specific information regarding conditions of employment or similar enquiries.

Referrals to the Confidant Network were resolved through the following means:

The remaining finalised matters were resolved through the Confidant Network without further referral.

Additional activities of significance in the reporting period included:

Section C.4—Freedom of Information

As a Commonwealth agency, we operate under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Requests for information under the Act are managed by the AFP’s Freedom of Information team.

The AFP website,, lists documents available for inspection and purchase in accordance with the Act and provides contact details for the Freedom of Information team and assistance with applying for documents.

More information regarding freedom of information requests received by the AFP during the reporting period can be found in the AFP’s Annual Report.

Section C.5—Internal Accountability

Our Executive comprises a Chief Police Officer, Deputy Chief Police Officer—Crime, Deputy Chief Police Officer—Response and the Director Corporate Services.

The Chief Police Officer for the ACT is Assistant Commissioner Roman Quaedvlieg. The Chief Police Officer is subject to the authority of the AFP Commissioner and is responsible to the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services for the achievement of the policing outcome and delivery of outputs set out in the annual Purchase Agreement (see Appendix 2). The Chief Police Officer is responsible for the general management and control of our personnel and resources deployed for the purposes of the Policing Arrangement between the Commonwealth and ACT Governments (see Appendix 1).

Commander Bruce Hill was appointed Deputy Chief Police Officer-Response in July 2009 and is responsible for the management of North and South District General Duties, Traffic Operations, SRS, CT& EM and the Property, Drugs and Firearms Registry.

Commander David McLean was appointed Deputy Chief Police Officer-Crime in October 2009 and is responsible for the management of specialised policing services which include the CI, ACT Policing Operations, ACT Policing Intelligence, Judicial Operations and Crime Prevention.

In April 2010, Ms Judith Kendrick was appointed to the role of Director Corporate Services and is responsible for the portfolios that deliver enabling services to support frontline policing services to the ACT. These include PP& P; Finance and Logistics; HR; and Media and Marketing.

Table C.1—Senior Management Committees

Name of Committee Role of Committee Membership
Executive Committee
  • Deliver leadership to, and exercise management of, our worganisation.
  • Define strategic priorities to approve KPIs by which the priorities will be achieved.
  • Exercise financial governance.
Chief Police Officer,

DCPO-C, DCPO-R, Director Corporate Services

Executive Steering Committee
  • Develop and implement strategies and business processes to support the delivery of quality community policing services to the ACT.
  • Provide strategic and operational advice to the Executive Committee and develop strategies for our organisation to deliver on business requirements.
  • Oversight the Operations Committee and provide direction in regards to activities that complement the strategic direction of our organisation.
All Superintendents and Coordinators
Operations Committee
  • Preparing submissions about critical issues to be addressed by our organisation.
  • Examining emerging crime trends.
  • Developing operational strategies and prioritising resources to address specific crime issues.
  • Prioritising applications for participation in training programs across our organisation.
  • Receiving and monitoring status reports about regional operations.
  • Monitoring progress against the Purchase Agreement at a tactical level.
  • Seeking support from other agencies about prevention, detection and investigation of specific targets, groups or operations.
  • Addressing issues from the Executive Steering Committee.
Officers-in-charge (OIC) and portfolio Operations Managers
Senior Executive Remuneration
  • Remuneration for senior executives at ACT Policing is determined in accordance with the Commissioner’s directions.
As determined by AFP Commissioner
Complaint Management Team
  • Manage complaints involving members.
  • Determine category for complaint (see Table C.2).
  • Assign investigators and manage timeliness of the investigation.
  • Determine findings, apply outcomes and finalise matters.
  • Subject to quality assurance reviews by AFP Professional Standards
OIC, Operations Managers for key portfolios.
OH& S Committee
  • Assess identified risks within a workgroups and the organisation as a whole; those which cannot be resolved at a local level.
  • Facilitate regular health and safety inspections within each designated work group.
  • Oversight compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991 in each designated work group.
ACTP OH& S Manager, AFPA representative, Executive representative, Health and Safety
Learning and Development Committee
  • Ensure a consultative and coordinated approach to the learning and development needs of the organisation.
  • Monitor that training is conducted and programmed within budget.
  • Identify training gaps and develop training programs.
Senior Executive member (reporting directly to Chief Police Officer), Committee members
Workforce Management Committee
  • Ensure a coordinated and consultative approach to management of ACT Policing human resources
Coordinator HR (Chair), DCPO-C, DCPO-R, Superintendents and coordinators, ACT Policing Workforce Planner and invited attendees.

Table C.2—Complaint Management Categories

There are four categories for complaints made to the AFP as follows:

Category 1 - Conduct Matters

  • Relating to minor management matters
  • Relating to customer service matters; or
  • That reveals a need for improvement in the performance of an AFP appointee.
Category 1 matters will typically involve minor issues of conduct, rudeness and failure to provide adequate customer service. Potential outcomes may include coaching, mentoring, training or development or increased supervision.
Category 2 - Conduct Matters
  • Minor misconduct
  • Inappropriate conduct that reveals unsatisfactory behaviour by an appointee
  • Conduct that would otherwise be a Category 1 matter but warrants treatment as Category 2 due its repeated nature.

Category 2 matters typically involve minor misconduct and unsatisfactory performance and fall between minor matters described in Category 1 and more serious matters requiring formal investigation. Examples include unauthorised absence from duty and failure to adhere to AFP practical guidelines. Potential outcomes that may be applied are training and development, counselling to improve behaviour or structured changes to shift or assignment of duties.

Category 3 - Conduct Matters
  • Serious misconduct
  • Conduct giving rise to considerations of employment termination
  • Breaches of the criminal law; or
  • Serious neglect of duty
Potential outcomes that may be applied to an AFP appointee for an established Category 3 matter include training and development and remedial action as described in Category 2; termination action and/or criminal charge.
Category 4 - Corruption Matters
  • A corruption matter is an issue where a staff member of a law enforcement agency has engaged, is engaged in or may engage in corrupt conduct.  A staff member engages in corrupt conduct if they abuse of their office, pervert or attempt to pervert the course of justice or engage in corruption of any other kind.
Potential outcomes that may be applied to an AFP appointee for an established Category 4 matter are the same as those for Category 3 matters

The AFP Commissioner may determine that no further action be taken in regards to a complaint in relation to AFP conduct or practices under Section 40TF of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979. Some examples of circumstances where this may occur include:

If the complainant does not agree with the decision, an appeal can be lodged with the Commonwealth Ombudsman.

Table C.3—Complaints by Category during 2009–2010

Total Complaints
Codings with complaints
Category 1
Category 2
Category 3
Category 4

Source: AFP Professional Standards PROMIS

Notes: Codings are individual issues identified within a complaint. Multiple codings may be applied where two or more complaint issues are identified from information supplied by a complainant or where two or more members are subject to the complaint.

The total number of complaints decreased during this reporting period when compared with 2008–2009. During the reporting period, there were a total of 352 Category 1 to 4 complaints recorded. Of the 352 complaints, just over 12% were either self-reported or reported by an AFP appointee.

There were 715 codings from these complaints, of which 60 were established, 438 not established and 35 withdrawn. The AFP exercised discretion under section 40TF of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 not to further investigate 39 of these matters (codings)
and the remaining 143 matters (codings) are still pending resolution.

Drug Testing

As part of its AFP’s Drug Free Workforce Program, the AFP has adopted a policy promoting a zero tolerance to prohibited drugs. This policy is integral to the success of the organisation’s drug testing strategy. The AFP’s Drug Testing program relies on detecting the presence of prohibited drugs, specifically narcotic substances within the meaning of the Customs ACT 1901, Schedule IV and other drugs declared to be prohibited by the Commissioner (under authority of Sections 4 and 4A of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979).

The key components of the AFP’s drug testing strategy include:

Corporate and operational plans and associated performance reporting, monitoring and review

The ACT Policing Strategic Plan 2008–2011 was released in August 2008 and defines our strategic objectives and strategies to achieve them.

We deliver quarterly and annual operational and financial performance reports to the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services in accordance with the requirements of annual Purchase Agreements (see Appendix 2).

All reports are subject to ACT Government scrutiny. The annual performance report is also audited by the ANAO.

Image: Police Recruit epaulettes.

Figure C.1—Organisational Structure Chart

Figure C.1—Organisational Structure Chart

The organisational chart reflects ACT Policing’s structure as at 30 June 2010.

Section C.6—HR Performance

Delivering for the Future

Workforce Planning

Our workforce profile is aligned and managed using a workforce planning model. The model is applied by the Workforce Planning team within ACT Policing HR which is responsible for strategic and operational workforce planning, unsworn recruitment, assistance with sworn recruitment and reporting on our use of human resources.

The model enables our Executive to:


Our HR section assists AFP in sworn recruitment processes and directly recruits unsworn staff. HR also coordinates a Career Introduction Program in regional secondary schools to promote career paths available within our organisation and the wider AFP.

ACT Policing HR is also an active stakeholder in the AFP Graduate Program and provides a liaison role to facilitate our participation in the program.

Strengthening Organisational Resilience

A resilient organisation exhibits certain broad characteristics; its ability to create structure, provide safety in the midst of change, manage the emotional consequences of continuous change and the ability to learn, develop and grow.

2200. Routine patrol. Drink driving.

Police are conducting routine patrol, heading south along Namatjira Drive when they notice a vehicle travelling behind with the driver repeatedly flashing his head lights.

Worried that the driver is in some sort of trouble, police pull over the vehicle.

The male, aged in his late 50s, does not realise that he is following a police car and has been flashing his lights for the vehicle to move out of the way so he can speed past and hurry home.

The police are amused that he didn’t notice a marked car, and that he is happy to tell them he intended to speed. Concerned he has been drinking, police conduct a breath test.

He is well over the prescribed content of alcohol and admits that he wanted to hurry home so that he didn’t get caught by police for drink driving.

The man is arrested and is to appear before the court at a later date.

Lucky, for his sake and that of others, that he was caught.

ACT Policing’s HR team is responsible for the coordination of training, the management of day to day rostering of sworn personnel, management of PDAs and the payment of appropriate allowances and entitlements under the auspices of the AFP’s industrial arrangements.

Combined, these efforts place ACT Policing in a good position in strengthening our organisational resilience.

Occupational Health and Safety

The OH& S and Rehabilitation team are responsible for the management of workplace injuries, rehabilitation and graduated return to work arrangements for employees who have been injured in the course of duty. They also provide advice on OH& S policy, practical interventions in the workplace and risk management issues to our Executive, management and staff.

Members of this team also provide advice and a secretariat service to our OH& S committee.

Welfare Services

Welfare Services provide welfare and chaplaincy support to our members along with advice to our Executive and management.

The Welfare Officers and Chaplain are available on a 24 hour a day, seven days a week basis for members who request welfare assistance. The Chaplain also provides for the spiritual welfare and pastoral care of employees and their families.

Volunteers in Policing

The AFP’s Volunteers in Policing Program has 41 police volunteers (23 females and 18 males) who come from a wide range of backgrounds. Our volunteers range in age from 37 to 80 years of age. Their role includes:

As of 30 June 2010, police volunteers had contributed 94, 413 voluntary unpaid hours since the program commenced in December 2001. In this reporting period, a total of 12, 821 hours was achieved by Police Volunteers—an average of 1, 068 hours per month.

Since its inception, the program continues to achieve in excess of 900 hours per month.

These achievements free up our operational members, enabling them to focus on higher priority policing matters consistent with core policing business and our KPIs.

Sustaining Community Confidence

We continue to strive for a workforce which reflects the community in which we serve. The recruitment strategies of the AFP aim to attract people to our organisation from a wide variety of backgrounds, with wide ranging life experience.

The continuation of initiatives that ensure employees have an appropriate balance between their work and personal lives is one method by which we attract and retain a diverse range of employees. Some of these initiatives include the availability of carers’ rooms, training and personal development opportunities and part-time,
job-share or home-based work options.

HR has contributed to the development of key sworn member base recruitment programs and themes. These programs include targeting multiple audiences and demographic groups including multicultural groups, rural communities, Indigenous people and women.

When considering how our workforce is constituted, the needs of the community are always considered alongside the needs and circumstances of the individual to be deployed.

Working Collaboratively

We maintain a strong relationship with NSW Police through Monaro and Yass Local Area Commands. A total of 314 of our sworn members have been declared Special Constables within NSW Police.

Importantly, a total of 186 NSW police members have been declared as ACT Policing Special Members. This arrangement enhances the operational capability of our members to police cross-border issues.

Enhancing Skills and Capabilities

Team Leader development

It is not possible to deliver quality policing services over time, and in demanding circumstances, without professional, experienced and capable leadership, particularly at the Team Leader level.

Skills can be created by study and practical application, but experience can only be developed as a consequence of exposure to a variety of workplace conditions.

We will continue to facilitate the development of professional policing skills by investing in formal learning and development programs for access by all Team Leaders. Experiential development is delivered through a formal role rotation strategy that will expose leaders to a broader range of policing disciplines.

The requirement for our members to deliver a wide range of policing services is well documented. The Australian Federal Police Strategic Plan 2007-2011 requires that members be capable, agile and adaptable. A key objective of the ACT Policing Strategic Plan 2008–2011 is the creation of a workforce that delivers a professional policing service that contributes to AFP capabilities and embraces professional development opportunities.

The purpose of this is to formalise requirements for sworn Team Leaders to be rotated across policing disciplines within our organisation according to prescribed timelines. This strategy:

2300. Emergency evacuation. Fire?

An anonymous complainant reports to police that she can hear a fire alarm at a nearby residence. She says it has been going all day and she is concerned that something is wrong.

Upon arrival police approach the residence where the alarm is sounding. After knocking several times, police force entry to evacuate any residents that may be inside. Inside on her bed is a woman, sleeping through the alarm! She is woken to evacuate.

Luckily, there is no sign of smoke or fire. However, the alarm had been activated because the batteries needed to be replaced. If there had been a fire, the alarm may not have worked, and she may not have been so lucky.

Section C.7—Staffing Profile

As at 30 June 2010, approximately 76.6% of staff providing services to our organisation were sworn members. Of the 696 members, 1.9% held the rank of Superintendent or higher.

During the reporting period, approximately 23.7% of sworn members in our organisation were female. This figure has increased slightly when compared to 2008–2009 when it was 22.4%. Of this number, 84.2% are at the Constable level which is a slight decrease from 86% as at 30 June 2009. There are approximately 13.9% at the Sergeant level, which is an increase from 12.3% as at 30 June 2009.

A total of 58.2% of the unsworn staff providing services to our organisation are female. Female employees comprised approximately 31.8% of the total employee number during this reporting period. This result is almost the same as the 2008–2009 figure of 32%.

A total of 69 new employees began their careers with our organisation this reporting period. Of these, 34 were police recruits, 2 were lateral transfers from other police services and 33 were unsworn employees.

Table C.4—FTE and Headcount

FTE by Gender
Headcount by Gender
% of Workforce

Table C.5—Classifications



Chief Police Officer
Deputy Chief Police Officer
Superintendent/Coordinator AFP Band 9
Sergeant/AFP Bands 6-8
AFP Bands 6–8 Temp
Constable/AFP Bands 2-5
AFP Bands 2–5 Temp
AFP Bands 1
AFP Bands 1 Temp

Table C.6—Average Length of Service by Gender

Length of Service Category—years

(Excluding Commonwealth, including Enabling Services)
Assumes 98 enabling staff are allocated in the same ratio for length of service as ACT Policing profile.

Table C.7—Age Profile by Gender

Age Profile
< 20

Assumes 98 enabling staff are allocated in the same ratio for age brackets as ACT Policing profile. Excl Commonwealth, incl Enabling Services

Table C.8—ACT Policing Staffing FTE as at 30 June 2010

ACT Policing Business Unit
Operational FTE
Non-Operational FTE
Crime Prevention
North District
South District
Criminal Investigations
Specialist Response and Security
Judicial Operations
Finance and Logistics
Human Resources
Media & Marketing
ACT Inoperative Pool Paid
ACT Exhibits
Add Enabling Services

Operational members consist of personnel directly involved in delivery of policing services and receiving operational composite
as per AFP Certified Agreement. Includes unsworn operations staff. Media and Marketing includes Video Operations Team.

Total FTE derived by deducting commonwealth percentage by portfolio (commonwealth employee expenditure as a percentage of
total employee expenditure by portfolio)

Outcome 2 Personnel as at 30 June 2010

Chief Police Officer
Deputy Chief Police Officer
Superintendent/Coordinator AFP Band 9
Sergeant/AFP Bands 6-8
AFP Bands 6-8 Temp
Constable/AFP Bands 2-5
AFP Bands 2-5 Temp
AFP Bands 1
AFP Bands 1 Temp

Source: ACT Policing HR. Note: Includes Enabling FTE (98) and excludes personnel working on Commonwealth matters and Inoperative Pool Unpaid. Numbers are not whole personnel as individuals are attributed on the basis of the percentage of time they spend on ACT Policing activities, recorded as at final pay for the financial year 2009–2010. These figures are based on substantive ranks and do not include periods of higher duties.

Chief Police Officer
Deputy Chief Police Officer
Superintendent/Coordinator AFP Band 9
Sergeant/AFP Bands 6-8
AFP Bands 6-8 Temp
Constable/AFP Bands 2-5
AFP Bands 2–5 Temp
AFP Bands 1
AFP Bands 1 Temp

Table C.9—Equity and Workplace Diversity

  A B C    
  Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Employment Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Employment Employment of people with a disability Number of employees who identify in any of the Equity & Diversity categories (A, B, C) Women
Headcount 11 77 2 90  
% of Total Staff 1.2 8.1 0.2 9.5  

2400. Missing person.

Police receive a call from worried parents when they discover their teenage daughter is not in her bed.

The teenager had been suffering from depression and had gone missing before. Police are concerned for her safety and whereabouts.

The police call in the Specialist Response and Security teams and begin searching. Her mobile phone is found near a creek with running water, approximately 1km from her parents’ house. Soon after flood lights are set up and the K9 team are called in. A triangulation of the area begins.

The female is found crouched further down along the creek bed, suffering from hyperthermia. Although upset, she is grateful to be reunited with her parents and taken home.

ACT Policing Employees Length of Service 2009—2010

Figure C.2 indicates the breakdown of average length of service of our employees. It can be seen that, in this reporting period, the largest group of employees (48.6%) have between one and five years experience in the job.

ACT Policing Employees Age Profiles 2009—2010

Figure C.3 indicates the average breakdown of male/female age profiles. In this reporting period many of our current staff are represented in the 25–29 and 30–34 age brackets.

Figure C.2—Employees Length of Service 2009–2010

Figure C.2—Employees Length of Service 2009–2010

Figure C.3—Employees Age Profiles 2009–2010

Figure C.3—Employees Age Profiles 2009–2010

Note: Numbers are whole personnel—headcount.
These figures are based on substantive ranks and do not include periods on higher duties.
These figures exclude personnel within Inoperative Pool Unpaid.


Section C.8—Learning and Development

Learning and development programs delivered to enhance staff capabilities

Our Learning and Development team delivers programs to enhance our staff capabilities.

Training officers coordinate the delivery of training programs for our sworn and unsworn members. Some of the programs undertaken are detailed below.

Human Rights

Human Rights training is a half-day workshop, developed in consultation with the ACT Human Rights Commission, which ensures that our sworn members are familiar with the ACT Human Rights Act 2004 and the associated human rights considerations when performing their duties in the ACT.

All sworn members complete the training as a mandatory requirement on the implementation of the ACT Human Rights Act. This training continues to be provided to new officers during ACT Policing’s recruit course schedule of training. Unsworn members receive training as required.

Operational Safety

The AFP’s policy on operational safety provides a range of options that may be used to effectively execute police powers while maintaining the safety of our members, other team members, persons of interest and members of the public.

The Commissioner’s Order 3 is a compliance document that establishes the Operational Safety Committee as the governing body for all operational safety training, administration and policy. The order also requires AFP employees with police powers, and who do not have a medical exemption, to complete an annual Operational Safety Assessment.

The following operational courses are also conducted:

iAspire (AFP online learning)

In June 2009, AFP Online Learning was replaced by iAspire, a learning management system designed to meet our members personal and professional development needs as well as providing a framework to deliver measurable information to our management. iAspire is used to enhance and support traditional methods of training delivery.

Specialist Response and Security

The SRS portfolio has a designated tactical training team to manage the development and delivery of training programs. The programs ensure that SRS Tactical Response members acquire and maintain basic skills, develop and enhance advanced skills and are prepared for deployment in support of our operations at all times.

The training is provided in accordance with the three core functions of SRS which include tactical police, public order and rural search and rescue. The tactical training team also facilitates and delivers training to other AFP areas and Commonwealth agencies including AFP national offices, Australian Customs and Border Protection Service and the ACT Fire Brigade. Training includes confined space entry and rescue, roping skills, using breathing apparatus and tactical skills.

Table C.10 represents a sample of the annual training carried out by SRS.

Table C.10—SRS Annual Training

SRS annual training
SRS Skills Revalidation (Search and Rescue, Water Operations, Public Order)
NCTC Dynamic Breaching Course and Advanced Breaching Training
NCTC PTG Team Leaders Course and Tactical Commanders Course
SRS—TR Marksman and Advanced Marksman Course
Breathing Aparatus Revalidation
SRS Basic Course

Motorcycle Pursuit

In February 2010, a Traffic Operations motorcyclist course was held at the AFP’s Majura Complex, Canberra. The training included all facets of motorcycle riding—escorting VIPs and urgent duty driving. It is considered to be one of the most comprehensive and demanding police motorcycle courses in Australia.

Media Training and Awareness Workshops

Media Training and Awareness Workshops have been introduced to provide our members with basic media interview training, awareness of what the media is looking for in a case and what information can and cannot generally be released and why.

This training is designed for sworn operational members from the ranks of Constable to Sergeant.

Law Practices and Procedures

A five day ACT Law and Practices Workshop has been introduced in the reporting period to address current legal issues, updates in legislation and updated procedures within our organisation.

This training is designed for sworn operational Team Leaders and/or Sergeants to better assist members to make informed decisions about prosecutions and to prepare court documentation that meets the needs of the ACT Courts.

Recruit Training

The fundamental aim of the AFP employment framework is to ensure the organisation has ‘the right kind of people, in the right place, at the right time, delivering the right product, at the right cost’.

The Federal Police Development Program (FPDP) and the Federal Police Lateral Program train new entrants in the skills and knowledge required to operate as a sworn member of the AFP.

Over the reporting period, a total of two ACT Policing FPDP courses were completed and a total of 38 police recruits were sworn in as Constables of Police. Two further ACT Policing FDPD courses commenced in January 2010 and February 2010 with both programs due to be completed in July 2010.

In January 2010, all AFP recruit training courses were extended from 20 weeks to 23 weeks to accommodate a modularised training program. This promotes consistency between the AFP National and ACT Policing courses and greater integration and shared experience of police recruits. The final six weeks of recruit training are dedicated to specific ACT local procedures, policies and training.

New recruits are also trained in diversionary conferencing by members of the RJU.

ACT Policing members undertaking a negotiator training course
ACT Policing members undertaking a negotiator training course

In-Service Training

Through the School of Community Policing at the AFP College in Barton, we offer a number of courses which enable sworn members to increase their skill base and career options—see Table C.11.

To assist substantive and aspiring Team Leaders through out the AFP, a number of specifically designed leadership courses have also been developed within Learning and Development at Barton College. These are Tier 1 and Tier 2 leadership programs which provide advice and training in all aspects of leadership. The aim is to develop leaders who will provide professional, supportive and capable leadership to assist the AFP in delivering required outcomes and provide improved services to the public.

Interviewing Vulnerable Witnesses

The Interviewing of Vulnerable Witnesses Program commenced in February 2009. This training was developed in response to new legislation, The Sexual and Violent Offences Amendment Act 2008 which makes amendments to both the Magistrate Courts Act 1930 and the Evidence (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1991.

The new legislation, which came into effect in May 2009, legislates that only members who have participated in the Interviewing of Vulnerable Witnesses Program will be allowed to interview a child or intellectually impaired victims for a sexual and/or violent offence.

The legislation also provides the court with the discretion to admit the interview as the child’s evidence-in-chief. This is a significant step forward for both our organisation and the ACT Court System in improving the management of child victims of sexual and violent offences.

Our members attend three days of face-to-face theory and scenario based training, before returning to the workplace for three weeks to complete a series of activities to reinforce the first phase of training. Our members then return after a month for two final face-to-face days of practical interview assessments.

In the initial phase of the training, ACT Policing engaged Professor Martine Powell to deliver part of the training. Professor Powell is one of Australia’s leading experts in child witness testimony. She has worked in the area of child interviewing for the past 14 years and holds both national and international recognition for her research in this field.

As a result of internal training of facilitators, the Interviewing Vulnerable Witnesses program is now conducted on the final three days of the Constable’s Development Program and is taught by specifically trained personnel.

ACT Policing Operations

The ACT Policing Operations portfolio has conducted a number of training courses during the reporting period.

Unsworn members of ACT Policing Operations undertook a six week Team Member Induction Program where they received training in evidence, police powers, offences, family violence intervention program, PROMIS usage, intelligence, crime scenes, customer service, telephone procedures, AFP values, computer aided dispatch usage, communication and coordination principles and radio procedures. The training is scenario based and concluded with assessments incorporating the application of all these training modules.

ACT Policing Team Leaders also attended a three day ACT Policing Operations Team Leader Program. During this program they received training in dispatch patrol, media protocols, computer aided dispatch usage, briefings, national security hotline usage, mental health protocols, drug lodgements, preparing audio evidence, emergency mobile phone triangulations and reverse call charge records, pursuit controlling, CBR protocols and ACT Policing radio network and Centracom.

Table C.11—School of Community Policing Courses

Training Description/Purpose
ACT Investigators Training Program The ACT Investigators Training Program provides a basis for sworn members to develop the skills and knowledge required to conduct and manage complex and protracted criminal investigations.

During the reporting period 28 members completed this training.

Constables Development Program The Constables Development Program is designed to consolidate and enhance core policing knowledge and skills to build on leadership skills through practical scenarios, oral presentations, documents submissions and examinations.
Homicide Investigation Program The Homicide Investigation Program is designed to develop the skills required to successfully investigate homicide offences in the ACT.
Sexual Offences Investigators Program The Sexual Offences Investigators Program develops member’s skills to conduct and manage investigations into sexual assault and child abuse matters.

Our commitment to whole of government learning and development initiatives

Graduate Program

During the reporting period, 16 general graduates, two Indigenous graduates and two Indigenous entry level trainees have been welcomed into the AFP to begin their careers as part of the 2010 AFP Graduate Program for unsworn personnel. The graduates are embedded into relevant areas for five and a half months. They are subsequently given the opportunity to rotate to another portfolio for four to six weeks before returning to their original area to complete the program.

As a result of this program, ACT Policing employed a 2009 graduate Media and Marketing, and one Indigenous entry-level trainee is currently seconded for six months to ACT Policing’s Human Resources team.

Performance Management Policy and Practice

We monitor and encourage employee performance and development within the AFP through PDAs. The Performance Development Agreement National Guideline has been developed by the AFP National Manager Human Resources using power delegated under s.37(1) of the AFP Act 1979 to facilitate effective performance management.

All of our members enter into PDAs on a six month basis and their performance is assessed against critical objectives and development goals set by the member and their Team Leader. Any performance, development or training needs are then identified and addressed through this process on an on-going basis throughout the next Performance Development Agreement period.

At the end of the six months concluding in February 2010, a formal Performance Development Agreement had been completed by 95.45% of ACT Policing members.

The performance of senior management is monitored via a Charter of Performance and through their Australian Workplace Agreements.

Table C.12 is a representation of the specific ACT Policing courses attended by ACT Policing members.

Table C.12—ACT Policing Courses attended by ACT Policing Members

Learning and development program
No. of participants
Operational Safety Assessment including Skills Management Program
First Aid
(in conjunction with St John Ambulance)
Law and Practices Workshop
Incident Command and Control Systems
Command, Control and Coordination Workshop
Media Training and Awareness
Certificate IV in Training and Assessment
Constable Development Program
At Scene Crash Investigations
Interviewing Vulnerable Witnesses Program
Human Source Awareness Package

0100. Triple Zero call

Police are called out to a residence in the south of Canberra after a triple zero call reports that a female has been shot in her house.

Police arrive at the location but cannot find any persons or identify a need for their assistance. The house, in which the supposed female is lying unconscious, is occupied by a young family who are not aware of any incident.

After searching the area and door knocking neighbours, the police (and emergency services), call off the search.

A juvenile is later arrested, having made numerous hoax calls to triple zero.

Table C.13 lists the courses available for all AFP members and attended by ACT Policing officers.

Table C.13—Courses available for all AFP attended by ACT Policing Members

Learning and development program
No. of participants
Police Realtime Online Management Information System (PROMIS)
Disaster Victim Identification
Leadership and Management Training
Close Personal Protection Training
Risk Management Fundamentals
Human Source Handling—Basic
Human Source Handling- Advanced
Staff Member Induction Program

In addition to the courses outlined, there are various management and executive courses available that are intended for senior ACT Policing officers; some of which include:

Management of Serious Crime (MOSC) is Australia’s highest level training course and is conducted during three annual courses, based on a current policing issue. Overseas and Australian presenters and keynote speakers cover a wide range of expertise providing a unique opportunity for MOSC participants to engage face-to-face. The program deals with management practices as applied to the investigation of serious crime, with an emphasis on practical ideas for an operational environment.

The first International Management of Serious Crime (IMOSC), held in 1999, grew out of a need to take a cooperative, international approach to serious crime. The underlying objectives were to introduce international law enforcement practitioners to the transnational nature of many crimes and to foster cooperation between agencies in multi-jurisdictional investigations.

The IMOSC team conduct international programs each year which have been held in Singapore, Indonesia and China.

These courses are developmental, highly applied and experientially based, with case studies based on actual events. The major learning outcomes relate to the development of increased knowledge, skills and confidence to manage senior organisational roles.

This course began as an initiative of the AFP, co-hosted by the General Department of Police of Vietnam, to provide sustainable, longer term management training to future leaders of law enforcement agencies within the Asia Region.

This is an executive development program for the most senior managers of police. It is a 16 week course held each year between April and August. The program provides opportunities for self directed personal and professional development within a team environment, where staff and participants work together as equals and share their knowledge and skills to deal with the issues facing law enforcement globally.

This is a comprehensive course of ten modules developed by directors for directors. The course covers all aspects of a director’s role within the Australian context and is designed for those who want to understand and develop their directorship. The course material is updated annually to ensure currency and good practice.

This course is conducted annually at the Australian Institute of Police Management for a two-week period. It is the pinnacle of police executive development in Australia.

Section C.9—Workplace Health and Safety

As a front line police force, we take workplace health and safety seriously, and ensure measures are in place to protect both our sworn and unsworn members.

During the reporting period we continued to comply with our legal obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991 and the Safety, Rehabilitation and Compensation Act 1988.

The AFP National Guideline on Health and Safety Management Arrangements 2007–2012 requires continuous improvement in safety management systems to reduce the risk and incidence of workplace injury and disease. The guideline identifies safety responsibilities, the OH& S consultation framework and processes for resolving disputes. It also identifies the agreed arrangements on the management, promotion and development of measures to ensure the health, safety and welfare of our members at work.

Throughout the reporting period we maintained the OH& S structures and systems specified under legislation. These included:

We maintained 17 Designated Work Groups with Health and Safety Representatives and Deputy Health and Safety Representatives for each. Health and Safety Representative selection is made by staff and the process is facilitated by management. A five day training course is provided for Health and Safety Representatives and Deputies through an external, Comcare accredited provider.

Our OH& S Committee continued its function as a key consultative forum on safety matters through four monthly meetings. The Committee includes all Health and Safety Representatives, OH& S Safety Advisors, and senior management representatives from policing operations, finance and HR.

A number of OH& S related health monitoring and prevention programs operated to target specific hazards. These included:

Image: Police diver

During the reporting period there were 23 incidents notified to Comcare under section 68 of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991. These comprised:

There were no provisional improvement notices issued by our health and safety representatives during the reporting period.

Our internal incident reporting data reflects a comparable rate of incident reporting to the previous year, as shown in Table C.14. In September 2008 the AFP introduced a more user-friendly incident reporting system and conducted training to increase awareness of incident reporting obligations under the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1991. This may account for a proportion of the increase in incident reports over the past two years and in this reporting period.

The profile of injuries in our organisation has remained reasonably consistent since last financial year. The majority of incidents (about 49%), continue to happen in the operational policing role. Being hit by a moving object (struck by offender), hitting stationary objects (impact injuries), falls from the same level (trips) and muscular stress (sprains/strains) were the more common operational incidents, usually associated with pursuing, restraining or arresting offenders. Training and fitness activities accounted for about 19% of all incidents—predominantly resulting in muscular stress injuries. Training and fitness injuries were usually less serious and incurred minimal time off work.

There continued to be a high incidence of contact with/exposure to biological hazards. These incidents arise in policing operations when officers come into contact with bodily fluids or are spat at while dealing with offenders or prisoners.

Table C.14—Number of Workplace Incident Reports—Mechanism of Injury by Financial Year

Mechanism of Injury
FY 2007–2008
FY 2008–2009
FY 2009–2010
Being assaulted by a person
Being hit by moving objects
Contact with hot objects
Contact with, or exposure to biological factors of human origin
Exposure to workplace or occupational stress
Falls from a height
Falls on the same level
Hitting stationary objects
Muscular stress while lifting or handling
Muscular stress with no object
Other and multiple mechanisms
Repetitive movement
Single contact with chemical
Stepping, kneeling or sitting
Unspecified mechanisms of incident
Vehicle accident

This table identifies all reported safety incidents over a three year period.
Data source: AFP SAP Occupational Health and Safety module as at June 2010

Table C.15—Lost-Time Injury Rates—Comparison of Annual Rates by Financial Year (As per Australian Standard 1885.1–1990)

Financial Year
Financial Year
Financial Year
Lost Time Incident Rate
Average Lost Time Rate
Number of Lost Time Incidents
Number of lost working days

Data source: AFP SAP OH& S module as at June 2010

Table C.15 indicates that the number of incidents resulting in *lost time of a day/shift has increased from the previous period resulting in an increase in the lost time incidence rate. A significant reduction in the number of working days lost over this period indicates a reduced severity of occurrences resulting in a reduced **average lost time rate.

A lost-time injury/disease is defined to be an occurrence that results in a fatality, permanent disability or time lost from work of one complete day/shift or more. The table compares lost time injury figures over three years.

* Lost Time Incident Rate—The number of lost time incidents for each one hundred workers employed.

** Average Lost Time Rate—The average of working days lost per lost time incident. This rate provides a measure of the severity of injuries being experienced by workplaces over time.

During the reporting period, the AFP also introduced a compulsory online OH& S course that all members of the AFP must complete as part of their employment.

Compensation Claims

Comcare accepted liability for 67 new compensation claims during the reporting period compared to 55 claims in 2008−2009. At 30 June 2010, there was a total of 110 active compensation claims compared with 89 at 30 June 2009—55 of which were reopened claims, with several of them being for minor medical treatment or medical costs.

We are committed to providing a workplace based occupational rehabilitation services to all our members. Expert Rehabilitation Case Managers are employed to coordinate the workplace and external medical and rehabilitation services to achieve an early and safe return to work for injured employees.

Training is provided to our managers and Team Leaders on compensation and rehabilitation processes, including the management of staff with injury/disease during treatment and recovery. All our members are trained to promptly report accidents, injuries and illness to trigger appropriate compensation and rehabilitation action.

0200. Evening shift ends. Search warrant.

After six months of investigation, police arrive at a residence in the north of Canberra to execute a search warrant.

On arrival they find that besides dogs barking in the back yard the house is empty, or so they think. Upon forcing entry, they find a two year old child alone in the middle of the lounge room, asleep on the floor. It seems that while the house occupants are ‘out’, they have left the child behind to care for itself.

Along with taking the child into protective custody, the police seize a number of items including computers, televisions, large statues and a BMW vehicle — all believed to be purchased with the proceeds of crime.

The occupants do not arrive home until late morning the next day, and do not realise at first that their child is missing. They later contact police and the child is returned.

Section C.10—Workplace Relations

The AFP Collective Agreement 2007–2011 (CA) is nominally due for expiry on 30 June 2011 and consultation with all parts of the organisation has been on-going throughout the reporting period in preparation for the new agreement.

As a result of the new Fair Work Act 2009, the CA will be replaced by an Enterprise Agreement which will be lodged with Fair Work Australia.

Under the new Enterprise Agreement there will be opportunity to include Special Employment Agreements (SEAs). Under the AFP Collective Agreement 2007–2011 we have no members on an SEA.

Australian Workplace Agreements (AWAs) were made by the AFP under the Workplace Relations Act 1996. AWAs can no longer be made or lodged, however; AWAs that have been validly lodged continue to operate until terminated or replaced.

There are six AWAs for Band 9 members within ACT Policing, with a nominal expiry date of 30 June 2011, being the nominal expiry date of all our AWAs.

An Individual Transitional Employment Agreement (ITEA) is a special transitional instrument, made available during the current transition to a new workplace relations system, and are individual employment agreements made between an employer and employee where the employee would otherwise be covered by an award, workplace agreement or enterprise collective agreement.

As with the AWA, an ITEA can no longer be lodged or made however, ITEAs that have been validly lodged continue to operate until terminated or replaced. We currently have two members on supplementary contracts under the ITEA.

Section C.11—Strategic Bushfire Management Plan

ACT Policing is not required to report under this section as we have not been notified of the requirements to prepare a Bushfire Operational Plan by the ESA, nor received any directions from the ACT Minister for Policing and Emergency Services.

Section C.12—Strategic Asset Management

Assets Managed

The majority of facilities and infrastructure used by ACT Policing are owned by the ACT Government or the AFP. Strategic asset management is the responsibility of the DJaCS, with the AFP providing input where required.

In this reporting period ACT Policing managed assets with a total value of $10.4million at 30 June 2010. The bulk of these assets are police and office equipment ($9.5million).

Table C.16–Assets Managed during this Reporting Period

Built property assets
(by type i.e. school, health, community)
7 Police Stations and other police facilities
Land N/A
Infrastructure (i.e. roads, bridges, traffic signals) N/A
Urban parks N/A
Other The majority of our assets are owned by the AFP and are recorded in its Annual Report.

The AFP has a capital management strategy which includes planning for future capital asset needs and ongoing replacement requirements. Our equipment is included in the wider AFP replacement plan.

Assets Maintenance and Upgrade

During the reporting period we undertook major upgrades to tactical and bomb response equipment ($2.9million), in-car computing ($0.6million), traffic equipment ($0.4million) and police radios ($0.4million).

A number of essential upgrades to our facilities were also undertaken and are reported under Section C.13—Capital Works.

The main areas of repairs and maintenance during the reporting period were ACT Watch House facilities and Winchester Police Centre.

ACT Policing conducted a number of condition audits of properties during this reporting period. Audits of other assets were conducted as part of the AFP capital management strategy.

Office Accommodation

ACT Policing has staff housed within ten separate facilities, seven of which are owned by the ACT Government. Staff are housed at:

While the bulk of facilities provide non-office environments the total floor space is approximately 22, 500 square metres with an average per employee of 24 square metres.

Section C.13—Capital Works

Completed Projects

In this reporting period the ACT Policing was allocated $216, 000 for capital upgrades to our facilities.

The funding was expended on upgrades to security at City, Woden and Tuggeranong Stations ($50, 000) and fit-out works at the Winchester Centre ($84, 000), Woden Station ($49, 000) and Tuggeranong Station ($33, 000).

All works were completed prior to 30 June 2010.

Work Still in Progress

Belconnen Police Station

The Belconnen Police Station is not funded by either ACT Policing or the AFP. It is however reported as ACT Policing and the community are the main users of the facility.

Construction of the Belconnen Police Station is the primary capital works project still in progress as at 30 June 2010. This project is being managed by ACT Procurement Solutions and funded directly by DJaCS.

In May 2010, ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Simon Corbell and Chief Police Officer Roman Quaedvlieg marked the official commencement of work. Located on the vacant block next to Winchester Police Centre, the new police station is scheduled to open in June 2011 and has been designed to replace the 35-year-old station on Lathlain Street.

The new station’s design is aimed to achieve a high green-star rating with initiatives such as rain water harvesting, solar hot water systems and a chilled beam air-conditioning system.

More that 100 police and staff will be based in the new station which will also feature a public access foyer and counter, holding cells, incidents rooms, welfare counselling and victims of crime room. The plans for the new building reflect community needs and have considered some of the issues encountered over the past years at the current Belconnen station.

Mitchell Property Office

The Mitchell Property Office involves fit-out of leased premises to meet ACT Policing property office and firearms registry requirements. The capital works project is being funded by the AFP with its primary purpose to support ACT Policing and the community.

The works still in progress as at 30 June 2010 include elements of security and information technology. It is anticipated that the project will be completed late in the first quarter of the 2010–2011 financial year.

Section C.14—Government Contracting

Procurement Principles and Processes

The AFP is a Commonwealth Agency and therefore falls within the Commonwealth Financial Management and Accountability framework. Under this framework the AFP is required to comply with the Commonwealth Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, Financial Management and Accountability Regulations 1997, Financial Management and Accountability Orders 2008 and Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines. This ensures that the procurement processes of our organisation and the wider AFP comply with the core principles of efficient, effective and ethical use of public funds.

Under Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines the AFP is required to undertake the following in relation to purchasing activity:

The Austender website can be accessed at

External sources of Labour and Services

Tables C.17 and C.18 illustrate the works and services, including consultancy type contracts, procured by ACT Policing in this reporting period.

Table C.17—Consultancy Costs 2009–2010

Consultancy Group
Services Provided
Bairn Pty Ltd
6, 500
Media review
Booz & Company (Australia) Pty Ltd
54, 000
Process review
CB Richard Ellis
4, 000
Rental valuation
DC Boswell & EW Noel
3, 218
Database development
43, 977
Review of enabling costing
Sinclair Knight Merz Pty Ltd
20, 682
Facilities feasibility report
Support Link Australia
205, 000
Online referral services
337, 377

Table C.18—Contractor Costs 2009-2010

Contractor Group
Services Provided
Analytics Group
205, 540
Temporary employment services
Australian Institute of Criminology
12, 727
Resource modelling
Australian Public Service Commission
46, 535
Independent Selection Advisory Panel
Australian Red Cross ACT
46, 863
National registration and inquiry system
Oakton AA Services
317, 187
Temporary employment services
628, 852

Section C.15—Community Grants/Assistance/Sponsorship

We are involved in a number of community activities which fall outside the strict parameters of grants or sponsorships, but nevertheless should be reported. Much of our involvement is on a ‘personal’ level where police officers are actually involved in the activity in order to raise funds, rather than funding being provided through a grants and assistance approach. The reporting against this section is better presented in text format.

Daniel Morcombe Foundation

ACT Policing has long been supporting the Daniel Morcombe Foundation which was established after the tragic abduction of Queensland school boy Daniel Morcombe. In the reporting period, we provided $20, 000 to the Foundation to redevelop the Foundation RED DVD (child safety resource) which will be used in our education endeavours through ACT schools. Constable Kenny Koala features in the DVD speaking about the importance of personal safety and how children can avoid potentially dangerous situations. Other celebrities featured on the DVD include Jessica Watson (sailor) and Bindi Irwin.

Battle of the Badges

Our officers participated in the inaugural ‘Battle of the Badges’ 24 hour treadmill challenge against the ACT Fire Brigade during the reporting period. Members from SRS, General Duties, Forensics and the Chief Police Officer competed throughout the day and night in Garema Place, Civic, in support of the World Police Fire Games and to raise much needed funds for the Snowy Hydro SouthCare Rescue Helicopter.

More than $1, 500 was raised with ACT Policing running a total of 358km to ACT Fire Brigade’s 329km in the 24 hour period.

0300. City Beats. Alcohol-related violence.

The City Beats team are conducting a foot patrol when a fight breaks outside a club: two men argue and start fighting with several patrons.

As the violent altercation continues, and becomes more dangerous, police call for reinforcements. Additional officers arrive and try to control the scene which now involves many people.

After one man falls and hits his head on the ground, another is punched in the throat, and another starts threatening to pull out his knife. Police immediately intervene using OC spray to subdue the crowd and handcuff the offenders. While this is happening, another officer receives a head butt and as a result suffers a broken nose.

The offenders are taken into custody and charged with intoxication and disorderly behaviour. The men are also charged with assaulting a Commonwealth official.

The men believe they have consumed more than 30 schooners each.

Image: Photgraph of back of a shirt

Men’s Health Week campaign

In recognition of the importance of our members and the community maintaining their physical and mental health, we provided $15, 000 to sponsor the national Men’s Health Campaign in June 2010.

Chief Police Officer Roman Quaedvlieg acted as an official spokesperson for the campaign, featuring on the television commercial alongside high profile ambassadors Vice Chief of the Defence Force General Hurley, Preston Campbell (Gold Coast Titans), Danny Frawley (AFL player), Molly Meldrum, Bruce Ritchie (Men’s Health Magazine Editor), V8 Supercar Driver Mark Winterbottom and radio and television presenter Dylan Lewis.

The campaign was also supported by beyondblue, the Australian Defence Force, the Australian General Practice Network and the AFL Coaches Association.

An official launch took place in Canberra at Parliament House with a penalty-shoot out event between our members a group of local doctors known as the Docceroos.

As part of the campaign, we urged all men to look after their physical and mental health by doing simple things such as making time for regular exercise and booking an annual appointment with their General Practitioner. The campaign was part of a nation wide effort to get men thinking about their health and acting to prevent illness.

Law Enforcement Torch Run

For the first time we participated in the ‘Flame of Hope’ torch (Law Enforcement Torch Run) as a prelude to the IX National Special Olympic Games which took part in Adelaide in April 2010.

The Canberra leg of the Law Enforcement Torch Run—in which police officers from Queensland, NSW, ACT, Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia showed their support by running with the torch—began with an official welcome at Commonwealth Place and followed with a fun run leading to Parliament House.

More than 45 of our officers participated alongside local and visiting Special Olympians as part of the passage through 40 cities and towns in 29 days. More than $10, 000 was raised for the Special Olympics and local athletes as a result.

Monaro Local Area Commander Superintendent Gary Merryweather (NSW Police) and Deputy Chief Police Officer Bruce Hill with Special Olympics participant.

Monaro Local Area Commander Superintendent Gary Merryweather (NSW Police) and Deputy Chief Police Officer Bruce Hill with Special Olympics participant.

2010 Film Making Project

In partnership with the Tuggeranong Messengers Arts Program, we funded the inaugural 2010 Film Making Project, with the aim of bringing together police and Canberra’s youth at-risk in a creative and productive endeavour to film their story.

The film making workshops were run over several weeks from February to June 2010 and the participants received formal training and direction in filmmaking, editing, creative design and production and armed with these skills, produced their own films. The launch and viewing of these films is schedule to take place late 2010.

The focus of workshops was to inspire participants to find and express meaningful and transformative stories about their journey through life as a young person in Canberra. Future efforts will see the program expand to include multicultural youth in order to promote cohesion and respect between police and our diverse community and offer creative pathways for the development of our young citizens.

Police and Community Youth Club

We sponsored six Blue Light Discos in the reporting period in Canberra along with delivering discos at Jervis Bay which were attended by young Indigenous people from Jervis and Wreck Bays.

We also delivered Monday night football as part of our sponsorship of the PCYC for a group of young people identified as at-risk.

Section C.16—Territory Records

The AFP National Guideline on the Management of Records sets out the procedures AFP personnel, contractors and consultants must follow in managing official AFP information. Our records are managed in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth Protective Security Manual, the Australian Federal Police Act 1979, the Archives Act 1983 and other relevant Commonwealth and Territory legislation.

We do not have a Records Management Plan in the form required under the Territory’s legislation as we are a part of a Commonwealth agency.

Section C.17—Human Rights Act 2004

Our members are confronted with human rights on a daily basis; and we take the ACT Government’s commitment to the Human Rights Act 2004 seriously. In doing so, we work towards building a human rights culture throughout the agency and via the following avenues.

Education and Training

We conduct human rights training, a half-day workshop, which has been developed in consultation with the ACT Human Rights Commission that ensures our members are familiar with the Human Rights Act 2004 and the associated human rights considerations when performing their duties in the ACT.

All sworn members completed the training as a mandatory requirement during the reporting period.

Human rights training continues to be provided to all new members through AFP recruit courses, as part of the training schedule. Unsworn members receive training as required.

Internal Dissemination of Information

Information is provided to our members through hardcopy and electronic distribution. This includes brochures by the Human Rights Commissioner in addition to DJaCS publications.

Hard copy brochures can be found at each of the five police stations across Canberra as well as at the Winchester Police Centre.

The Human Rights Act 2004 is also uploaded electronically for members to download on our intranet.

Liaison with the Human Rights Unit

Human rights is considered as part of every cabinet submission we prepare. Our cabinet submissions are coordinated by DJaCS. Human rights input, while already considered by ACT Policing, is also addressed directly by the Human Rights Commission.

Review (or preparations) of Existing Legislation

During the reporting period, ACT Policing prepared a number of cabinet submissions which included reviews of existing legislation. In doing so, human rights have been considered.


We are not aware of any matters before the court which have involved arguments concerning ACT Policing and the Human Rights Act 2004.

Section C.18—Commissioner for the Environment

During this reporting period we have not received any requests for assistance in the preparation of the State of Environment Report nor been subject to any investigations by the Commissioner.

0400. General duties.

Police are called to a residence after reports of a male passed out on the side of the road in a grass area.

On arrival, the police find a man in his 30s, moderately intoxicated. He had become tired and decided to take a nap. He is cooperative and polite to police.

Police take the male home. In the car, he tells police that his father had passed away that day and was having difficulty coping with his loss.

The following day, the male contacts police, requesting to speak to the officers who had brought him home the night earlier. The man informs the officers that his father has in fact NOT passed away. His mates, from the country town in which he grew up, had played a practical joke on him. The man believed them and didn’t think of verifying the information. Nevertheless, he thanks police and promises he wouldn’t be found on the side of the road sleeping ever again.

Section C.19—ACT Multicultural Strategy

We continued to deliver on the ACT’s Multicultural strategy throughout the reporting period with a number of initiatives launched in support of this.

As our society becomes increasingly diverse, our members need to be constantly responsive to these changes. The implementation of the initiatives shown in Table C.19 demonstrates our commitment to provide an effective and respectful service to all members of the Canberra community.

For more information regarding community engagement can be found at Section B.1—Community Engagement.

Table C.19—Multicultural Strategy

Key Theme Response
Languages University of Canberra Orientation Market Day

A presentation was made at the Semester 1 Orientation to the students about safety and security issues. These were all international students comprising migrants of many language backgrounds.

Interpreter and Translator Services

In accordance with S27 of the Human Rights Act 2004 (ACT), where a person has the right to use his or her own language, we engage the services of Telephone Interpreter Services and translator services to ensure that service delivery is responsive and of a high quality to persons who do not speak English or have limited understanding of the language.

Community Policing

Language skills are considered to be a core capability within AFP and there is an increasing and unprecedented requirement for improved communication, cultural understanding and language skills for national and community policing. We support and encourage our members to gain skills in other cultures and languages which they can achieve through the AFP Culture and Language Centre. The experience of connecting with other cultures can remove outdated perceptions of both police and culturally diverse groups, from which new networks and friendships can develop.

Children and Young People You Can Speak Out—Domestic Violence Campaign

In April 2010 we coordinated, developed and implemented a campaign titled ‘You Can Speak Out’ aimed at young people during youth week celebrations. As part of this, we attended and provided information to the community about domestic violence through post cards and posters at the Garema Place Youth Week festivities as well as through Universities, Tafes, primary and high schools, and colleges across the ACT. The campaign provided information access to young people, provided contact details for domestic violence support services in the ACT, and created a presence of police at social events during the festivities.

Youth Liaison Officers

YLOs were established during the reporting period and work primarily to reduce youth crime in the ACT while seeking to ensure a balance between youth support and law enforcement.

During the reporting period the team use evidence-based, targeted engagement activities and programs aimed at young people aged 10 to 18 years who are identified as being at risk of committing criminal offences, or are vulnerable by their behaviour or circumstance. The team’s intentions are to:

  • reduce the number of young people entering the criminal justice system
  • reduce re-offending
  • reduce anti-social behaviour
  • increase disengaged youth participation and integration into school, family and community activities
  • improve the quality of life for vulnerable Young People at risk and/or in diverse cultural and/or socially disadvantaged communities
  • improve the life, vocational and appropriate leisure opportunities of socially excluded children and young people
  • assist where possibly, by appropriate referrals, the associated family circumstances.

Children and Young People

Our MLOs, established in the reporting period, attended the Theo Notaras Multicultural Centre for an ACT Office of Multicultural Affairs presentation of 60 library bags to be given to refugee and asylum seeker children upon their arrival in Canberra. Library bags were filled with useful items including lunch boxes, drink bottles, books, pens, pencils, colouring books (AFP), stickers and magnets. Bags were given to Companion House and Multicultural Youth Services for dissemination to children.

Our members also attended Alfred Deakin High School during the reporting period for Japanese Saturday School. About 60 students ranging in age from 7 to 14 were present. Our members spoke about the role of police and personal safety and provided contact numbers for police and Crime Stoppers.

Older People & Aged Care Senior Liaison officer

A new and welcome addition to the Crime Prevention SPS Team has been the SLO. The SLO has a focus on the ageing population of the ACT and engages this community sector to heighten personal safety.

The SLO developed a new ‘Home and Personal Safety Guide’ which brings together a number of crime prevention tips and suggestions aimed at better protecting the ACT community.

Women White Ribbon Day

Members from our Intervention Team represented ACT Policing at the Challenging Violence Against Women working group in support of White Ribbon Day, 25 November.

This nationally recognised strategy continues to be an ongoing success in raising awareness about violence against women and children. Planning is currently underway for our ongoing participation in promoting White Ribbon Day.

International Women’s Day

During the reporting period we also support International Women’s Day (8 March) by participating in a number of forums and speaking at events about women in policing. A number of our members also went to International Women’s Day breakfasts.

Refugees, Asylum Seekers and Humanitarian Entrants Multicultural Liaison Team

Our newly established MLOs ensure that migrants and refugees understand the role of police to build positive relationships between these migrants, police and the Canberra community. During the reporting period, our MLOs put in place several strategies and programs to help build rapport with people of multicultural and diverse backgrounds.

A number of information sessions particularly for newly arrived refugees were arranged and includes discussions about the role of police, how to identify police, when and how to contact the police and where to find them. The recent Islamic Awareness Program attended by the MLO team has given a better insight into dealing with people of different faiths particularly our Muslim community.

  Settlement Services For Newly Arrived Migrants

MLOs attended the ACT Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services Careers Expo and set up a combined stall with ACT ESA where about 200 people were in attendance. The stall was very popular and received a large number of people and questions about police and careers in policing. Most people were permanent residents awaiting citizenship and were provided with information about AFP entry requirements.

During the reporting period we also attended the Refugee, Asylum Seeker and Humanitarian committee meetings along with members from a range of government and non-government agencies to discuss ways of assisting refugees and asylum seekers residing in the ACT. This purpose of these meetings is to make their integration into the community less stressful.

We also attended the Youth Coalition of the ACT planning day.

As well, our MLOs are conducting driver training sessions with the assistance of Multicultural Youth Services. Five sessions have been arranged which began on the in June 2010 are being held monthly.

Intercultural Harmony and Religious Acceptance Islamic Awareness Program

During the reporting period our members attended the Islamic Awareness Program, a course aimed at providing participants with a greater understanding of Islam and Muslim Communities. An explanation of basic principles of Islam and Islamic law identifying key areas of controversy both with Islam and between Muslims and non-Muslims were the main focus areas of this course.

The course covered the history, development and spread of Islam together with its beliefs, culture and doctrine. Professor Abdullah Saeed and Professor Tim Lindsey both from the University of Melbourne presented the program.

Multicultural Liaison Officers

ACT Policing recognises that, in some countries, police are feared and this means that some people, particularly those who arrive in Canberra under humanitarian or refugee programs, have a fear or mistrust of police. As part of their role, our MLOs regularly meet with people individually, or in groups, to try help them overcome their fear or mistrust so that they are comfortable asking for help if they need it.

Police recruits and operational police are provided with cultural awareness training so that officers have some insight into the experiences that many people have had with overseas police services. This includes the opportunity to receive first-hand knowledge from community members, of refugee background, who attend training sessions and talk of their personal experiences. This insight is invaluable to us to better understand the experiences that have shaped people’s view of police. Additionally, cultural diversity embraces many religions and religiously determined behaviour can pose challenges to our members. In receiving this type of training, we can perform our duties with sensitivity to the community in which we serve.

Our MLOs devote a major portion of their time engaging with and forming relationships with Canberra’s culturally and linguistically diverse community. As part of this, we deliver information sessions to government departments, community organisations, religious and social groups and educational institutions to address crime prevention issues and emergency management strategies.

Practical Reference to Religious and Spiritual Diversity for Operational Police

In May 2010, we launched the third edition of the ANZPAA Practical Reference to Religious and Spiritual Diversity for Operational Police.

The Reference was developed by ANZPAA in consultation with all police jurisdictions and a number of stakeholders including religious and community leaders.

It provides us with a greater understanding and practical advice on religious and spiritual diversity, and covers nine major religious faiths. This includes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander spirituality, Baha’i, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Maori Spirituality and Sikhism.

We recognise that as operational police, it is vital we are sensitive to religious and spiritual practices while performing our duties. This includes any special considerations we should be mindful of when entering a person’s house, physical contact or conducting an interview with a member of the multicultural community.

The guide was provided to all ACT Policing members in hard copy and online.

Children enjoy the ACT Policing photo board at the Multicultural Festival

Children enjoy the ACT Policing photo board at the Multicultural Festival

Section C.20—Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reporting

During the reporting period, specifically through the ICLO, continued to perform a range of tasks to establish and maintain positive relationships within the Indigenous community and to foster mutual understanding.

Indigenous Community Liaison Team

The ICLT is a dedicated team within ACT Policing’s Crime Prevention team to enhance communication between us and the ACT’s Indigenous community. The ICLT focus on reaching out to the disengaged part of the Indigenous community, more specifically, connecting with individuals who are entrenched in the judicial system. This role has succeeded in strengthening relationships through strategic planning, productive use of our indices and web technology, as well as through consistent networking and communication.

A key role of the ICLT is to enhance communication between our members and the Indigenous community.

During the reporting period, the ICLO facilitated a number of programs for Indigenous youth. These programs are designed to develop the interpersonal and team building skills of people and families who are identified as ‘at-risk’, to help equip them to make better lifestyle choices.

‘Front Up’ program

Research conducted by ANZPAA and MCPEM-P shows that there is significant level of over-representation of Indigenous persons in relation to crime as victims and offenders. It is estimated that around one-third of arrests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the ACT are for breaches of bail or failing to appear in court.

In conjunction with the various agencies, we devised a process (the ‘Front Up’ program) that allows Indigenous people to voluntarily surrender themselves to the courts.

Since the initial trial commenced in August 2009, there have been numerous instances where the AJC has arranged to have offenders voluntarily hand themselves into the courts for being in breach of bail, or subject to an outstanding warrant. The program has been successful and is viewed as a major step forward in fostering positive relationships between police, the AJC and the Indigenous community in the ACT.

We are currently running a pilot program with the AJC to assist with the development of an effective framework that will allow Indigenous people to voluntarily surrender themselves to the courts. A MoU has also been drafted that incorporates all relevant agencies and it is in final draft stages.

Kickstart Program

We are heavily involved in the ‘Kickstart Program’ that focuses on Indigenous families who have become disengaged from the community and service provision. The program is run with Northside Community Service and is a way for Indigenous people to re-engage with service providers and their local community.

Pathways Program

During the reporting period we initiated the pilot for the ‘Pathways Program’. This program focuses on re-empowering Indigenous people who have become entrenched within the judicial system by providing them with alternatives to crime related activities and assisting in generating a legal form of income. The aim of this program is to reduce the rate at which Indigenous people come into contact with the judicial system.

Cultural Camps

Winnunga Nimmityjah invited the ICLT to participate in an Indigenous cultural camp for Indigenous youths identified as ‘at-risk’. In November 2009, we attended a camp at Wollombi, New South Wales with a group of fourteen Indigenous youths. The camp provided the ICLT with the opportunity to engage with Indigenous youth in a positive manner and improve member’s cultural awareness.

Bimberri Juvenile Detention Centre

In the reporting period ICLT members, along with YLOs, attended the Bimberri Juvenile Detention Centre to participate in various sporting activities with Indigenous and non-Indigenous youths and assist with case conferences. This provided our members with an opportunity to engage incarcerated young people in a controlled environment and contribute to the rehabilitation process.

Participation in NAIDOC week

In July 2010 we participated in NAIDOC Week. This particular week involved a number of Indigenous and non-Indigenous people, and was intended to promote awareness and collaboration.

Multi-agency Taskforce

During the reporting period we were instrumental in forming and driving a taskforce which incorporates DHCS, ACT Health, DJaCS, ACT Department of Education and Training, Housing ACT, ACT Corrections, Youth Justice, ACT Courts and Tribunals and ACT Mental Health. This taskforce aims to bring the various services and agencies together to assist disadvantaged Indigenous families and individuals who are considered at-risk.

Interview Friends Program

We closely with the AJC’s Interview Friends Program ensuring that access to the program is provided to all relevant Indigenous people who require it. As part of this function the ICLO is responsible for updating and advising patrols of contact information for the interview friends program.

’Solid Young Fellas’

During the reporting period we organised and participated in three ‘Solid Young Fellas’ versus ACT Policing touch football games. The Solid Young Fellas program is run through Gungahlin Child and Family Centre and encourages moral responsibilities in young Indigenous males, who themselves become mentors for younger people. The games have been attended by about 140 people in total and have helped to create a strong, supportive link between the community and police.

Aboriginal Justice Agreement

On 25 August 2008 Cabinet agreed to the development of an Aboriginal Justice Agreement (AJA). The Agreement will be a comprehensive strategy to improve justice services for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the ACT. A working group has been established by the DJaCS, chaired by Mr Robert Carter, Deputy Chief Executive, comprising key agencies including the AJC and the new ACT Indigenous Elected Body.The ICLO has been involved in the consultation process of the agreement and attends regular monthly meetings. The AJA aims to achieve the following objectives:

The ICLT maintains ties with the local Indigenous Elders, acknowledging and respecting their knowledge and input to local Indigenous issues and the Canberra community.

During this reporting period, the ICLT has benefited from having a second ICLO position. The expanded team has worked alongside project officers to research and develop strategies that are innovative and effective, that will assist the Indigenous community.

We are currently working on a strategy that will identify Indigenous liaison officers at each station to form part of a wider Police Indigenous Community Liaison Network.

0500. Sexual assault

Police are called by a distressed young woman who claims she has been sexually assaulted by a male she met at a club.

She had been drinking with the male and had left with him when he offered to walk her safely to her car. Once in her car, the female was repeatedly assaulted and was threatened to prevent her calling police.

Medical examination by Forensic and Medical Sexual Assault Care staff validates the female’s allegations, and DNA samples of semen are taken. The male had not been wearing any protection.

The female took several hours to gain the courage to call police. She is still in her car when the police arrive.

The identified male is a repeat offender and is later arrested for several sexual assaults, some relating to minors.

Section C.21—Ecologically Sustainable Development

As a Commonwealth agency the reporting requirements of the ACT Environment Protection Act 1997 do not apply to us. We do however; take our responsibilities towards the environment seriously.

Addressing Ecologically Sustainable Development

Environmentally sustainable principles and practices are being integrated into the design, construction and operation of our facilities, including:

We ensure that environmental considerations are taken into account when purchasing office furniture and equipment. We also have a comprehensive recycling program for paper, toner cartridges, metal and fluorescent tubes.

New Belconnen Police Station

The instructions provided to the designers of the new Belconnen Police Station include the following specific ecologically sustainable development requirements:

In May 2010, ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services, Simon Corbell and Chief Police Officer Roman Quaedvlieg marked the official commencement of work on the new Belconnen Police Station.

The new station will be an environmentally friendly building with several key features that encourage less energy and water use including:

Artist impression of the new Belconnen Police Station

Artist impression of the new Belconnen Police Station


The total ACT Policing fleet at 30 June 2010 comprised 190 motor vehicles and 21 motor cycles. A break down of the vehicles by fuel type showing the estimated greenhouse emissions is shown in Table C.20.

Table C.20—Vehicles by Fuel Type

Fuel Type
Estimated CO2
1, 328

During this reporting period we continued to meet the targets set by the Australian Greenhouse Office in relation to the number of vehicles achieving a Green Vehicle Guide score of more than ten. We also continued to encourage the use of ethanol-blended fuels during the reporting period.

During this reporting period we implemented a number of changes to the composition of the vehicle fleet aimed at reducing emissions. These included the move to lower emission vehicles including hybrid, turbo diesel, LPG and lower emission petrol vehicles. These changes have resulted in a 7% reduction in the estimated vehicle emissions.


Total water consumption across our facilities during this reporting period was 13, 818 kilolitres.

Energy Use and Greenhouse Emissions

Table C.21 shows our energy use and associated CO2 emissions and includes an estimate of emissions as a result of waste based on the average FTE during this reporting period.

Table C.21—Energy Use and Associated CO2 Emissions

Energy Type
Estimated CO2
5, 689, 355 kWH
6, 354
17, 615, 228 MJ
1, 255
886 Ave FTE
1, 340
8, 949

The total estimated CO2 emissions for our organisation during the reporting period was 10, 277 tones (1, 328 from vehicles and 8, 949 from energy use and waste). The increase in overall emissions during this reporting period is a direct result of the increased average Full Time Equivalent (FTE) level throughout the year.

We are looking to implement a number of strategies to continue to reduce emissions in future years.

Section C.22—ACT Women’s Plan 2010–2015

During the reporting period ACT Policing continued to work with the community, and internally, to improve the status of all women.

Women in policing, and more specifically, increasing the representation of women in policing, is a key focus area for ACT Policing.


Women in ACT Policing have historically received equitable salaries and generous maternity leave provisions, 14 weeks full time leave entitlement. This leave can be taken on full or half pay.

We are currently reviewing patrol rostering patterns to explore a more effective way to meet the requirement of a 24/7 response capability, and to retain experience in frontline roles by introducing rosters that will accommodate the work/life needs of members, particularly women.

In February 2010, Superintendent Kate Buggy represented ACT Policing at the inaugural ANZPAA Women in Policing Forum which was held in Melbourne. The forum is a proactive group brought together to identify best practice in:

During the reporting period several women were promoted to the rank of sergeant, including members who had been working in part-time positions, and maintained their part-time duties post-promotion.

In April 2010, ACT Policing welcomed another senior female to the ranks when Ms Judith Kendrick was appointed as Director, Corporate Services.

Image: Female Uniform Police Officer


We continually consider the impact of community violence on women, with particular focus on family violence and sexual assault matters. A member of ACT Policing has held a position on the Domestic Violence Prevention Council for many years and during this reporting period we also contributed to the successful national conference on family violence titled ‘National Perspectives: Local Initiatives’. This conference was held in May 2010 at the National Convention Centre and attracted more than 300 participants from around Australia. The focus of the conference was to outline the resources and serves available in the ACT to prevent and respond to family violence.


During this reporting period, there was a significant progress in identifying better conditions for women in policing in the ACT. We established flexible and part-time work patterns to allow several women to balance work and family commitments, and to coincide with their partner’s roster to simplify childcare needs.

For example, in the Crime Prevention portfolio three sworn members shared one position—with members sharing hours across the week and weekend to meet the deliverables of the position.

With endorsement by the Executive Steering Committee, the terms of reference for this type of working group have been agreed as follows:

As part of the ongoing recruitment strategy, emphasis has been given to recruiting more women into the organisation. It is intended that there will be at least one female on all recruitment panels, and future recruit courses will target a 50% female participation rate. Further, suitably skilled and experienced women in sworn and unsworn roles will be actively encouraged to apply for senior positions within the organisation.

The Women’s Network with the AFP was established to provide sworn and unsworn women within policing the opportunity to network. It provides an open and supportive environment for female members to raise, discuss and resolve issues that impact them/women in the workplace.

All members on maternity leave are offered coaching and mentoring opportunities to assist them in returning to work on completion of their leave.

Section C.23—Model Litigant Guidelines

As a Commonwealth agency, any legal work performed for ACT Policing is provided to the Commonwealth, and does not constitute Territory legal work for the purposes of the Law Officer Act 1992 (ACT).

The AFP complies with the Model Litigant Policy under the Judiciary Act 1901 (Cth), and abides by the Legal Service Directions issued by the Commonwealth Attorney-General.

There were no breaches of the Commonwealth Model Litigant Policy in relation to any matters involving ACT Policing during this reporting period.

0600. Bomb response. Suspicious package.

Police are called to a residence in the north of Canberra where neighbours have noticed what they believe to be a suspicious package.

The complainant advises that late in the evening, around 10.00pm, several shopping bags filled with items had been delivered to their neighbour’s front door.

When the neighbours find the bags in the morning, they immediately call police, particularly after noticing white powder covering some of the bags. They were not expecting any delivery of this kind and did not know where the grocery bags had come from.

Police set up a crime scene while they wait for the Bomb Response Team to arrive. After extensive evaluation, the ‘bombies’ confirm that the white powder is in fact flour.

The owner of the groceries remains unknown.

Image: Photo of member of the Bomb Squad

[1] Under Clause 6 of the Policing Arrangement between the Commonwealth and ACT Governments, the Minister may issue general directions to us in writing as to policy, priorities and goals relating to the provision of police services without issuing directions on operational matters.

Section D


Appendix 1

An Arrangement between The Minister for Justice and Customs of the Commonwealth And The Australian Capital Territory For The Provision of Police Services to the Australian Capital Territory


Subsection 37(a) of the Australian Capital Territory Self-Government Act 1988 provides that the ACT Executive has the responsibility of governing the Territory with respect to matters of law and order. Under subsection 23(1)(c) the ACT Legislative Assembly, however, has no power to make laws with respect to the provision by the AFP of police services in the ACT. As such there is no police act or similar legislation in the ACT with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) being responsible for providing policing services to the ACT under Section 8 of the Australian Federal Police act 1979.

In effect, these two pieces of legislation mean that the ACT is policed by the AFP and under the provisions of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 at Subsection 8(1A), the Minister for Justice and Customs and the Australian Capital Territory may enter arrangements for the police services in relation to the Australian Capital Territory that are in respect of Territory functions as defined by section 3 of the Australian Capital Territory Self Government (Consequential Provisions) Act 1988 (hereinafter called ‘police services’).

Paragraph 9(1)(b) of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 provides that in addition to any other powers and duties, a member of the Australian Federal Police has, when performing functions in the Australian Capital Territory, the powers and duties conferred or imposed on a constable or on an officer of police by or under any law (including the common law) of the Territory.

The Commonwealth Minister for Justice and Customs and the Australian Capital Territory have agreed to enter arrangements for the provision of police services in respect of Territory functions in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the Arrangement.

IT IS AGREED by the parties to this Arrangement as follows:

1. Definitions

1.1 In this Arrangement unless the contrary intention appears:

“ACT” means the Australian Capital Territory;

“ACT Policing” means the Australian Federal Police business unit responsible for the provision of policing services to the ACT.

“AFP” means the Australian Federal Police;

“AFP Act” means the Australian Federal Police Act 1979;

“Chief Police Officer” means the AFP employee appointed by the Commissioner, as provided for in this Arrangement, to be the Chief Police Officer for the ACT;

“Commissioner” means the Commissioner of the Australian Federal Police referred to in section 6 of the AFP Act;

“Commonwealth Minister” means the Commonwealth Minister of State appointed to administer the AFP Act;

“Commonwealth Place of Interest” means a facility or location that is directly involved in the conduct of Commonwealth Government business or is otherwise in the interests of the Commonwealth to protect.

‘Police Minister” means the Minister of the ACT Executive who is responsible for police matters;

“Police Services” means community policing services provided for under this Arrangement which include, but are not necessarily limited to, the preservation of peace and good order, the prevention and detection of crime and the protection of persons form injury or death, and the protection of property from damage, whether arising from criminal acts or otherwise;

“Purchase Agreement” means the annual agreement provided for under this Arrangement between the Police Minister, the Commissioner, and the Chief Police Officer setting out details of goods and services purchased by the ACT from the AFP, the agreed price for those services payable by the ACT to the AFP and the reporting by the AFP on performance.

2. Purpose and Overriding Commitment

2.1 The purpose of this Arrangement is to establish the enabling framework for the provision by the AFP of policing services to the ACT.

2.2 The Commonwealth is committed to the provision, within the context of this Arrangement and the Purchase Agreement, of a high quality community policing service to the ACT.

3. Objectives of the Arrangement

3.1 Both parties seek from this Arrangement:

Appropriate policing—the arrangement provides an agreed level of policing services for the ACT community;

4. Provision of Police Services to the ACT

4.1 The Commonwealth and the ACT Government agree that the AFP will provide Police services to the ACT Government in accordance with the Purchase Agreement, as varied from time to time by arrangement between the Police Minister and the Chief Police Officer.

4.2 The ACT shall pay the AFP for the provision of police services pursuant to this Arrangement the amounts specified in the Purchase Agreement.

4.3 The parties acknowledge that the AFP is also required, within the ACT, to provide police services to the Commonwealth which are not subject to this Arrangement and for which the ACT is not required to pay. This exclusion extends to cover the costs of enforcing Commonwealth Law and protecting Commonwealth interests by AFP personnel employed within the ACT Policing business unit. Costs excluded from the arrangement will include those associated with the protection of foreign dignitaries, foreign missions, and Commonwealth places of interest. The basis for allocating costs against the Commonwealth and ACT Governments will be articulated in the Purchase Agreement.

4.4 The allocation of resources for the police services required by the Commonwealth within the ACT will not be altered in any way which might materially affect the police services purchased by the ACT Government, without prior consultation and agreement. Failure to obtain agreement will be sufficient grounds for the issue of a notice to discontinue this Arrangement in accordance with clause 13.3.

4.5 Revenues received by the AFP in the course of enforcement of ACT legislation under this Arrangement will be remitted to the ACT.

4.6 The ACT Government will be responsible for the provision of appropriate Community Policing infrastructure and facilities to the AFP. The ACT Government and the AFP will jointly develop a plan to apportion individual responsibilities for the maintenance of structures and facilities and the provision of fittings during the term of this Arrangement.

5. Chief Police Officer for the ACT

5.1 There shall be a Chief Police Officer for the ACT who shall, subject to the Authority of the Commissioner, be responsible to the Police Minister for the achievement of the outcomes set out in the Purchase Agreement and the general management and control of AFP personnel and resources deployed for the purposes of that agreement.

5.2 The Chief Police Officer shall be appointed by the Commissioner with the approval of the Police Minister.

5.3 If the Police Minister advises the Commissioner in writing that the Chief Police Officer no longer enjoys the confidence of the ACT Executive, and of the reasons for that lack of confidence, the Commissioner shall as soon as practicable replace the Chief Police Officer.

5.4 The Chief Police Officer will have membership of the ACT Government Chief Executive Officer forum and will receive timely advice on ACT budget instructions and processes.

6. Police Minister’s Power to Give Directions

6.1 The Police Minister may give to the Chief Police Officer general directions in writing as to policy, priorities and goals in relation to the provision of police services by the AFP under this Arrangement and the Purchase Agreement.

6.2 The Chief Police Officer shall comply with any written directions received from the Police Minister under clause

6.1 unless a contrary written direction has been received from the Commonwealth Minister pursuant to the AFP Act.

6.3 Any written directions from the Police Minister will be appended to the Purchasing Agreement in a form that enables them to be published in the ACT Policing Annual Report.

6.4 Except in case of emergency, the Commonwealth Minister shall not issue to the Commissioner a Direction pursuant to the AFP Act which affects the provision by the AFP of police services to the ACT unless the Commonwealth Minister has first consulted the Police Minister about the nature and purpose of that direction. Where in an emergency a Direction is given without prior consultation with the Police Minister, the Commonwealth Minister will consult the Police Minister about the Direction as soon as possible thereafter.

6.5 If a Direction by the Commonwealth Minister to the Commissioner has the effect of increasing the cost of police services provided to the ACT, then the costs attributable to the Direction will be borne by the Commonwealth by adjusting the price paid by the ACT in accordance with the price variation provisions of the Purchase Agreement.

7. Nominated Agency within ACT

7.1 Without inhibiting the independent reporting and advisory capacity of the Chief Police Officer as prescribed in clauses 5.1 and 8.1, the Police Minister may request the AFP to provide information to a nominated agency within the ACT. The nominated agency shall provide support to the Police Minister in the performance of his or her ministerial functions on policing.

8. Provision of Information to the Nominated Agency

8.1 The Chief Police Officer shall provide to the nominated agency such information, reports and recommendations in relation to the provision of services to the ACT under this Arrangement as the Police Minister may from time to time require. The Chief Police Officer shall exercise discretion over the release of information to the nominated agency to ensure that relevant information may be lawfully reported with due regard to privacy and operational policing considerations.

8.2 Consistent with the AFP values of integrity and accountability and without limiting the generality of clause 8.1, the nominated agency may, subject to any applicable secrecy laws, request and receive information from the Chief Police Officer, on behalf of the Police Minister, regarding:

(a) complaints against AFP employees providing services under this Arrangement, including the investigation of such complaints and any related action whether undertaken by the AFP, the Commonwealth Ombudsman or otherwise;

(b) AFP Professional Standards (PRS) enquiries relating to AFP employees providing services under this Agreement; and

(c) the deployment, operational status and movement of AFP employees engaged in providing police services under this Arrangement.

8.3 The Chief Police Officer shall report annually to the Police Minister at a time nominated by the Police Minister on the provision of police services pursuant to this Arrangement for the proceeding year. The annual report will describe the outcomes achieved during the period reported on and shall include details of the resources utilised, the levels of crime reported and such other matters as may be specified by the Police Minister.

9. Audit

9.1 The Chief Police Officer will provide after the end of each financial year and by date nominated by the Police Minister, a financial statement for that financial year accompanied by a report of the Commonwealth Auditor-General or some other auditor nominated by the Chief Police Officer and approved by the Police Minister stating:

(a) the correctness of the report made of performance under the purchase Agreement; and

(b) any other matters which the Auditor-General, or otherwise approved auditor, considers should be reported to the Police Minister.

9.2 The Police Minister is also entitled to have specific financial and performance audits conducted by the Commonwealth Auditor-General, or other agreed auditor, the cost of which shall be borne by the ACT.

10. Legal Advice

10.1 If legal advice and appearance about matters covered by the laws of the ACT (including the common law) is required by the AFP in relation to the provision of police services pursuant to this Arrangement, the Chief Police Officer shall seek such advice or appearance from the ACT Director of Public Prosecutions, the ACT Government Solicitor’s Office or other legal sources, whichever is appropriate in the circumstances.

11. Terms and Conditions of Employment

11.1 The Commonwealth is responsible for determining the terms and conditions of employment of AFP employees involved in the provision of police services to the ACT pursuant to this Arrangement.

11.2 If the Commissioner proposes to vary the terms and conditions of employment of AFP personnel in a way which might affect the manner and cost of providing police services to the ACT, the Commissioner shall, before altering those terms and conditions, consult with and advise the Police Minister of the likely implications of the proposed alterations.

12. Dispute Resolution

12.1 The mechanism for resolving disputes arising from this Arrangement will be as follows:

(a) in the first instance the Territory and AFP contact officers listed at clause12.2 will use their best endeavours to settle the dispute; and

(b) if after 30 days the dispute is unresolved or the Contact Officers lack the authority to do so, the matter will be referred to the officers listed in clause12.3 as the Responsible Officers.

12.2 For the purposes of this Arrangement the Contact Officers will be:

For the AFP, Director, Corporate Services on advice from the AFP, Chief Operating Officer; and

For the Territory, Director, Justice, Planning and Programs, Policy and Regulatory Division, Department of Justice and Community Safety.

12.3 For the purposes of the Arrangement the Responsible Officers will be:

For the AFP, Chief Police Officer in consultation with the AFP, Chief Operating Officer; and

For the Territory, Chief Executive Officer, Department of Justice and Community Safety.

12.4 Any dispute or matter of concern to either party arising from this Arrangement that cannot be resolved by the officers nominated at clause 12.2 or 13.3 shall be referred for consultation between resolution by the Commonwealth Minister and the Police Minister.

12.5 Contact Officers for the purpose of the annual Purchase Agreement are to be nominated in each Purchase Agreement.

13. Duration of this Arrangement

13.1 This Arrangement shall commence on a date agreed to by the parties and shall remain in force for five years.

13.2 Two years prior to its expiry, the parties shall commence negotiations about the terms and conditions of a renewal of the Arrangement.

13.3 If either party decides this Arrangement shall not be continued or renewed, it shall give at least 2 years notice in writing to that effect.

13.4 In the event that a replacement Arrangement is not signed at expiry of the preceding Arrangement, the parties may agree to extend the terms and conditions of the current Arrangement.


14.1 A Purchase Agreement pursuant to this Arrangement shall be renegotiated annually prior to the commencement of the next financial year, which begins on 1 July.

14.2 In the event that the parties have not signed a Purchase Agreement by 30 June in any year, the parties may agree to the terms and conditions of an interim Purchase Agreement.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Arrangement has been respectively signed for and on behalf of the parties:

Signature - Senator the Hon Chris Ellison
SIGNED by Senator the Hon Chris Ellison,
Minister for Justice and Customs on behalf of the Australian Government
23 April 2006

Signature - Simon Corbell MLA
SIGNED by Simon Corbell MLA,
Minister for Police and Emergency Services
on behalf of the ACT Government
14 June 2006


2009–2010 Purchase Agreement between the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the Commissioner, Australian Federal Police, and the Chief Police Officer for the ACT for the Provision of Policing Services to the Australian Capital Territory


1. In accordance with the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 (the Act), the Australian Federal Police (AFP) provides community policing services to the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). The Act also allows for the Commonwealth and ACT Governments to enter an arrangement for the provision of those policing services.

2. On 14 June 2006, the Commonwealth Minister for Justice and Customs and the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services entered an arrangement which established the enabling framework for the provision by the AFP of policing services to the ACT. The Arrangement for the Provision of Police Services to the ACT (the Arrangement) requires the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services (the ACT Minister), the Commissioner and the Chief Police Officer to enter a Purchase Agreement (the Agreement) for those services. The Agreement is required to set out the details of the goods and services to be purchased by the ACT from the AFP, the agreed price for those services and AFP reporting on performance.

3. This Agreement will be read in conjunction with the Arrangement of 14 June 2006.


4. This Agreement is between the ACT Minister, the Commissioner of the AFP and the Chief Police Officer for the ACT.


5. Unless stated otherwise, definitions in the Agreement are the same as in the Arrangement.


6. The output classes covered by this Agreement include all the goods and services to be purchased by the ACT from the AFP through the direct police budget appropriation. This Agreement does not cover activities funded by revenue outside the direct police appropriation.

7. The ACT’s purchaser interests covered by this Agreement include:

(a) the policing outcome and all associated outputs to be provided, listing final goods and services;

(b) performance measures for the outputs, together with targets where appropriate; and

(c) financial and resource reporting.

8. Agreed variations to this Agreement shall be supported by correspondence which will be appended to the Agreement.

9. The policing outcome and associated outputs to be provided, performance measures and definitions are contained within Schedule 1 to this Agreement.

Billing and Payment Arrangement

10. The AFP will follow the general principles of Commonwealth Cost Recovery Guidelines where appropriate in the provision of policing services to the ACT Government.[1]

11. Payments to the AFP will be on a pro-rata monthly basis in accordance with the 2008–09 Appropriation Payment Schedule for ACT Policing, except for the one-off Repairs and Maintenance funding which will be paid following request from the AFP with supporting documentation for reimbursement of expenditure for these works.

Enabling Services Costs

12. Enabling services costs to support new initiatives will be included as part of any ACT Policing budget bids.

13. The Territory and AFP responsible Officers as defined under clause 23 of the agreement, will negotiate the need to fund additional enabling services on the basis of any extraordinary change in demand that may arise as a result of a policy change by the Territory or by an unforeseen change in social circumstances in the ACT. ACT Treasury will be informed of any additional funding requirements that are deemed necessary as soon as practically possible.

14. The ACT Government and AFP commit to an independent review of the most recent rebasing of enabling expenses. The AFP will meet any costs associated with the review within the existing allocation of resources.

Powers and Obligations

15. In accordance with the Arrangement, the Chief Police Officer for the ACT, subject to the authority of the Commissioner of the AFP, will be responsible to the ACT Minister for the achievement of the policing outcome and delivery of outputs set out in the Purchase Agreement and the general management and control of AFP personnel and resources deployed for the purposes of the Arrangement.

16. Short-term variations to targets and priorities set by this Agreement may be determined by the Minister, including at the request of the Chief Police Officer, following consultation and with reasonable notice.

17. Such variations will be appended to this Agreement and should be within budget limits unless otherwise agreed.

18. The Chief Police Officer will provide services in support of ACT ministerial information requirements which are compliant with ACT Government standards.

Duration of Agreement

19. The Agreement shall apply for the period 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 in accordance with clause 14.1 of the Arrangement.


20. The Chief Police Officer shall report to the ACT Minister within one (1) calendar month at the end of each quarter, unless otherwise agreed by parties, on those matters prescribed in Schedules 1, 2 and 3 in this Agreement. The reports will be provided in a format agreed by the parties, covering performance, finance and resources.

21. The AFP will assess the results of the survey of crime victims in the ACT once completed, for possible inclusion as one benchmark for establishing performance measures that relate to responding to victims of crime. A performance measure may be documented in Agreements from July 2010 onwards.

Dispute Resolution

22. The mechanism for resolving disputes arising from this Agreement will be as follows:

(a) in the first instance the Territory and AFP contact officers listed will use their best endeavours to settle the dispute; and

(b) if after 30 days the dispute is unresolved or the Contact Officers lack the authority to do so, the matter will be referred to the officers listed as the Responsible Officers.

23. For the purposes of this Agreement the Contact Officers will be:

(a) for the AFP, Director, Corporate Services on advice from the AFP, Chief Operating Officer; and

(b) for the Territory, Director, Justice, Planning and Programs, Policy and Regulatory Division, Department of Justice and Community Safety.

24. For the purposes of the Agreement the Responsible Officers will be:

(a) for the AFP, Chief Police Officer in consultation with the AFP, Chief Operating Officer; and

(b) for the Territory, Chief Executive Officer, Department of Justice and Community Safety.

25. Any dispute or matter of concern to either party arising from this Arrangement that cannot be resolved by the officers nominated at clause 20 or 21 shall be referred for consultation between resolution by the Commonwealth Minister and the Police Minister.

Annual Report

26. The Chief Police Officer shall also report annually to the ACT Minister, at a time nominated by the ACT Minister, on the provision of police services pursuant to the Purchase Agreement.

Community Engagement

27. ACT Policing will, during 2009—2010, develop an enhanced internet presence to facilitate on-line reporting and increased information connectivity between police and the community.

Signature: Simon Corbell, MLA
Simon Corbell MLA
Minister for Police and Emergency Services

18 August 2009

Signature - Mick Keelty APM
Mick Keelty APM
Commissioner, Australian Federal Police

13 August 2009

Signature - Michael Phelan APM
Michael Phelan APM
Chief Police Officer for the ACT

11 August 2009

Schedule 1—Performance Reporting


In partnership with the community, create a safer and more secure Australian Capital Territory through the provision of quality police services.

This will be achieved through four main areas of activity: Crime and Safety Management; Traffic Law Enforcement and Road Safety; Prosecution and Judicial Support; and Crime Prevention.

Outputs [2]

Crime and Safety Management
  • Incident Response and Policing Support for the Community

  • Crime Detection and Investigation

ACT Policing will provide a safer and more secure Australian Capital Territory so that members of the community can go
about their daily lives without undue fear of crime.

This will be achieved by:

(i) providing efficient and effective police response to calls for assistance received from members of the community;

(ii) conducting investigations to detect offenders and bring them to justice; and

(iii) maintaining a proactive presence in the community, driven by the analysis of police intelligence data.

Output Price:
$95, 525, 000
Traffic Law Enforcement and Road Safety
ACT Policing will enforce traffic laws and promote safer behaviour on ACT roads with the objectives of reducing the number of crash fatalities and injuries to members of the community.
Output Price:
$13, 723, 000
Prosecution & Judicial Support
ACT Policing will maximise the number of successful prosecutions in Court by providing support to the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Courts.
Output Price:
$16, 921, 000
Crime Prevention
ACT Policing will seek to reduce and prevent crime through strategies that incorporate government and community cooperation to address risk factors associated with criminal behaviour and recidivism and raise awareness of the community’s role in their own safety and security.
Output Price:
$5, 861, 000
Total Price2 =
$132, 030, 000

The above four main outputs will be achieved through the provision of police resources – including personnel, as defined and explained in Schedule 2 of this Agreement.

The attribution of prices to outputs is indicative of resource prioritisation by outputs and may vary throughout the year according to the operational assessment of the Chief Police Officer. Changes to the total price must be agreed by both parties.

Performance Measures

Level of Crime
1. Number of offences against the person reported or becoming known per 100, 000 population.a
850 or lessb
2. Number of offences against property reported or becoming known per 100, 000 population.a
8500 or lessb
3. Percentage of offences against the person cleared.
67% or moreb
4. Percentage of offences against property cleared.
14% or moreb
Perceptions of Crime
5. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of physical assault in a public place—excluding sexual assault in the next 12 months.a, c, d
National Average or less
6. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of sexual assault in the next 12 months.a, c, d
National Average or less
7. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of housebreaking in the next 12 months.a, c, d
National Average or less
8. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of motor vehicle theft in the next 12 months.a, c, d
National Average or less
9. Percentage of persons who feel safe at home alone during the day.a, c, d
National Average or more
10. Percentage of persons who feel safe at home alone during the night.a, c, d
National Average or more
Police Responsiveness
11. Response times for Priority One Incidents:
• Within 8 minutes;
• Within 12 minutes.

60% or more
90% or more
12. Response times for Priority Two Incidents:
• Within 20 minutes;
• Within 30 minutes.

60% or more
95% or more
13. Response times for Priority Three Incidents:
• Within 2 hours;
• Within 3 hours.

60% or more
95% or more
14. Response times for Priority Four Incidents:
• Within 24 hours.

95% or more
15. Percentage of 000 calls answered on first or second presentation:
• On first presentation;
• On second presentation.

90% or more
98% or more
Public Confidence in Police
16. Percentage of persons satisfied with most recent contact with police services.c, d
National Average or more
17. Percentage of persons who agree that police perform their job professionally.c, d
National Average or more
18. Percentage of persons who agree that police treat people fairly and equally.c, d
National Average or more
19. Number of established complaint issues against police.e
45 or below
20. Number of established complaint issues relating to persons in custody.e
15 or below
Road Safety
21. Number of road crashes resulting in death per 100, 000 population.a
4.2 or lessb
22. Number of road crashes resulting in injury per 100, 000 population.a
180 or lessb
23. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving 10km per hour or more over the speed limit.a, c, d
National Average or less
24. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving while not wearing a seatbelt.a, c, d
National Average or less
25. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving while suspecting they are over the prescribed alcohol limit.a, c, d, f
National Average or less
26. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving when using a mobile phone.a, c, d
National Average or less
Supporting the Judicial Process
27. Percentage of briefs delivered to the DPP within the designated timeframe.g
75% or more
28. Percentage of cases finalised by offence proved in court.h, i
80% or more
29. Percentage of cases finalised by a not-guilty verdict or otherwise withdrawn.h, j
18% or less
30. Percentage of cases otherwise resolved. h, k, l
5% or less
Crime Prevention
31. Percentage of persons who perceive the following quality of life issues to be a problem in their neighbourhooda, c, d:
• speeding cars, dangerous or noisy driving
• graffiti/vandalism
• louts/gangs
• drunken/disorderly behaviour

National Average or less
National Average or less
National Average or less
National Average or less
32. Number of juveniles referred to divrsionary programsm
55 or morem
33. Number of persons referred to community support agencies.
5100 or moreb
34. Number of referrals to drug diversion programs (drug demand reduction effort).
65 or moreb

Notes—Schedule 1

a. These measures encompass the jurisdiction of a great many public and private institutions and individuals who contribute to the overall results and standings. Success in these targets is not the sole domain or responsibility of ACT Policing.

b. These targets are based on a three year average.

c. These measures are sourced from the National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing (NSCSP),
a self-reporting survey conducted by Roy Morgan Research.

d. Using the results of the relevant NSCSP questions, the percentage of persons ‘concerned’ in Measures 5–8 equals those who scored ‘somewhat concerned’ or ’very concerned’; the percentage of persons ‘who feel safe’ in Measures 9–10 equals those who scored ‘safe or ’very safe’; the percentage of persons ‘satisfied’ in Measure 16 equals those who scored ‘satisfied’ or ’very satisfied’; the percentage of persons ‘who agree’ in Measures
17–18 equals those who scored ‘agree’ or ‘strongly agree’; the percentage of persons ‘self-report to driving’ in Measures 23–26 equals those who scored ‘sometimes’, ‘most of the time’ or ‘always’. Measure 31 equals those who scored ‘somewhat of a problem’ or ‘major problem’ for each separate problem.

e. Based on the actual number of issues linked to a complaint rather than the number of persons making complaints. Includes category 1 to 4 complaint issues relating only to ACT Policing members of the Australian Federal Police. Measure 19 excludes issues encompassed in Measure 20. This data has only been collected by ACT Policing for 2007–2008 and 2008–2009, therefore the targets are based on an average of these two years.

f. In the ACT, the prescribed limit is 0.02g of alcohol per 100mL of blood for those classed as a ‘special driver’ in the Road Transport (Alcohol and Drugs) Act, 1977.’ Special drivers’ include those with a learner, provisional, probation, restricted, suspended and disqualified licence. The prescribed limit for all other drivers is 0.05g of alcohol per 100mL of blood.

g. Briefs delivered to the DPP within the designated timeframe include those where a formal extension was applied for and granted.

h. These measures are based on the concept of a ‘case’ where a person may be brought before the court on multiple charges. The charges are, for the purposes of this measure, grouped under the apprehension identification number which is automatically generated by the PROMIS Case Management System.

i. This measure records successful prosecutions as being those where any of the charges under one apprehension identification number has been proven before the court.

j. This measure records cases where none of the charges under one apprehension identification number have been proven before the court.

k. This measure records cases which resulted in a court appearance where a magistrate or judge has made a determination which is not related to a finding of guilty or not guilty. This currently refers to mental health orders used by a court.

l. The term “otherwise resolved’ includes cases referred to the Mental Health Tribunal, remands by the court before a matter is determined.

m Excludes other agency referrals. Target based on 2008–2009 benchmark year data.

Definitions – Schedule 1

Term Definition
Offence A breach of the criminal law.
Offences against
the person
Offences against the person include homicide and related offences, assaults, sexually based offences, kidnap and other person offences.
Offences against
Offences against property include robbery, blackmail, extortion, burglary, fraud, motor vehicle thefts, other theft offences, property damage and environmental offences.
Offence cleared Offences cleared by arrest, summons, Voluntary Agreement to Attend Court, charge before court, diversionary conference, caution, Simple Cannabis Offence Notice, or otherwise resolved.
Comparability of Survey of Community Satisfaction with
Policing results
Data reported in the 2000–2001 financial year was compiled by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and published in the Population Survey Monitor. These data were collected through face-to-face interviews with respondents through a sample of approximately 220 people in each quarter of the financial year. This was discontinued and replaced by the Survey of Community Satisfaction with Policing (NSCSP), which is conducted on an ongoing basis throughout the year using telephone interviews. The NSCSP, has been conducted by Roy Morgan Research since 1 July 2006, and prior to this, by AC Nielsen. While the content of the survey remains relatively similar over time, there is some potential for variations in results based solely on the difference in the survey methodologies and survey providers.
Prioritised response model The model used by the Computer Aided Dispatch system to prioritise incidents for dispatch
of patrols.
Priority One Incident Life threatening or time critical situations.
Priority Two Incident Situations where the information provided indicates that time is important, but not critical.
Priority Three Incident Situations where there is no immediate danger to safety or property, but where police attendance is needed without undue delay.
Priority Four Incident Situations requiring police attendance where time is not critical and includes circumstances where a time is agreed with a complainant.
Percentage of 000 calls answered on first and second presentation. It is the policy of TELSTRA to re-present 000 calls to another line after 9 rings in order to maximise the response rate. This is a national standard endorsed by Emergency Service Organisations across Australia.

The measurement of response to 000 calls is based on average operating capacity and the target for this measure does not include abnormal instances created by one major event where operating capacity is overloaded due to multiple reporting of the same incident.

Complaint issues Issues associated with a complaint made in accordance with the Australian Federal Police Act, Part V, 1979.
Custody The restriction or removal of a person’s right to freedom of movement. May also be constructive as a result of a person believing that they may not exercise their free will as a result of dealings with a police officer and is deemed to exist in circumstances where a person:

i) is in the company, care, custody or control of a member or special member, and is restricted from leaving that company for the time being;

ii) is placed in a holding room;

iii) is lodged in police cells or an area or facility controlled by police; or

iv) is placed under arrest.

Injury An injury sustained by any person as a result of a collision, which necessitates treatment by a medical practitioner.
DPP Director of Public Prosecutions.
Hearing brief of evidence A collation of all relevant evidentiary material relating to a prosecution to be forwarded to the DPP. It is accepted that for the Judicial Process Measures (Numbers 27, 28, 29, 30) the efficiency of other agencies such as the DPP as well as the capacity of victims and witnesses to present their evidence may also affect judicial process outcomes.

Schedule 2—Resource Reporting

FTE Number

The ACT Government has agreed to fund the Full Time Equivalent (FTE) of 905 AFP employees engaged in the provision of community policing services to the ACT for financial year 2009–2010.[3] This number is a budgeted figure only, acknowledging that actual staffing levels will vary at any given time.[4] This budgeted figure is used in this Agreement for information only and not as a performance measure.

Staff Movement Reporting

In accordance with subclause 8.2 (c) of the Arrangement, the Chief Police Officer will report quarterly to the Police Minister on the deployment, operational status and movement of AFP employees. Reporting will include:

The Chief Police Officer will give timely advice to the Minister on any senior AFP personnel movements or changes (from Superintendent rank (or equivalent) upwards).

Schedule 3 – Financial Reporting

The Chief Police Officer will provide the following report on a quarterly basis in accordance with clause 17 of this Agreement:

Fiancial Performance

The report will be accompanied by commentary where consolidated node variations exceed 5% of pro-rata
phased budgets.

Notes – Schedule 3

Cost Attribution Methodology

The AFP provides Community Policing services to the ACT Government on a cost recovery basis. Costs are calculated against defined outputs to be met by the AFP’s ACT Policing business unit and some specialised elements from the wider AFP (Enabling). ACT Policing business unit costs are apportioned between the ACT and Commonwealth Governments on the basis of direct and indirect cost attribution. Costs associated with AFP operational and corporate support (Enabling) are determined using Commonwealth Government Cost Recovery Guidelines where appropriate.

AFP Cost Attribution Diagram

AFP Cost Attribution Diagram

Indirect Attribution

The annual ACT Policing Activity Survey, which is used as an input into the Activity Matrix will be conducted at a time agreed to by the Police Minister and the Chief Police Officer. Any additional surveys or alternative methods of activity recording will be conducted where agreed to by both parties. Any changes to the Activity Matrix will be applied to the Financial Management Information System (FMIS) as soon as practical. No retrospective changes to the Activity Matrix will be made without the agreement of both parties.

ACT Funding Considerations

The following components are part of the ACT considerations for ACT Policing costs to the Territory in 2009–2010:

(a) ACT Budgeted Full-Time Equivalents (FTE) of 905 (a) FTE (807 FTE plus 98 FTE (enabling)) = $131, 870, 000. In addition, a further $160, 000 is provided for additional Repairs and Maintenance in 2009–10.

(b) Annual ACT Policing budget determined by annual budget outcomes with costings for any additional police calculated on level of police officer’s experience and skill to perform task. The budgeted figure includes enabling services and incorporates the equalisation contribution for Police provided in the ACT GST pool. [5]

Definitions—Schedule 3

Term Definition
Activity Survey An annual statistical analysis of ACT Policing activities undertaken over a seven day period to capture and define the more routine tasks performed by ACT Policing which are not readily identified by direct cost-attribution. These tasks are subsequently attributed to either Commonwealth or ACT Outputs delivered by ACT Policing.
Activity Matrix A table of values derived from a budget weighted average of activity survey data used to allocate indirect costs against ACT Policing Outputs at a cost centre level.
Enabling Services purchased from the wider AFP such as Information Technology or Forensic Services not within the managerial responsibility of the Chief Police Officer.
FMIS Financial Management Information System or otherwise known as Accounting System.

Appendix 3

Ministerial Direction

Minister for Police and Emergency Services
Simon Corbell, MLA

This Direction is issued under Section 6 of the Policing Arrangement between the Commonwealth and ACT Governments and outlines the Government’s priorities and expectations for the AFP and the Chief Police Officer. This Direction is to be read in conjunction with the 2009–2010 Purchase Agreement between the ACT Minister for Police and Emergency Services, the AFP Commissioner and the Chief Police Officer for the ACT.

The role of the Australian Federal Police

In accordance with the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 (the Act), the Australian Federal Police (AFP) provides community policing services to the Australian Capital Territory (ACT). In accordance with the Act the Commonwealth and ACT Governments entered into an arrangement for the provision of policing services in June 2006. This arrangement details the goods and services to be purchased by the ACT from the AFP and the agreed price for those services. This arrangement is supported by annual Purchase Agreements which outline the range of deliverables and Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Consistent with this agreement I expect ACT Policing to pay due attention to all elements of the Purchase Agreement.

Special Areas of Focus

The Government expects the AFP to give special emphasis to the following broad operational issues during financial year 2009–2010:


The Government expects the AFP to report quarterly to the Minister for Police and Emergency Services on progress against special areas of focus.

Signature: Simon Corbell, MLA
Simon Corbell, MLA
Minister for Police and Emergency Services

19 August 2009

Appendix 4 Financial Statements and Statement of Performance

Financial Statements

The Financial Statements are available for download as a PDF Document [554KB]

Statement of Performance

For the year ended 30 June 2010


In partnership with the community, create a safer and more secure Australian Capital Territory through the provision of quality police services.

In line with the 2009–2010 Purchase Agreement, our performance is measured against four key outputs:

  1. Crime and Safety Management—providing a safer and more secure ACT so that members of the community can go about their daily lives without undue fear of crime.
  2. Traffic Law Enforcement and Road Safety—enforcing traffic laws and promoting safer behaviour on ACT roads with the objective of reducing the number of crash fatalities and injuries to members of the community.
  3. Prosecution and Judicial Support—maximising the number of successful prosecutions in court by providing support to the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and the courts.
  4. Crime Prevention—reducing and preventing crime through strategies that incorporate government and community cooperation to address risk factors associated with criminal behaviour and recidivism and raise awareness of the community’s role in their own safety and security.


Crime and Safety Management

ACT Policing will provide a safer and more secure ACT so that members of the community can go about their daily lives without undue fear of crime.

This will be achieved by:

Final cost: $96, 528, 910

Traffic Law Enforcement and Road Safety

ACT Policing will enforce traffic laws and promote safer behaviour on ACT roads with the objectives of reducing the number of crash fatalities and injuries to members of the community.

Final cost: $10, 583, 295

Prosecution and Judicial Support

ACT Policing will maximise the number of successful prosecutions in Court by providing support to the DPP and the Courts.

Final cost: $22, 540, 902

Crime Prevention

ACT Policing will seek to prevent crime by targeting the causes of crime, educating members of the community about property and personal safety, and by pursuing inter-agency partnerships that assist in achieving this objective.

Final cost: $8, 882, 772

Annual financial statements for the reporting period, accompanied by the Auditor-General’s independent audit report can be found at Appendix 4.

Financial year to date report against the Purchase Agreement between the ACT Minister for Police and the Chief Police Officer for the ACT, 2009–2010

Reporting period: 01 July 2009 to 30 June 2010

Annual Target
year to date result
% variation
from target
Level of Crime
1. Number of offences against the person reported or becoming known per 100, 000 population.
850 or less
2. Number of offences against property reported or becoming known per 100, 000 population.
8500 or less
3. Percentage of offences against the person cleared.
67% or more
4. Percentage of offences against property cleared.
14% or more
Perceptions of Crime
5. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of physical assault in a public place —excluding sexual assault in the next 12 months.
National Average or less (38.1%)
6. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of sexual assault in the next 12 months.
National Average or less (14.3%)
7. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of housebreaking in the next 12 months.
National Average or less (51.1%)
8. Percentage of persons who are concerned about becoming a victim of motor vehicle theft in the next 12 months.
National Average or less (40.7%)
9. Percentage of persons who feel safe at home alone
during the day.
National Average or more (93.6%)
10. Percentage of persons who feel safe at home alone
during the night.
National Average or more (84.2%)
Police Responsiveness
11. Response times for Priority One Incidents:
• Within 8 minutes;
• Within 12 minutes.

60% or more

90% or more






12. Response times for Priority Two Incidents:
• Within 20 minutes;
• Within 30 minutes.
60% or more

95% or more





13. Response times for Priority Three Incidents:
• Within 2 hours;
• Within 3 hours.

60% or more

95% or more






14. Response times for Priority Four Incidents:
• Within 24 hours.

95% or more



15. Percentage of 000 calls answered on first or second presentation:
• On first presentation;
• On second presentation.

90% or more
98% or more



Public Confidence in Police
16. Percentage of persons satisfied with most recent contact
with police services.
National Average or more (80.8%)
17. Percentage of persons who agree that police perform
their job professionally.
National Average or more (80.2%)
18. Percentage of persons who agree that police treat people fairly and equally.
National Average or more (68.0%)
19. Number of established complaint issues against police.1
45 or below
20. Number of established complaint issues relating to persons
in custody.1
15 or below
Road Safety
21. Number of road crashes resulting in death per
100, 000 population.
4.2 or less
22. Number of road crashes resulting in injury per
100, 000 population.
180 or less
23. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving
10km per hour or more over the speed limit.
National Average or less (24.5%)
24. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving while
not wearing a seatbelt.
National Average or less (2.6%)
25. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving while suspecting they are over the prescribed alcohol limit.
National Average or less (1.9%)
26. Percentage of persons who self-report to driving when
using a mobile phone.
National Average or less (14.2%)
Supporting the Judicial Process
27. Percentage of briefs delivered to the DPP within the designated timeframe.2
75% or more
28. Percentage of cases finalised by offence proved in court.3
80% or more
29. Percentage of cases finalised by a not-guilty verdict or otherwise withdrawn.3
18% or less
30. Percentage of cases otherwise resolved.3
5% or less
Crime Prevention
31. Percentage of persons who perceive the following quality of life issues to be a problem in their neighbourhood2
• speeding cars, dangerous or noisy driving
National Average or less (73.8%)
• graffiti/vandalism
National Average or less (54.2%)
• louts/gangs
National Average or less (34.9%)
• drunken/disorderly behaviour
National Average or less (44.6%)
32. Number of juveniles referred to diversionary programs
55 or more
33. Number of persons referred to community support agencies.
5100 or more
34. Number of referrals to drug diversion programs
(drug demand reduction effort).
65 or more

1 Include established issues from complaints made in accordance with the Australian Federal Police Act, Part V, 1979, and also any complaint made before 30 December 2006 where issues were substantiated in the current reporting period.

2 The designated timeframe commences when the court allocates a date for a Case Management Hearing and/or a hearing date, not when P& JS receive the brief from DPP.

3 These measures are based on the concept of a ‘case’ where a person may be brought before the court on multiple charges. The charges are, for the purpose of these measures, grouped under the apprehension identification number which is automatically generated by the PROMIS Case Management System. Measure 28—Successful prosecutions—are those where any of the charges under one apprehension identification number has been proven before the court. Measure 29—Cases finalised by a not-guilty verdict or otherwise withdrawn—are those where none of the charges under one apprehension identification number have been proven before the court. Measure 30—Cases otherwise resolved—are those which resulted in a court appearance where the magistrate or judge made a determination which is not related to a finding of guilty or not-guilty. This currently refers to mental health orders used by the court.

Financial year to date report against the Purchase Agreement between the ACT Minister for Police and the Chief Police Officer for the ACT, 2009–2010

Reporting period: 01 July 2009 to 30 June 2010


1. Source: PROMIS Case Management System as at 02 July 2010. Total person offences reported during period = 2, 712.
2. Source: PROMIS Case Management System as at 02 July 2010. Total property offences reported during period = 31, 438.
3. Source: PROMIS Case Management System as at 02 July 2010. Total person offences cleared during period = 1, 979.
4. Source: PROMIS Case Management System as at 02 July 2010. Total property offences cleared during period = 3, 201.
5. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 38.1%.
6. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 14.3%.
7. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 51.1%.
8. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 40.7%.
9. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 93.6%.
10. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 84.2%.
11. Source: Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system as at 02 July 2010.
12. Source: Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system as at 02 July 2010.
13. Source: Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system as at 02 July 2010.
14. Source: Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) system as at 02 July 2010.
15. Source: Telstra as at 05 July 2010.
16. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 80.8%.
17. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 80.2%.
18. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 68%.
19. Source: Professional Standards, AFP as at 05 July 2010. Includes only complaint issues relating to ACT Policing members of the AFP
20. Source: Professional Standards, AFP as at 05 July 2010.
21. Source: PROMIS Incident, and/or manual count as at 02 July 20109. Crashes resulting in death during the period = 17.
22. Source: PROMIS Incident, and/or manual count as at 02 July 2010. Crashes resulting in injury during the period = 653.
23. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 24.5%.
24. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 2.6%.
25. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 1.9%.
26. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010. National result = 14.2%.
27. Source: Prosecution and Judicial Support as at 07 July 2010.
28. Source: Criminal Records as at 07 July 2010.
29. Source: Criminal Records as at 07 July 2010.
30. Source: Criminal Records as at 07 July 2010.
31. Source: Roy Morgan National Survey of Community Satisfaction with Police, 05 July 2010:

32. Source: Crime Prevention as at 02 July 2010.
33. Source: SupportLink as at 01 July 2010.
34. Source: Drug and Alcohol Policy Coordination as at 02 July 2010.

Rate per 100 000 population based on ACT Population as at 30 June 2008 from Australian Bureau of Statistics publication 3218.0 Regional Population Growth, Australia, published 31 March 2009. ACT Population as at 30 June 2008 = 345 551


Appendix 5

Offences reported or becoming known in the Australian Capital Territory 2009–2010

Offences type
Clear Up
Offences against the person
Homicide and related offences
Attempted murder
Conspiracy to murder
Driving causing death
Homicide unspecified
Total Homicide and related offences
Assaults (excluding sexual)
Assault causing GBH
Assault causing ABH
Assault other
Total assaults (excluding sexual)
Sexual Offences
Sexual assault 1st 2nd 3rd degree
Sexual intercourse, no consent
Sexual intercourse, person < 16 yrs
Indecent act, assault
Indecent act, no consent
Indecent act, person < 16 yrs
Indecent exposure
Abduction (sexual intent)
Total sexual offences
Other Offences
Other offences against the person
Total other offences
Total offences against the person
Offences against property
Armed robbery
Other robbery
Total robbery
Blackmail and extortion
Total blackmail and extortion
Burglary dwellings
Burglary shops
Burglary other
Total burglary
Fraud and misappropriation
Total fraud and misappropiation
Handling stolen goods
Unlawful possession
Total handling of stolen goods
Theft or illegal use of vehicle
Motor vehicle theft
Bicycle theft
Boat theft
Aircraft theft
Other vehicle theft
Unspecified vehicle theft
Total theft or illegal use of vehicle
Other theft
Stock theft
Shop stealing
Theft at burglary – dwellings
Theft at burglary – shops
Theft at burglary – other
Other theft
Total other theft
Property damage
Damage at burglary – dwellings
Damage at burglary – shops
Damage at burglary – other
Other property damage
Total property damage
Environmental offences
Flora and fauna
Other environmental offences
Total environmental offences
Total offences against property
Offences against good order
Government security/operations
Justice procedures
Firearms and weapons
Total offences against good order
Drug offences
Possess and use drugs
Deal and supply drugs
Manufacture and grow drugs
Total drug offences
Traffic offences
Drink driving offences
Dangerous and reckless driving
Driving licence offences
Other motor vehicle, traffic and related offences
Total traffic offences
Other offences not elsewhere classified
All Offences

Note: Offence classifications are based on Australian Bureau of Statistics ANCO (1985), Catalogue No. 1234.0.
Offences cleared do not necessarily relate to those offences reported in the period.
Offences reported in the Jervis Bay are excluded.

Source: Offences reported: PROMIS as at 2 July 2010
Offences cleared: PROMIS as at 2 July 2010
Number of charges: PROMIS (apprehensions module – number of unique offender records per offence type
within an apprehension) as at 2 July 2010.

Appendix 6

Compliance Index

Transmittal Certificate

Section A—Performance and Financial Management Reporting

A.1 The Organisation
A.2 Overview
A.3 Highlights
A.4 Outlook
A.5 Management Discussion and Analysis
A.6 Financial Report
A.7 Statement of Performance
A.8 Strategic Indicators
A.9 Analysis of Agency Performance
A.10 Triple Bottom Line Report

Section B – Consultation and Scrutiny Reporting

B.1 Community Engagement
B.2 Internal and External Scrutiny
B.3 Legislative Assembly Committee Inquiries and Reports
B.4 Legislation Report

Section C – Legislative and Policy Based Reporting

C.1 Risk Management and Internal Audit
C.2 Fraud Prevention
C.3 Public Interest Disclosure
C.4 Freedom of Information
C.5 Internal Accountability
C.6 HR Performance
C.7 Staffing Profile
C.8 Learning and Development
C.9 Workplace Health and Safety
C.10 Workplace Relations
C.11 Strategic Bushfire Management Plan
C.12 Strategic Asset Management
C.13 Capital Works
C.14 Government Contracting
C.15 Community Grants/Assistance/Sponsorship
C.16 Territory Records Act 2002 reporting
C.17 Human Rights Act 2004
C.18 Commissioner for the Environment
C.19 ACT Multicultural Strategy
C.20 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Reporting
C.21 Ecologically Sustainable Development
C.22 ACT Women’s Plan
C.23 Model Litigant Guidelines

Appendix 7

Non-Compliance Index

The following reporting requirements were determined as not applicable.

Section Reason for Omission
A.8—Strategic Indicators ACT Policing does not meet the criteria of a department nor that for a public authority, or ‘prescribed’ Territory authority.

The services provided by ACT Policing are on a ‘fee for service’ arrangement and our funding is delivered as part of the budget apportioned to DJaCS.

Section C.2—Fraud Prevention The AFP Fraud Control and Anti-Corruption Plan 2009–2011 addresses the fraud and corruption risks of the AFP. As part of this plan, the AFP continually conducts reviews of all identified risks and risk assessments to identify new and emerging risks.

The plan provides the framework for the management of fraud and corruption in our organisation and is consistent with the requirements of the Financial Management Accountability Act 1997 and the Commonwealth Fraud Control Guidelines.

Section C.3—Public Interest Disclosure As a Commonwealth Agency, our management of public interest disclosure is in accordance with the information disclosure provisions of the Australian Federal Police Act 1979 and other Commonwealth legislation.

We therefore do not comply with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 1994.

Section C.4—Freedom of Information As a Commonwealth agency, we operate under the Freedom of Information Act 1982. Requests for information under the Act are managed by the AFP’s Freedom of Information team.

The AFP website,, lists documents available for inspection and purchase in accordance with the Act and provides contact details for the Freedom of Information team and assistance with applying for documents.

Details regarding freedom of information requests received by the AFP during the reporting period are detailed in the AFP Annual Report.

We therefore do not comply with the Freedom of Information Act 1989.

C.11—Strategic Bushfire Management Plan ACT Policing has not been notified of the requirements to prepare a Bushfire Operational Plan by the ACT ESA, nor received any directions from the ACT Minister for Policing and Emergency Services.
Section C.14—
Government Contracting
The AFP is a Commonwealth Agency and therefore falls within the Commonwealth Financial Management and Accountability framework. Under this framework the AFP is required to comply with the Commonwealth Financial Management and Accountability Act 1997, Financial Management and Accountability Regulations 1997, Financial Management and Accountability Orders 2008 and Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines.

We therefore do not comply with the Government Procurement Act 2001.

C.16—Territory Records Our records are managed in accordance with the requirements of the Commonwealth Protective Security Manual, the AFP Act 1979, the Archives Act 1983 and other relevant Commonwealth and Territory legislation.

We do not have a Records Management Plan in the form required under the Territory’s legislation as we are a part of a Commonwealth Government Agency.

We therefore do not comply with the Territory Records Act 2002.

Section C.21—Ecologically Sustainable Development As a Commonwealth Agency the reporting requirements of the ACT Environment Protection Act 1997 do not apply to us.
C. 23—Model Litigant Guidelines As ACT Policing is the community policing arm of the AFP, any legal work performed for ACT Policing is provided to the Commonwealth, and does not constitute Territory legal work for the purposes of the Law Officer Act 1992 (ACT).

The AFP complies with the Model Litigant Policy under the Judiciary Act 1901 (Cth), and abides by the Legal Service Directions issued by the Commonwealth Attorney-General.

Appendix 8

Glossary of Abbreviations

ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics
ACC Australian Crime Commission
ACLEI Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity
ACT Australian Capital Territory
ADPYP Alcohol Diversion Program for Young People
AFP Australian Federal Police
AFPA Australian Federal Police Association
AIC Australian Institute of Criminology
AJA Aboriginal Justice Agreement
AJC Aboriginal Justice Centre
ANAO Australian National Audit Office
ANCOR Australian National Child Offenders’ Register
ANPR Automated Number Plate Recognition
ANU Australian National University
ANZPAA Australia and New Zealand Policing Advisory Agency
APM Australian Police Medal
ASIO Australian Security Intelligence Organisation
AWA Australian Workplace Agreement
BLO Business Liaison Officer
BRT Bomb Response Team
CA Collective Agreement
CAN Court Attendance Notice
CCTV Closed Circuit Television
CI Criminal Investigations
CIN Criminal Infringement Notice
CIT Canberra Institute of Technology
COAG Council of Australian Governments
CP Crime Prevention
CRAMS Complaints Recording and Management System
CT& EM Counter Terrorism and Emergency Management
DHCS Disability Housing and Community Services
DJaCS Department of Justice and Community Safety
DOM Duty Operations Manager
DPP Director of Public Prosecutions
DVCS Domestic Violence Crisis Service
ESA Emergency Services Agency
FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation
FPDP Federal Police Development Program
FTE Full Time Equivalent
FVIP Family Violence Intervention Program
FVIR Family Violence Incident Review
HR Human Resources
ICLO Indigenous Community Liaison Officer
ICLT Indigenous Community Liaison Team
IMOSC International Management of Serious Crime
ITEA Individual Transitional Employment Agreement
JO Judicial Operations
KPI Key Performance Indicator
MARSS Migrant and Refugee Settlement Services
MCPEM-P Ministerial Council for Police and Emergency Management - Police
MLO Multicultural Liaison Officer
MOSC Management of Serious Crime
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
NAFIS National Automated Fingerprint Identification System
NCMEC National Centre for Missing and Exploited Children
NCTC National Counter Terrorism Council
NOCRP National Organised Crime Response Plan
NSW New South Wales
OH& S Occupational Health and Safety
OIC Officer in Charge
OSS Operations Support Sergeant
PCYC Police and Community Youth Club
PDA Performance Development Agreement
PGA Pharmaceutical Guild Association
POC Police Operations Centre
PP& P Policy, Performance and Planning
PROMIS Police Real-time Online Management Information System
RAID Remove All Impaired Drivers
RAPID Recognition and Analysis of Plates IdentifieD
RBT Random Breath Test
RCMP Royal Canadian Mounted Police
RJU Restorative Justice Unit
RTA Road Transport Authority
SARP Sexual Assault Response Program
SCAG Standing Committee of Attorney-Generals
SEA Special Employment Agreement
SES State Emergency Service
SLO Senior Liaison Officer
SPS Suburban Policing Strategy
SRS Specialist Response and Security
TAMS Territory and Municipal Services
TIG Territory Investigations Group (now Criminal Investigations)
TIN Traffic Infringement Notice
UC University of Canberra
VLO Victim Liaison Officer
YLO Youth Liaison Officer


[1]Australian Government Cost Recovery Guidelines, Department of Finance and Administration Circular 2005/09

[2] Includes one-off additional Repairs and Maintenance funding.

[3] FTE number (operational and non-operational personnel) includes enabling FTEs (such as forensics, IT personnel) and is the level to which a unit may be staffed. Actual FTE numbers do not represent individuals but represent the aggregate sum of the percentage of time spent on ACT Government Service Delivery by individuals employed within the ACT Policing business unit and AFP Enabling areas.

[4] The budgeted FTE number is an annualised figure with actual FTE varying at any time in line with operational requirements. For example, the AFP may deploy additional resources to support ACT Policing in high workload periods such as Christmas/New Year period. Any increase in staffing may then be offset by reductions during low workload periods (winter) in order to remain within annual budgeted levels.

[5] The equalisation contribution replaces the Special Fiscal Needs (SFN) allowance provided by the Commonwealth in recognition of the ACT not having control over the terms and conditions of employment of AFP employees.